It was a sight to see R3 trying not to get his John Deer tractor run over by R8 riding in a Jeep that was obviously to small for him.
They were having the best time chasing each other around. Their laughter brought a smile to my face and warmed my heart.

This made me so delighted! Kaish has the same jeep. AND, he still rides it around like R8. Boys are so funny! I am glad you have two precious ones!
I remember those days~ we had a Barbie corvette and a jeep!!!
Chase has to go and have the ring made first... He is using two of the diamonds from my engagement ring. I wear a wedding band now! I had four diamonds in my engagement ring that belonged to Reid's grandmother and now my children will use them! She still has a year to go in school. I think they planning on having a very small wedding on the beach on a secluded island in the gulf. We have to get their boat. No one lives on it. It is really cool! It is called Little St. George. He just has to see if he can work out everything.
Is Mr. Perfect going to want one of those????
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