And we've only just begun.
No not the song from The Carpenters but we've only just begun baseball.
Yesterday's schedule was so crazy by 8pm I was whipped, ready to crawl into my bed and sleep for the next 206 hours.
It all started when I picked up R8 from school.
Then back to work and then back to small town to pick up R4 and change his clothes and head to baseball practice.
Where he proceeded to have a melt down.
You see we are practicing at R8's school and right next to the practice field is the play ground. The big kids play ground as R4 calls it. And he wanted to play on the slide not run the bases.
No amount of pleading, threatening or even calling Hubs at his track meet out of town helped. He pitched a fit for the next ten minutes until I bribed R8 with some big $$ to go and help R4 during practice.
He took R4 by the hand and walked him over to his team and stayed with him during the entire practice. Right up to the point where R4 told him he could handle it.
R8 went off to play and R4 did exactly as his coach asked him to do for the next hour.
But once we were done with practice he wanted to play on the play ground.
So I let him play for about 10 minutes and told him time to go. Then the pitching of the fit resumed.
I let him cry all the way to the car. Once we were in the car the fit stopped.
Why is that your children will act one way when everyone is staring at you and a completely different way when they aren't .
When we get home the rush starts all over again.
Let Cookie out, feed Cookie.
Give the boys a snack, start dinner.
Feed the boys dinner and give baths.
Clean the kitchen, let Cookie out again.
Vacuum the house, fold the laundry and put it way.
Put the boys to bed, say our prayers, and collapse in the chair.
OK I'm tired again just typing all of it.
So I'm going to take a much needed rest. At work mind you. At least there I can sit in one spot. And if I just happen to fall asleep maybe my boss will take pity on me and leave me to wake up later with a red spot in the middle of my forehead from my head resting on my hands. Just like when I was in school.
Maybe that isn't such a good idea.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Grapevine football shows the love
I saw this link on Boo Mama's blog a few weeks back and then I saw this video on Vicki's blog yesterday.
I love this story.
It is truly amazing what God can do. What people can do when they let the love of Jesus work in and through their lives.
This story needs to be shared. Everyone needs to hear it, to see it.
It touched my heart and brought me to tears.
Make sure you have your tissues handy. You will need them.
I love this story.
It is truly amazing what God can do. What people can do when they let the love of Jesus work in and through their lives.
This story needs to be shared. Everyone needs to hear it, to see it.
It touched my heart and brought me to tears.
Make sure you have your tissues handy. You will need them.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Trash TV
Several bloggers talk about the TV shows they watch.
The Office, Lost, Survivor and so on.
But what about the trash TV shows?
Right now one of my favorites to watch is The Real Housewives of Orange County and New York.
And when I say trash TV I mean it in a nice trashy kind of way.
The drama, ladies lets just say they bring it.
Orange County is in 4th season reruns right now but New York is going strong.
So if you need a little night time drama, cat fights, Botox, and plastic surgery then tune into Bravo TV on Tuesday nights.
Bravo should totally hire me to plug these shows.
I promise you won't be disappointed.
The Office, Lost, Survivor and so on.
But what about the trash TV shows?
Right now one of my favorites to watch is The Real Housewives of Orange County and New York.
And when I say trash TV I mean it in a nice trashy kind of way.
The drama, ladies lets just say they bring it.
Orange County is in 4th season reruns right now but New York is going strong.
So if you need a little night time drama, cat fights, Botox, and plastic surgery then tune into Bravo TV on Tuesday nights.
Bravo should totally hire me to plug these shows.
I promise you won't be disappointed.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Doggy grooming lesson 101
I'm new to this doggy thing.
I haven't had a dog since I was teenager living at home. Back then we always had some sort of animal. I can honestly say we never had a cat though because I am allergic to them. But dogs, birds, gerbils, and hamsters we always plentiful.
I took the dog to the pet store to have a bath and her nails cut. I was afraid they were going to ask me if I wanted her nails painted and thankfully they didn't because Cookie really isn't a girlie kind of dog. She is more of sporty dog.
I think she would prefer the color red over pink any day.
So here is where it gets NASTY!
When I walked into the pet store and told them what I wanted and the technician also asked if I wanted her anal glands expressed.
I said no thank you and I left the store.
Like I said I am new adult to doggy land. So I called my friend D who gave Cookie to us and I asked her about it.
She gave me all of the NASTY details that I will leave out for you but needless to say I called the pest store back and told them to go ahead with the expression because there is NO WAY I repeat NO WAY I am doing that E-V-E-R-!
Just the thought of what....OK never mind.
I'm done. Subject finished.
R4 and I picked up Cookie a few hours later and she was so happy to see us.
When she jumped on me her nails no longer scratched my legs to pieces and she smelled wonderful.
Bottom line, pun intended, she is clean from top to bottom literally.
I haven't had a dog since I was teenager living at home. Back then we always had some sort of animal. I can honestly say we never had a cat though because I am allergic to them. But dogs, birds, gerbils, and hamsters we always plentiful.
I took the dog to the pet store to have a bath and her nails cut. I was afraid they were going to ask me if I wanted her nails painted and thankfully they didn't because Cookie really isn't a girlie kind of dog. She is more of sporty dog.
I think she would prefer the color red over pink any day.
So here is where it gets NASTY!
When I walked into the pet store and told them what I wanted and the technician also asked if I wanted her anal glands expressed.
I said no thank you and I left the store.
Like I said I am new adult to doggy land. So I called my friend D who gave Cookie to us and I asked her about it.
She gave me all of the NASTY details that I will leave out for you but needless to say I called the pest store back and told them to go ahead with the expression because there is NO WAY I repeat NO WAY I am doing that E-V-E-R-!
Just the thought of what....OK never mind.
I'm done. Subject finished.
R4 and I picked up Cookie a few hours later and she was so happy to see us.
When she jumped on me her nails no longer scratched my legs to pieces and she smelled wonderful.
Bottom line, pun intended, she is clean from top to bottom literally.

Monday, February 23, 2009
Today is my dad's birthday.
He is 62.
I don't see my dad as often as I would like because he lives out of town. But we talk so often it makes up for it.
He loves his family. He always wants to know what is going on and what the boys are up to.
My dad has taught me so many things.
Like how to change a flat tire, check my oil pressure and bleed my brakes.
He taught me how to shoot a free throw and mow the grass.
He taught me how to drive a stick shift and give a left hook.
He taught me how to be polite and be respectful. To always answer yes sir or no ma'am. And let me just say if didn't answer that way it was on. Dad never had room for rudeness from me or my brother.
He taught me how use a saw.
But most of all he taught me how to be a grown up and a good parent. Even though he says I am not grown until he is dead.
He told me not to long ago he was proud of me for the way Hubs and I were raising the boys.
He told me I was doing a good job.
He told me he loved me.
Well Dad, I love you and thank you for teaching me about life.
Happy Birthday!
He is 62.
I don't see my dad as often as I would like because he lives out of town. But we talk so often it makes up for it.
He loves his family. He always wants to know what is going on and what the boys are up to.
My dad has taught me so many things.
Like how to change a flat tire, check my oil pressure and bleed my brakes.
He taught me how to shoot a free throw and mow the grass.
He taught me how to drive a stick shift and give a left hook.
He taught me how to be polite and be respectful. To always answer yes sir or no ma'am. And let me just say if didn't answer that way it was on. Dad never had room for rudeness from me or my brother.
He taught me how use a saw.
But most of all he taught me how to be a grown up and a good parent. Even though he says I am not grown until he is dead.
He told me not to long ago he was proud of me for the way Hubs and I were raising the boys.
He told me I was doing a good job.
He told me he loved me.
Well Dad, I love you and thank you for teaching me about life.
Happy Birthday!

Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
High School Musical 3
We had family movie night last night minus the popcorn.
High School Musical 3 came out on DVD the other day and I bought it.
My sister in law and I took the kids to see it when it came out and we loved it! We thought this one was the best one hands down.
The entire time we were at the theater, R4 was up out of his seat dancing in the isles. I don't know what was more fun to watch, him or the movie. Either way the entertainment was great.
Any way
So right after bath time we settled down to watch.
Or so I thought.
Once the music started, R4 couldn't sit still. He was up dancing in the living room for every song.
I felt like deja vu minus the popcorn. Did I mention that we didn't have popcorn?
R8 said he did not want to watch that "stupid" movie again but he never moved off of the couch and even at one point he was up dancing.
Yes that's right not only did we have the movie for entertainment we also had dancing.
Welcome to club RRMAMA. Where if dancing around the living room singing movies show tunes is your kind of fun, then come on in.
We don't have a cover charge.
We just ask that you not judge our dancing skills.
High School Musical 3 came out on DVD the other day and I bought it.
My sister in law and I took the kids to see it when it came out and we loved it! We thought this one was the best one hands down.
The entire time we were at the theater, R4 was up out of his seat dancing in the isles. I don't know what was more fun to watch, him or the movie. Either way the entertainment was great.
Any way
So right after bath time we settled down to watch.
Or so I thought.
Once the music started, R4 couldn't sit still. He was up dancing in the living room for every song.
I felt like deja vu minus the popcorn. Did I mention that we didn't have popcorn?
R8 said he did not want to watch that "stupid" movie again but he never moved off of the couch and even at one point he was up dancing.
Yes that's right not only did we have the movie for entertainment we also had dancing.
Welcome to club RRMAMA. Where if dancing around the living room singing movies show tunes is your kind of fun, then come on in.
We don't have a cover charge.
We just ask that you not judge our dancing skills.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
A few things parenting has taught me
I was reading this from Shannon the other day and it got me thinking about some things I have learned over the past few years about being a parent.
Here are just a few of them.
* Just as soon as you change the sheets on your child's bed they will wake up in the middle of the night and throw up all over them.
* When cleaning your computer monitor it will only take a mere second for a child to come over and put finger prints all over it.
* No matter how many times you have just cleaned the bathroom a child will always leave tooth paste residue in the sink.
* A curious 2 year old will pull a Christmas stocking down from the mantle to see if anything has been put in it only to end up in the emergency room to receive 3 stitches.
* When putting your child to bed, they will find any excuse to get out of bed including asking for their hug and kiss back.
* Your child will repeat at the most in opportune time what you said earlier that wasn't so nice.
* When your child says they have an ear ache first thing in the morning, listen to them, and take them to the doctor, it will save you from being sleep deprived the next day.
* No matter how many times you take a potty break on a road trip, a child will always have to go to the bath room when there are no gas stations for the next 14 miles.
* Just when you and your spouse settle down for some time together a child will have a bad dream and want to be held.
Here are just a few of them.
* Just as soon as you change the sheets on your child's bed they will wake up in the middle of the night and throw up all over them.
* When cleaning your computer monitor it will only take a mere second for a child to come over and put finger prints all over it.
* No matter how many times you have just cleaned the bathroom a child will always leave tooth paste residue in the sink.
* A curious 2 year old will pull a Christmas stocking down from the mantle to see if anything has been put in it only to end up in the emergency room to receive 3 stitches.
* When putting your child to bed, they will find any excuse to get out of bed including asking for their hug and kiss back.
* Your child will repeat at the most in opportune time what you said earlier that wasn't so nice.
* When your child says they have an ear ache first thing in the morning, listen to them, and take them to the doctor, it will save you from being sleep deprived the next day.
* No matter how many times you take a potty break on a road trip, a child will always have to go to the bath room when there are no gas stations for the next 14 miles.
* Just when you and your spouse settle down for some time together a child will have a bad dream and want to be held.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Batter up
Yes it's that time again!
The beginning of baseball season.
I love it!
I love to sit at the ball park and take in all of the sights and sounds.
This will be R4's first year to play.
My dad usually calls this age group tackle t-ball. It is so funny to watch them trying to play. I think having an older brother with definitely help R4.
R8 is playing catcher again. It's a position he loves and gives 100% of his effort to.
This weekend the boys have try outs and then on March 21 we have opening day.
So the next few weeks will be a crazy schedule of practices and lessons.
I can't wait to sit there in my chair eating pickle flavor sunflower seeds or as R4 calls them...pickle flower seeds and watch both of them.
The only problem I have now would be if they both don't play for the same team. I know they aren't in the same division but if they played for the same team, I would only have to get one shirt.
Because I really don't want to change shirts at the ball park.
The beginning of baseball season.
I love it!
I love to sit at the ball park and take in all of the sights and sounds.
This will be R4's first year to play.
My dad usually calls this age group tackle t-ball. It is so funny to watch them trying to play. I think having an older brother with definitely help R4.
R8 is playing catcher again. It's a position he loves and gives 100% of his effort to.
This weekend the boys have try outs and then on March 21 we have opening day.
So the next few weeks will be a crazy schedule of practices and lessons.
I can't wait to sit there in my chair eating pickle flavor sunflower seeds or as R4 calls them...pickle flower seeds and watch both of them.
The only problem I have now would be if they both don't play for the same team. I know they aren't in the same division but if they played for the same team, I would only have to get one shirt.
Because I really don't want to change shirts at the ball park.

Monday, February 16, 2009
I've got nada
I'm still tired.
But I think we are all finally on the road to recovery.
I am so sick of being sick!
I am tired of coughing and taking medicine.
I'm trying to keep up my energy and even that is making me tired.
I'm tired of griping about it.
The only thing I know is I have definitely paid the light bill at Walgreen's for the next two weeks. And that is with my co-pays!
And since I really don't have a post for today, I thought I would take the opportunity to ask the three readers I have if you have any questions you would like to ask me.
Any thing deep and burning?
I know it sounds like a cop out, kinda lame, but I assure you I saw it on another blog and she is anything but lame!
So ask away and when I get up enough strength to type again, I will answer them.
Thanks and have a great day peeps.
But I think we are all finally on the road to recovery.
I am so sick of being sick!
I am tired of coughing and taking medicine.
I'm trying to keep up my energy and even that is making me tired.
I'm tired of griping about it.
The only thing I know is I have definitely paid the light bill at Walgreen's for the next two weeks. And that is with my co-pays!
And since I really don't have a post for today, I thought I would take the opportunity to ask the three readers I have if you have any questions you would like to ask me.
Any thing deep and burning?
I know it sounds like a cop out, kinda lame, but I assure you I saw it on another blog and she is anything but lame!
So ask away and when I get up enough strength to type again, I will answer them.
Thanks and have a great day peeps.

Thursday, February 12, 2009
R8 here...
So Dad has the flu and is down for the count.
Mom has the flu and a nasty cough and has fallen into the recliner with 4 blankets, never to be heard from again.
R3 is at the lake with Big Guy and Duh-Duh.
Sick parents and no brother, 8 year old heaven!
Really no, I wish my mom and dad would get better and R3 will be back on Thursday.
So while I camp out in my room so I don't get sick, would you please pray that my parents get better fast?
Thank you.
Mom has the flu and a nasty cough and has fallen into the recliner with 4 blankets, never to be heard from again.
R3 is at the lake with Big Guy and Duh-Duh.
Sick parents and no brother, 8 year old heaven!
Really no, I wish my mom and dad would get better and R3 will be back on Thursday.
So while I camp out in my room so I don't get sick, would you please pray that my parents get better fast?
Thank you.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
"I can not go to school today", said little Peggy Ann McKay.
"I have the measles and the mumps, a gash, a rash, and purple bumps."
Oh wait that is one of my favorite poems from Shel Silverstein.
But we are all sick.
Everyone except R8. And I don't know how that happened either.
R3 ran fever over the weekend and he and Hubs stayed home this past Friday.
Saturday I started feeling bad, AGAIN!
I now have this most annoying cough and it seems to be getting worse.
Hubs also started to run fever and didn't move out of the recliner for what seemed like an eternity.
*Note to self*
Douse the chair in Lysol not once but twice maybe even five times!
*End Note*
I called for reinforcements and my mother in law came to play nurse maid to all us.
She took R8 to school and R3 to the doctor and found out he has bronchitis. He now has three prescriptions.
She even made sure Hubs and I went to the doctor.
Which was a good thing since Hubs found out he has the flu. And he has two prescriptions. Me, the doctor just said I have a very nasty cough and gave me a prescription for some super highly powerful cough syrup. He also gave me Tamiflu since Hubs tested positive for the flu.
I truly think doctors should offer two for one since Hubs and I use the same doctor and we both saw him today.
We also gave our insurance card a work out along with Walgreen's having to fill our 486 requests for medicine.
Anyway, if I'm gone for a few days and there is a random post from R8 don't panic, he knows how much I love to blog so he might fill in for me if he sees I can't move off of the couch.
"I have the measles and the mumps, a gash, a rash, and purple bumps."
Oh wait that is one of my favorite poems from Shel Silverstein.
But we are all sick.
Everyone except R8. And I don't know how that happened either.
R3 ran fever over the weekend and he and Hubs stayed home this past Friday.
Saturday I started feeling bad, AGAIN!
I now have this most annoying cough and it seems to be getting worse.
Hubs also started to run fever and didn't move out of the recliner for what seemed like an eternity.
*Note to self*
Douse the chair in Lysol not once but twice maybe even five times!
*End Note*
I called for reinforcements and my mother in law came to play nurse maid to all us.
She took R8 to school and R3 to the doctor and found out he has bronchitis. He now has three prescriptions.
She even made sure Hubs and I went to the doctor.
Which was a good thing since Hubs found out he has the flu. And he has two prescriptions. Me, the doctor just said I have a very nasty cough and gave me a prescription for some super highly powerful cough syrup. He also gave me Tamiflu since Hubs tested positive for the flu.
I truly think doctors should offer two for one since Hubs and I use the same doctor and we both saw him today.
We also gave our insurance card a work out along with Walgreen's having to fill our 486 requests for medicine.
Anyway, if I'm gone for a few days and there is a random post from R8 don't panic, he knows how much I love to blog so he might fill in for me if he sees I can't move off of the couch.

Monday, February 9, 2009
Well our new family member has fit right in. Cookie is officially ours!
We just love her.
My friends D & her husband C have been working with a group, SAFE house for four years. They are foster parents for dogs until they find homes.
In the entire time, D has never asked me to adopt a dog until two weeks ago.
She said she had the perfect dog for us.
Cookie is a Terri mix and is the sweetest thing.
One thing that sold us was she is already house broken. That was a HUGE plus since we have new carpet.
Cookie is also crate trained. When I walk her, she will only walk on my left side. She doesn't bark, bite, jump, nothing, nada!
She will sit and let me pet her for hours and she loves to snuggle under the covers.
D was right, she is perfect for our family.
And I hate to get this wrong, so D if I do, correct me please.
Cookie came from a good home where her owner had fallen ill and could no longer take care of her and her other dogs. Cookie's other mother I think also worked with SAFE house at one time and she knew they would find a good home for her.
And guess what they did!
Another plus... D's oldest daughter C is a vet. and she gave her a complete check and she is fine, great health.
Thanks C!
And as you can tell, Cookie has found her spot in our house.
We just love her.
My friends D & her husband C have been working with a group, SAFE house for four years. They are foster parents for dogs until they find homes.
In the entire time, D has never asked me to adopt a dog until two weeks ago.
She said she had the perfect dog for us.
Cookie is a Terri mix and is the sweetest thing.
One thing that sold us was she is already house broken. That was a HUGE plus since we have new carpet.
Cookie is also crate trained. When I walk her, she will only walk on my left side. She doesn't bark, bite, jump, nothing, nada!
She will sit and let me pet her for hours and she loves to snuggle under the covers.
D was right, she is perfect for our family.
And I hate to get this wrong, so D if I do, correct me please.
Cookie came from a good home where her owner had fallen ill and could no longer take care of her and her other dogs. Cookie's other mother I think also worked with SAFE house at one time and she knew they would find a good home for her.
And guess what they did!
Another plus... D's oldest daughter C is a vet. and she gave her a complete check and she is fine, great health.
Thanks C!
And as you can tell, Cookie has found her spot in our house.

Friday, February 6, 2009
Expanding our family
I have big new from our household.
We are expanding our family this weekend!
No, no baby, at least not the human kind.
We are getting this....

Her name is Cookie and we are adopting her.
I will have more about her on Monday.
Have a great weekend everyone!
We are expanding our family this weekend!
No, no baby, at least not the human kind.
We are getting this....
Her name is Cookie and we are adopting her.
I will have more about her on Monday.
Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Baby Harper
Baby Harper is going home!
Thank you Lord.
God has done some amazing things in their lives while on this journey, you can go here to read more about it.
There have been so many people praying for Kelly, Scott, and Harper.
Their faith and courage have been so strong.
May God continue to bless them.
Thank you Lord.
God has done some amazing things in their lives while on this journey, you can go here to read more about it.
There have been so many people praying for Kelly, Scott, and Harper.
Their faith and courage have been so strong.
May God continue to bless them.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I'm done, throwing in the towel
I'm finished! Done, the end!
Yes you heard right.
Stinkin' insurance companies! They are, well I won't go there!
Hubs has been handling everything since Hurricane Ike regarding the insurance company, and I must say he has been doing a fantastic job.
Anyway, long story short is our adjuster is no longer with the company. SHOCKER!
And he didn't file any of our claim work properly. ANOTHER SHOCKER! Maybe that is why he isn't with the company any more.
And since our claim is older than 90 days, it has been referred to the resolution center. Where ever in the heck that is!!
We need to fill all of our paper work out and submit everything AGAIN.
The upside to this is one of our friends is a lawyer, he has offered his services and said he will write all necessary papers on our behalf.
Thank you Lord!
I am praying for a quick and speedy resolution.
And maybe, just maybe I will hold off on waving my white flag in defeat.
Yes you heard right.
Stinkin' insurance companies! They are, well I won't go there!
Hubs has been handling everything since Hurricane Ike regarding the insurance company, and I must say he has been doing a fantastic job.
Anyway, long story short is our adjuster is no longer with the company. SHOCKER!
And he didn't file any of our claim work properly. ANOTHER SHOCKER! Maybe that is why he isn't with the company any more.
And since our claim is older than 90 days, it has been referred to the resolution center. Where ever in the heck that is!!
We need to fill all of our paper work out and submit everything AGAIN.
The upside to this is one of our friends is a lawyer, he has offered his services and said he will write all necessary papers on our behalf.
Thank you Lord!
I am praying for a quick and speedy resolution.
And maybe, just maybe I will hold off on waving my white flag in defeat.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I just finished the Twilight series. All four of them.
Vampires are not my normal type of reading material but while we were staying with our friends, S, gave me her copy of Twilight to read.
I was hooked after the first chapter. I couldn't put the book down.
Breaking Dawn, I think, is by far the best in the series. I was sad to see the story end.
If you haven't read the series, read it, read it, READ IT.
Did I say it is a must read?
But now I am left to find something new, any suggestions?
Vampires are not my normal type of reading material but while we were staying with our friends, S, gave me her copy of Twilight to read.
I was hooked after the first chapter. I couldn't put the book down.
Breaking Dawn, I think, is by far the best in the series. I was sad to see the story end.
If you haven't read the series, read it, read it, READ IT.
Did I say it is a must read?
But now I am left to find something new, any suggestions?

Monday, February 2, 2009
Feeling helpless
I can't help but feel helpless all over again.
While the weather is just the opposite the devastation is the same.
No power, falling limbs, and damage to homes.
The Queen B and The Roost need our prayers.
They are living through what some weathermen are calling the ice storm of 2009.
I want to know how the weathermen can call it the ice storm of 2009 when it is only February and we still have 11 months to go in the year? I'm just sayin'.
And while the ice has thawed, the clean up is still an on going process.
Please pray for them and their families this week.
While the weather is just the opposite the devastation is the same.
No power, falling limbs, and damage to homes.
The Queen B and The Roost need our prayers.
They are living through what some weathermen are calling the ice storm of 2009.
I want to know how the weathermen can call it the ice storm of 2009 when it is only February and we still have 11 months to go in the year? I'm just sayin'.
And while the ice has thawed, the clean up is still an on going process.
Please pray for them and their families this week.

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