Hi! Is anyone still there? I disappear for a few days and my site meter crashed to non existent. It's not like I have a thousand readers so how it crashed it beyond me.
Moving on.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I will just say this ours started out small, six people and then it jumped to eight and then it went to eleven, and the final count was thirteen in just a matter of hours.
But God provided just like he always does. We had plenty and we had left overs for another meal.
I went shopping on Black Friday for the first time, but that is a post for another day. Let me just say this...11 1/2 hours of shopping! I literally shopped till I dropped.
I also rested for about an hour and the put up the Christmas tree and all the decorations. The inside of the house is done and while I was gone Hubs and the boys had done the outside.
Now it's time for one of my marathon wrapping sessions because another small feat happened over the weekend. We are done shopping for Christmas!
EVERYTHING, bought and stashed away. It's a really great feeling that I can relax and actually enjoy the holiday.
So I hope everyone has a great Monday!
Oh and don't forget The Nesters Christmas Tour of Homes on December fourteenth!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The mojo is non-existent
I had no idea that Hubs had hijacked my blog again!
And as painful as it is, I would never lie to you, it was all true.
Guess Hubs thinks I needed some sort of post up since my posting has well become non existent.
To tell you the truth my blogging mojo has gone kaput! Out the window, gone, left, up and vanished.
I think it's holidays. Really we do not have free weekend in November and December isn't looking much better. I get tired just thinking about it.
Z z Z z Z z Z z
Oh sorry, I needed a nap.
Anyway. I'm taking the rest of the week off. We are having Thanksgiving at our house and it is already kicking my sweet potato butt.
So I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday with the ones they love and they eat all the pumpkin pie or what ever dessert you like till you just can't handle ANOTHER bite.
See you back here on Monday.
Gobble Gobble Gobble.
And as painful as it is, I would never lie to you, it was all true.
Guess Hubs thinks I needed some sort of post up since my posting has well become non existent.
To tell you the truth my blogging mojo has gone kaput! Out the window, gone, left, up and vanished.
I think it's holidays. Really we do not have free weekend in November and December isn't looking much better. I get tired just thinking about it.
Z z Z z Z z Z z
Oh sorry, I needed a nap.
Anyway. I'm taking the rest of the week off. We are having Thanksgiving at our house and it is already kicking my sweet potato butt.
So I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday with the ones they love and they eat all the pumpkin pie or what ever dessert you like till you just can't handle ANOTHER bite.
See you back here on Monday.
Gobble Gobble Gobble.

Saturday, November 21, 2009
The Dreams
So RRmama doesn't know I am doing this. I'm hijacking to tell some funny stories that happened this week.
On Wednesday night I was working on my computer and she was sitting in the recliner watching her favorite shows on Food Network. About 10:30 I head a noise that sounded like she was choking to death. I turned around and she was asleep so I said, "are you okay?" She did not reply but she moved and I could tell the noise was actually her snoring. She moved enough to stop so I went back to my work. A few minutes later I hear her "choking" again. So I decided that was enough and I tell her to go to bed. I help her get up and on her way and about halfway down the hall she just looks up and out of the blue says "Wow, that looks delicious!" Huh??? What are you talking about. I guess she really was into her Food Network., so much so she was dream walking down the hall to it.
So, fast forward to Thursday night, well really Friday morning about 3. I rolled over in bed and once again she is making some weird noise, a grumbling this time. I once again ask, "what's wrong are you ok?" Her reply, "I would be if you wouldn't have left me on the side of the road". What?? I would never leave her on the side of the road to begin with, but the only place we had been together was about 2 minutes away and there really isn't any place to leave her.
It has been an interesting couple of nights around here. Hopefully she will keep saying funny stuff.
On Wednesday night I was working on my computer and she was sitting in the recliner watching her favorite shows on Food Network. About 10:30 I head a noise that sounded like she was choking to death. I turned around and she was asleep so I said, "are you okay?" She did not reply but she moved and I could tell the noise was actually her snoring. She moved enough to stop so I went back to my work. A few minutes later I hear her "choking" again. So I decided that was enough and I tell her to go to bed. I help her get up and on her way and about halfway down the hall she just looks up and out of the blue says "Wow, that looks delicious!" Huh??? What are you talking about. I guess she really was into her Food Network., so much so she was dream walking down the hall to it.
So, fast forward to Thursday night, well really Friday morning about 3. I rolled over in bed and once again she is making some weird noise, a grumbling this time. I once again ask, "what's wrong are you ok?" Her reply, "I would be if you wouldn't have left me on the side of the road". What?? I would never leave her on the side of the road to begin with, but the only place we had been together was about 2 minutes away and there really isn't any place to leave her.
It has been an interesting couple of nights around here. Hopefully she will keep saying funny stuff.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Favorite Thanksgiving things
Since Thanksgiving is next week, I know NEXT week, I thought I would list a few of my favorite things for this time of year.
And if any of you are in need of an idea or just short on time, like me, please feel free to steal mine or make one of your own.
And now my list....
And if any of you are in need of an idea or just short on time, like me, please feel free to steal mine or make one of your own.
And now my list....
Cool crisp air
Good hair days
Pumpkin pie
Home made chicken and dumplings
My mother in laws dressing
Blazers (over sized)
Bright fall colored leaves on the ground
Fires in the fireplace
Smell of cinnamon and nutmeg
My house filled with family and laughter
Good hair days
Pumpkin pie
Home made chicken and dumplings
My mother in laws dressing
Blazers (over sized)
Bright fall colored leaves on the ground
Fires in the fireplace
Smell of cinnamon and nutmeg
My house filled with family and laughter

Monday, November 16, 2009
Road trip to Marshall, Texas
Just a little up date on the old works stuff. The hearing was postponed and should be taking place in a few weeks. UGH! I was really hoping to get all of this behind me but it looks as if it's going to be a little longer.
This past weekend the family took a road trip to Marshall, TX. We went to ETBU (East Texas Baptist University) to be exact.
Some good friends of ours have a son, Austin, who will be graduating in December and he was playing his last college football game.
Austin's wife, Lindsey, invited all of their family and close friends to come and celebrate this day with them. The only catch was Austin knew nothing!
Before the game ETBU was going to announce all of the seniors and introduce them and their families. So Lindsey along with Austin and his parents were all down on the field waiting to be announced and Austin looks up into to stands just to see how crowded it was.
His face said it all! He was so surprised and excited to see about 40 of us, sitting there ready to cheer him on.
It was a great game and ETBU won 42-7. Sorry Howard Payne University! And Austin had four tackles and ended up holding the record for the most this season.
Then after the game we all stood around for pictures and the headed off to his house for yet another surprise.
Lindsey planned to have all of us over for a BBQ. So while Austin was cleaning up we were all setting up!
When Austin walked up and saw all of us standing there and clapping for him he was even more shocked. He truly had no idea. Lindsey kept it from him for almost a month.
You see Austin's dad, Richard, is one of Hubs' coaching buddies. They have been coaching together for over 12 years. Hubs' even coached Austin when he was in middle school.
And back when Austin was in middle school he broke his wrist during a football game. And so Hubs told both Richard and Austin one thing Saturday night during the party.
It's a long way from "Holy Crap, it's broke!" Which is exactly what Richard said when Austin broke his wrist.
Way to go Austin! We are so proud of you and of Lindsey!!!
This past weekend the family took a road trip to Marshall, TX. We went to ETBU (East Texas Baptist University) to be exact.
Some good friends of ours have a son, Austin, who will be graduating in December and he was playing his last college football game.
Austin's wife, Lindsey, invited all of their family and close friends to come and celebrate this day with them. The only catch was Austin knew nothing!
Before the game ETBU was going to announce all of the seniors and introduce them and their families. So Lindsey along with Austin and his parents were all down on the field waiting to be announced and Austin looks up into to stands just to see how crowded it was.
His face said it all! He was so surprised and excited to see about 40 of us, sitting there ready to cheer him on.
It was a great game and ETBU won 42-7. Sorry Howard Payne University! And Austin had four tackles and ended up holding the record for the most this season.
Then after the game we all stood around for pictures and the headed off to his house for yet another surprise.
Lindsey planned to have all of us over for a BBQ. So while Austin was cleaning up we were all setting up!
When Austin walked up and saw all of us standing there and clapping for him he was even more shocked. He truly had no idea. Lindsey kept it from him for almost a month.
You see Austin's dad, Richard, is one of Hubs' coaching buddies. They have been coaching together for over 12 years. Hubs' even coached Austin when he was in middle school.
And back when Austin was in middle school he broke his wrist during a football game. And so Hubs told both Richard and Austin one thing Saturday night during the party.
It's a long way from "Holy Crap, it's broke!" Which is exactly what Richard said when Austin broke his wrist.
Way to go Austin! We are so proud of you and of Lindsey!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Old job stuff and prayers
I've got something going on Thursday morning that I am needing your prayers for.
Y'all have been through the old job saga and the lay off with me. Then the new job joy. But the old job saga is back.
I am scheduled for an unemployment hearing. Yes ma'am, just like a court hearing but without the attorneys and a judge. We will be sworn in by oath and the whole nine yards. And this whole thing has just really got me.
I will be having a telephone hearing with a hearing official and my old employer.
Now I have been at my new job for a while and this old job stuff is still hanging around. I know the state is swamped with unemployment at an all time high, but I really want to put all of this behind me and move on.
I have been praying and will continue to pray. I am praying for all of us involved, even my old employer. I am praying for the hearing official. I am praying for Jesus to just sit him self down in an empty chair if there is one, I will have one ready just for him. And if there's not a chair then just to sit down on the floor.
To let everyone feel his presence and make himself known to them. To give all of us the knowledge to make the decisions that need to be made.
To calm my nervousness. To hold me by his side. To give me strength and guidance.
But most of all I want His will to be done. He knows what I want. But He also knows that I truly want what He wants. He knows what I can handle and what I can't. He knows what will be best for me now and in the future. And I trust Him completely.
So if you get a chance or think about it on Thursday around 9:30AM, say a pray for me.
Y'all have been through the old job saga and the lay off with me. Then the new job joy. But the old job saga is back.
I am scheduled for an unemployment hearing. Yes ma'am, just like a court hearing but without the attorneys and a judge. We will be sworn in by oath and the whole nine yards. And this whole thing has just really got me.
I will be having a telephone hearing with a hearing official and my old employer.
Now I have been at my new job for a while and this old job stuff is still hanging around. I know the state is swamped with unemployment at an all time high, but I really want to put all of this behind me and move on.
I have been praying and will continue to pray. I am praying for all of us involved, even my old employer. I am praying for the hearing official. I am praying for Jesus to just sit him self down in an empty chair if there is one, I will have one ready just for him. And if there's not a chair then just to sit down on the floor.
To let everyone feel his presence and make himself known to them. To give all of us the knowledge to make the decisions that need to be made.
To calm my nervousness. To hold me by his side. To give me strength and guidance.
But most of all I want His will to be done. He knows what I want. But He also knows that I truly want what He wants. He knows what I can handle and what I can't. He knows what will be best for me now and in the future. And I trust Him completely.
So if you get a chance or think about it on Thursday around 9:30AM, say a pray for me.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
What was I thinking
The title should say it all and clearly I wasn't thinking when I made this agreement.
R1 has been going to Sparq training. It is a work out developed by Nike, you can go here to read and see more about it.
Any way,
Part of the training is that every night and I do mean every night R1 has to do 40 push ups and 60 crunches.
So in order to motivate R1 I made an agreement with him that I would do them with him.
Seriously, I know! Believe me I know.
So for the past few days R1 and I have been working out, kinda.
He's getting the full benefit of the core muscle training and I'm getting just part of. But oh how just part of it is kicking my butt!
My arms are sore, my chest is sore and so are my sides. I keep telling myself that a woman of my age shouldn't be doing these sort of things but then I look at a friend of mine who is my age and is a Body Pump trainer and what great shape she is in. And if she can do it then so can I.
And what I really want to ask you is should I go ahead and unlock the front door and put the phone on the floor by me just in case I can't get up and I need help?
I'm just sayin'.
R1 has been going to Sparq training. It is a work out developed by Nike, you can go here to read and see more about it.
Any way,
Part of the training is that every night and I do mean every night R1 has to do 40 push ups and 60 crunches.
So in order to motivate R1 I made an agreement with him that I would do them with him.
Seriously, I know! Believe me I know.
So for the past few days R1 and I have been working out, kinda.
He's getting the full benefit of the core muscle training and I'm getting just part of. But oh how just part of it is kicking my butt!
My arms are sore, my chest is sore and so are my sides. I keep telling myself that a woman of my age shouldn't be doing these sort of things but then I look at a friend of mine who is my age and is a Body Pump trainer and what great shape she is in. And if she can do it then so can I.
And what I really want to ask you is should I go ahead and unlock the front door and put the phone on the floor by me just in case I can't get up and I need help?
I'm just sayin'.

Monday, November 9, 2009
My calendar is full
So it's only the first of November and my calendar is already jammed packed. This past weekend was the only weekend during the month where we didn't have something planned.
So I did what any normal person would do. I held a marathon cleaning session. It took me all day to clean the house and do the laundry. Which by the way I never did finish the laundry.
I have also come to the conclusion that I am in desperate need of a laundry fairy! So if any of you out there have one would you please send her my way.
Any way so the house is clean and I love it. In the weeks to come I will be attending a college football game and going to a wedding so the house must stay this way for the next two weeks.
Do you boys, all three of you hear me? Clean for the next two weeks. I know it's a long shot but hey can't blame a mom for trying.
And then it's Thanksgiving. I know seriously, Thanksgiving. And believe it or not I already have something on the calendar for December 4th and 5th.
So even though it's the first of November it seems as if the holiday season is upon us. I went into Hobby Lobby and the mall and it's all decked out for Christmas complete with music.
I really want to enjoy the season this year. This time last year we weren't even in our house. Remember this.
I think I am going to try my best to slow things down a bit and just relax and enjoy this time. And I hope you do to.
Merry Thanksgiving and Happy Christmas!
So I did what any normal person would do. I held a marathon cleaning session. It took me all day to clean the house and do the laundry. Which by the way I never did finish the laundry.
I have also come to the conclusion that I am in desperate need of a laundry fairy! So if any of you out there have one would you please send her my way.
Any way so the house is clean and I love it. In the weeks to come I will be attending a college football game and going to a wedding so the house must stay this way for the next two weeks.
Do you boys, all three of you hear me? Clean for the next two weeks. I know it's a long shot but hey can't blame a mom for trying.
And then it's Thanksgiving. I know seriously, Thanksgiving. And believe it or not I already have something on the calendar for December 4th and 5th.
So even though it's the first of November it seems as if the holiday season is upon us. I went into Hobby Lobby and the mall and it's all decked out for Christmas complete with music.
I really want to enjoy the season this year. This time last year we weren't even in our house. Remember this.
I think I am going to try my best to slow things down a bit and just relax and enjoy this time. And I hope you do to.
Merry Thanksgiving and Happy Christmas!

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Shoes shoes and more shoes
This past weekend a local department store was having a huge sale and I almost missed it!
My sister in law called to tell me Bealls was having a sale. Buy anything in the store and get the next anything for a dollar.
I know A DOLLAR!!! That's like almost free or get both for HALF OFF!
So with that sale in mind I hopped in the car and headed to the store.
R1 needed new tennis shoes and R2 was beyond need. As I was getting into the car Hubs informed me that he needed new shoes too.
Also R1 has been begging for a pair of Converse All-Stars. He has been asking every weekend if we could go get him a pair. My response has always been no but only because they are canvas and he is so hard on shoes. And I really didn't want to spend $45.00 for a pair of shoes that would be in total shreds after the first week.
So upon arrival to the store, I briefly glanced at all the beautiful sweaters, screaming cold weather, and kept right on walking. I mean seriously, it's November and the weather is a gorgeous 75* and I am still running around in capris and flip flops. Oh and not to mention that Tropical Storm Ida will be in the gulf of Mexico next week.
I KNOW!!! A tropical storm. Come on November 30th.
OK back to the story.
I make my way to the shoe department and I immediately find a pair of shoes for R2 and then I go look for Hubs. As luck would have it I found a pair for him too. Hubs=regular price and R2=$1.00.
Then I start to look for R1. I find him a pair of tennis shoes and then think I really need to find another something or other to get it for a dollar. Because really who could pass up a great pair of jeans or a jacket or another pair of boots for a dollar!
So I look around and I can't find a thing. I don't know what was wrong with me but everything I looked at was either to small or two sizes two big. Or not what I was looking for. But then the thought came to mind.
R1 and his Converse All-Stars.
Now if the store just had them in his size. So I walk back over to the shoes and SCORE!!! They had them. I couldn't pass them up for a dollar. I would have been crazy. And if they fell apart in the first week then I could justify it by only paying a buck.
I walked out of Bealls with my, uh I mean, the boys shoes and went straight home to show them.
R2 and Hubs like theirs and then I pulled out the first pair for R1 and showed him. I said he liked them but you could see the disappointment in his eyes just a bit. And then I pulled out the second pair and the next thing I knew I had his arms around my neck telling me I was the best mom ever!
And just look how cute, I mean cool they look.
My sister in law called to tell me Bealls was having a sale. Buy anything in the store and get the next anything for a dollar.
I know A DOLLAR!!! That's like almost free or get both for HALF OFF!
So with that sale in mind I hopped in the car and headed to the store.
R1 needed new tennis shoes and R2 was beyond need. As I was getting into the car Hubs informed me that he needed new shoes too.
Also R1 has been begging for a pair of Converse All-Stars. He has been asking every weekend if we could go get him a pair. My response has always been no but only because they are canvas and he is so hard on shoes. And I really didn't want to spend $45.00 for a pair of shoes that would be in total shreds after the first week.
So upon arrival to the store, I briefly glanced at all the beautiful sweaters, screaming cold weather, and kept right on walking. I mean seriously, it's November and the weather is a gorgeous 75* and I am still running around in capris and flip flops. Oh and not to mention that Tropical Storm Ida will be in the gulf of Mexico next week.
I KNOW!!! A tropical storm. Come on November 30th.
OK back to the story.
I make my way to the shoe department and I immediately find a pair of shoes for R2 and then I go look for Hubs. As luck would have it I found a pair for him too. Hubs=regular price and R2=$1.00.
Then I start to look for R1. I find him a pair of tennis shoes and then think I really need to find another something or other to get it for a dollar. Because really who could pass up a great pair of jeans or a jacket or another pair of boots for a dollar!
So I look around and I can't find a thing. I don't know what was wrong with me but everything I looked at was either to small or two sizes two big. Or not what I was looking for. But then the thought came to mind.
R1 and his Converse All-Stars.
Now if the store just had them in his size. So I walk back over to the shoes and SCORE!!! They had them. I couldn't pass them up for a dollar. I would have been crazy. And if they fell apart in the first week then I could justify it by only paying a buck.
I walked out of Bealls with my, uh I mean, the boys shoes and went straight home to show them.
R2 and Hubs like theirs and then I pulled out the first pair for R1 and showed him. I said he liked them but you could see the disappointment in his eyes just a bit. And then I pulled out the second pair and the next thing I knew I had his arms around my neck telling me I was the best mom ever!
And just look how cute, I mean cool they look.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
So I had my post all typed out and ready to go for today and then my hand did something crazy.
I deleted it! All of it!!
Not one piece of it was saved. And since I'm so mad and frustrated and mad. Did I say that I was mad?
I am going to have to retype it and put it up tomorrow.
But let me just say it has to do with a boy and his fashion sense.
See ya tomorrow peeps!
I deleted it! All of it!!
Not one piece of it was saved. And since I'm so mad and frustrated and mad. Did I say that I was mad?
I am going to have to retype it and put it up tomorrow.
But let me just say it has to do with a boy and his fashion sense.
See ya tomorrow peeps!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Following in big brothers foot steps
Before I got home yesterday, Hubs called me on my cell phone and warned me of something that happened to R2 at school.
R2 had a nice red bruise to his face. His cheekbone just below his left eye to be exact.
And let me just clarify this, I know the title says following in his big brothers footsteps but R1 did not kick anyone in the face nor has he ever been kicked in face.
But R1 has been it in the face with a baseball, several times.
And I would like to say that R2 got his lovely bruise doing something glamorous such as being hit with a baseball but that is not what happened.
Apparently R2 and his friend B got into a scuffle at school which resulted in R2 being kicked in the face.
So in following in his big brothers foot steps, R2 now has a bruised face to add to his collection of many facial mishaps.
Just check this out...OUCH!!!

R2 had a nice red bruise to his face. His cheekbone just below his left eye to be exact.
And let me just clarify this, I know the title says following in his big brothers footsteps but R1 did not kick anyone in the face nor has he ever been kicked in face.
But R1 has been it in the face with a baseball, several times.
And I would like to say that R2 got his lovely bruise doing something glamorous such as being hit with a baseball but that is not what happened.
Apparently R2 and his friend B got into a scuffle at school which resulted in R2 being kicked in the face.
So in following in his big brothers foot steps, R2 now has a bruised face to add to his collection of many facial mishaps.
Just check this out...OUCH!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween fun
I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween.
Oh and before I forget, I have noticed a few of you and I mean all three of you, still have my site as .com in their blog rolls. Please when you have a minute or two or ten update it to .net. It should be rrmama.net. Thank you ever so much.
I know the boys had a great time at our carnival by the way the kept running from one thing to the next. They looked like balls in a pinball machine. I don't really know if it was from the excitement or just a plain old sugar rush.
I tend to think it was a sugar rush because I really feel as if I ate my weight in the HUGE sugar cookies they were serving. But that's all I am going to say about it.
Any way here are a few pictures of the boys.

Oh and before I forget, I have noticed a few of you and I mean all three of you, still have my site as .com in their blog rolls. Please when you have a minute or two or ten update it to .net. It should be rrmama.net. Thank you ever so much.
I know the boys had a great time at our carnival by the way the kept running from one thing to the next. They looked like balls in a pinball machine. I don't really know if it was from the excitement or just a plain old sugar rush.
I tend to think it was a sugar rush because I really feel as if I ate my weight in the HUGE sugar cookies they were serving. But that's all I am going to say about it.
Any way here are a few pictures of the boys.

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