This same company had been out three years ago and I loved the picture I ordered and have always wanted them to come back out.
So since this was R2's first year to play and R1's second year as catcher, I decided to call them to see if they would come out.
I told a few people about them coming and then they told a few people and so on and so on.
I feel like I'm in a Faberge Organic shampoo commercial from the 80s.
Any way, the photographers came took their pictures and then came back again a few weeks later so we could choose our shots, mattes, and frames.
They delivered them this past weekend and they are AWESOME!!!
All of them were good. There wasn't a bad shot or picture. And the best part, everyone loved what they got.
I wanted to just post the pictures but you know the anonymity thing for the kids kept me from doing so.
But I was so excited, I just had to show you. So excuse the fuzzed out, colored out, and chopped of parts.


This one is for my dad. He's gonna love it!

Oh by the way the ones of R1 and R2 have the same frame and matte. I only wish I could have shown the graphics that I fuzzed out. It has their names, the ball park name, and the year.