She is covering a wide variety of topics but today's topic is 5 things about your self.
So here are a few things you might not know about me.
1. My name is Beverly.(shh don't tell) I have never liked being called Bev. Unless it's by family or close friends. I once had a teacher who insisted on calling me Bev. When he called the roll I wouldn't answer. He sent me to the Principal's office where she told him my name on the roll sheet was Beverly and that is what I should be called. SCORE for me and I loved her for it.
2. Hubs is gonna faint when reads this next one. I was born in New York. Queens to be exact. I only lived there for the first 5 yrs of my life and when people as me where I am from I always say Texas or Houston. Because as far as I am concerned this is where I grew up and still live today! I love living in Texas!!
3. I like the game of Hockey. I'm not a violent person but I like it when they fight or push one another into the glass. I know there is more to the game than that but that's what I like the most when I watch.
4. I think I have the best in-laws and sister in law in the world. I love them to pieces. I really miss my in-laws living right behind us. My sister in law is one of my best friends. They have always treated me as if I was born right into the family. They are so good to me. I thank God for them often.
5. I like coffee but I have to be in the mood for it. I am more of and orange juice kinda girl. I guess I got that from my grandmother, she used to say the same thing. And to be honest I still miss her terribly and it's been 7 years. BBBIIIGGG SSSIIIGGGHHH!!!
Well there you go. Now you know a few random things about me.
Now it's your turn. Once you play along please go back to Genny's blog, link back and leave her a sweet comment. I know she would love to hear from you.
I love hockey, too. Played field hockey in school. Center Halfback. My husband just laughs because he has this image of "tough" girls who play hockey.
I have wonderful inlaws, too. It's a blessing, isn't it?
Nice to meet you, btw!
you are blessed in the in-law department. never ever ever forget that.
ps - i totally <3 OJ too
Fun to learn more about you! So did your husband not know where you were born?
My inlaws are great too and I feel so lucky about that!
I'm so glad you joined in today,
Nice to meet you! I too go by a different name other than my given name, which is Barbara. Most everyone knows me as Barbie. Blessings to you!
Aww. I <3 your five things. Good in-laws are nice to have.
So nice to meet you. Your list is great.
Have a nice day.
Stopping from My Cup 2 Yours.
Came over from My Cup 2 Yours - love your list! Good for you for holding out for your name! :)
very nice meeting you.
Hi Beverly,
I stopped by from Genny's place. It's nice to meet you. I promise I won't call you Bev.
You know, I've never been to a hockey game but have always wanted to go. Our city does have a pro team. Maybe I'll check out the schedule and see when me and the hubby can go.
Be well,
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