Today is Memorial Day.
Let us not forget the reason we have today and why we celebrate.
Let us remember all of the soldiers past and present who fought to give us our freedom.
The ones who gave their lives and the families they left behind.
The ones on the front lines now who are missing their spouses and families and in return they are missing them.
Let us remember the past wars so that we may not repeat them.
Let us just remember what this day means for all of us.
And if you see a soldier today, thank them, they deserve so much more!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Holy Moly I need a break!
First off I need to apologize for being so scarce last week. I have missed each of you!
Things at work from crazy to down right lunacy. The first part of last week was OK, then we went into panic mode by Wednesday, then crisis mode for Thursday, then Friday was just down right critical. I couldn't run out of there fast enough on Friday.
And then you know when you get home other things just kinda take over and finding time to blog and comment on your favorite blogs just goes to the way side.
Work didn't get better and yesterday I felt as if I was sinking and and just when I thought I had pulled my self onto the life raft, I got pulled back down. But we made a huge dent in things and tomorrow should, maybe, keep your fingers crossed, be back to normal.
I probably shouldn't have just typed that, I just know I jinxed myself.
By the way, my Aunt is coming to visit from New York on Wednesday. She will be here till Tuesday of next week.
The last time I saw her, I was 6 1/2 months pregnant with R2. I flew with R1 and my parents to New York for my cousins wedding. Not such a great idea. Who ever said it was, didn't fly with me.
And the last time my aunt was in Texas was 13yrs ago for my wedding. Nothing's changed, it's still HOT!
I am so excited and so are the boys. I know she is, because when I talked to her yesterday, her bags were packed and ready.
I would like to say we have a ton of stuff planned for when she is here, but we don't. We are just going to wing it. Really the only thing we have planned is baseball.
She can't wait to watch R1 play and she can't wait to meet R2 finally, face to face.
Needless to say I will be taking some very much deserved time off.
I have a few pictures from R1's baseball tournament this past weekend that I want to show. I hoping to have them uploaded soon and up for Wednesday. After that, I'm taking some time off to spend with my aunt.
I hope each of you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!
Things at work from crazy to down right lunacy. The first part of last week was OK, then we went into panic mode by Wednesday, then crisis mode for Thursday, then Friday was just down right critical. I couldn't run out of there fast enough on Friday.
And then you know when you get home other things just kinda take over and finding time to blog and comment on your favorite blogs just goes to the way side.
Work didn't get better and yesterday I felt as if I was sinking and and just when I thought I had pulled my self onto the life raft, I got pulled back down. But we made a huge dent in things and tomorrow should, maybe, keep your fingers crossed, be back to normal.
I probably shouldn't have just typed that, I just know I jinxed myself.
By the way, my Aunt is coming to visit from New York on Wednesday. She will be here till Tuesday of next week.
The last time I saw her, I was 6 1/2 months pregnant with R2. I flew with R1 and my parents to New York for my cousins wedding. Not such a great idea. Who ever said it was, didn't fly with me.
And the last time my aunt was in Texas was 13yrs ago for my wedding. Nothing's changed, it's still HOT!
I am so excited and so are the boys. I know she is, because when I talked to her yesterday, her bags were packed and ready.
I would like to say we have a ton of stuff planned for when she is here, but we don't. We are just going to wing it. Really the only thing we have planned is baseball.
She can't wait to watch R1 play and she can't wait to meet R2 finally, face to face.
Needless to say I will be taking some very much deserved time off.
I have a few pictures from R1's baseball tournament this past weekend that I want to show. I hoping to have them uploaded soon and up for Wednesday. After that, I'm taking some time off to spend with my aunt.
I hope each of you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Monday, May 24, 2010
Lemonade Stand
Yesterday after we got home R1's baseball tournament, R2 decided it was hot enough to have a lemonade stand.
He got out the cooler, his chair, a few plastic cups and some Capri Sun's.
He thought it would be easier if he used lemonade flavor Capri Sun's than to have me make some good old fashion Country Time Lemonade. That we didn't have any Country Time Lemonade.
He parked himself at the end of the drive and sat out in the heat. More power to him because after two days of being at the ball park in 90 degree weather which felt more like 127 all I wanted was some A/C.
But he sure did look cute!

Even Cookie wanted in on the action!

Hubs' Uncle came over
and purchased a glass of lemonade.
He got out the cooler, his chair, a few plastic cups and some Capri Sun's.
He thought it would be easier if he used lemonade flavor Capri Sun's than to have me make some good old fashion Country Time Lemonade. That we didn't have any Country Time Lemonade.
He parked himself at the end of the drive and sat out in the heat. More power to him because after two days of being at the ball park in 90 degree weather which felt more like 127 all I wanted was some A/C.
But he sure did look cute!
Even Cookie wanted in on the action!
Hubs' Uncle came over
and purchased a glass of lemonade.

Friday, May 21, 2010
Last night R2 and I were outside playing and he went and go the sidewalk chalk.
We sat on the drive way and just drew till we ran out of ideas for drawings.
Here is a sample what we came up with.

Y'all have a great weekend.
We sat on the drive way and just drew till we ran out of ideas for drawings.
Here is a sample what we came up with.
Y'all have a great weekend.

Thursday, May 20, 2010
One of the lasts
Last night around 8:30 Space Shuttle Atlantis was docked to the International Space Station and flew right over my house.
Hubs, being the awesome science teacher he is, knew all the information and had all of us in the front yard waiting.
But he made the mistake of telling R2 about this around 7pm and we spent the next hour and a half with him asking, "Is it time yet?" All while he was looking out the window.
Anyway, I was the first in to see the shuttle. And I don't know why but I completely amazed with how fast it was flying. It took all of two minutes to come into view, fly over, and the proceed on past my house.
While actually not seeing anything it was very nostalgic to see it. It was one of the last three missions for the space shuttle program.
It's hard to believe that the space shuttle program is coming to an end. I was around 10 when the program started.
There are possibly two more chances to see the shuttle fly over before they are retired. And you can bet I will standing in my front yard waiting.
Hubs, being the awesome science teacher he is, knew all the information and had all of us in the front yard waiting.
But he made the mistake of telling R2 about this around 7pm and we spent the next hour and a half with him asking, "Is it time yet?" All while he was looking out the window.
Anyway, I was the first in to see the shuttle. And I don't know why but I completely amazed with how fast it was flying. It took all of two minutes to come into view, fly over, and the proceed on past my house.
While actually not seeing anything it was very nostalgic to see it. It was one of the last three missions for the space shuttle program.
It's hard to believe that the space shuttle program is coming to an end. I was around 10 when the program started.
There are possibly two more chances to see the shuttle fly over before they are retired. And you can bet I will standing in my front yard waiting.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
My 2010 Pre-K graduate
We are now the proud of household of a kindergartner.
And no tears were shed while this picture was being taken. Not even from his mama.
Way to go R2, your daddy and I are so proud of you!

Monday, May 17, 2010
Still just a bunch of nothing
I can not believe it is Sunday night. 10:49pm to be exact.
What I can not believe more is that weekend is gone.
It came, it went, it kicked my butt!
Saturday, I had to work, YUK. The university where I work had graduation and the department I work in requires us to work graduation. It was an all day thing. Lets just say I had to be there at 7:30am and did not get off until 4:30pm. I got home and Hubs had fried shrimp, french fries, mushrooms, hush puppies and pickles. I ate and then completely turned into a couch potato. I was brain dead.
This morning, I FINALLY GOT TO GO TO CHURCH!! Due to baseball we haven't been able to, and I was really missing my church family and friends. The service was awesome and one of my favorite songs was sung. What a great morning to be in the Lords house.
Then we came home, scarfed down lunch, Hubs took R1 to baseball practice. R2 and I worked in the yard.
I can honestly say it looks like someone lives here now. The yard is mowed, but not by me, Hubs took care of that last week. But the hedges are trimmed, the flower bed weeds are gone and the flower pots have been replanted. The porch and sidewalks have been blown off and the porch table has been washed, it was yellow with pollen. NASTY!
Any we spent all afternoon outside. I love to look back at the yard after it's been cleaned. I always feel like I accomplished something. To see how bad it was before and the how nice it looks after.
But I have to say I need another weekend, and quick. The inside of my house looks as if a tornado went through it.
What I can not believe more is that weekend is gone.
It came, it went, it kicked my butt!
Saturday, I had to work, YUK. The university where I work had graduation and the department I work in requires us to work graduation. It was an all day thing. Lets just say I had to be there at 7:30am and did not get off until 4:30pm. I got home and Hubs had fried shrimp, french fries, mushrooms, hush puppies and pickles. I ate and then completely turned into a couch potato. I was brain dead.
This morning, I FINALLY GOT TO GO TO CHURCH!! Due to baseball we haven't been able to, and I was really missing my church family and friends. The service was awesome and one of my favorite songs was sung. What a great morning to be in the Lords house.
Then we came home, scarfed down lunch, Hubs took R1 to baseball practice. R2 and I worked in the yard.
I can honestly say it looks like someone lives here now. The yard is mowed, but not by me, Hubs took care of that last week. But the hedges are trimmed, the flower bed weeds are gone and the flower pots have been replanted. The porch and sidewalks have been blown off and the porch table has been washed, it was yellow with pollen. NASTY!
Any we spent all afternoon outside. I love to look back at the yard after it's been cleaned. I always feel like I accomplished something. To see how bad it was before and the how nice it looks after.
But I have to say I need another weekend, and quick. The inside of my house looks as if a tornado went through it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Just a bunch of nothing
Yeah so I got nothing today. The end of school is just around the corner and life has become a blur of activities, parties, graduation, baseball, gifts, and so on.
So here are a few things that are on my agenda for the next few days.
So here are a few things that are on my agenda for the next few days.
This weekend the university where I work is having graduation. Two ceremonies to be exact. And I am required to work both. Something I am not happy about. I will be there ALL day Saturday.
R1 is off from baseball this weekend and R2 has a directors tournament. I'm not that upset about missing it. It will be quick and painless. I hope.
Sunday I would like to work in my yard. We have some shrubs that need to be trimmed WAY back and weeds that need to be pulled.
A mountain of laundry needs to be folded and put away. Hello...who has the laundry fairy?
I need to start thinking about teacher gifts. I know what I am getting I just need to find time to go over and get them.
R2 has pre-school graduation practice on Friday. Seriously, not kidding. Practice.
R1 has several things planned at school for which I need a calendar to keep it straight.
R1 is off from baseball this weekend and R2 has a directors tournament. I'm not that upset about missing it. It will be quick and painless. I hope.
Sunday I would like to work in my yard. We have some shrubs that need to be trimmed WAY back and weeds that need to be pulled.
A mountain of laundry needs to be folded and put away. Hello...who has the laundry fairy?
I need to start thinking about teacher gifts. I know what I am getting I just need to find time to go over and get them.
R2 has pre-school graduation practice on Friday. Seriously, not kidding. Practice.
R1 has several things planned at school for which I need a calendar to keep it straight.
So what's going on in your world?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The 2010 Thunder
R2 has his final baseball game of the season last night. I have mixed feelings about the end. I love watching him play but then I now have only one to focus on getting to practices and tournaments.
Here are few shots from his season.

Here are few shots from his season.

Monday, May 10, 2010
Field Day 2010
I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day.
R1 had field day at school on Friday. And I always take off and spend the day with him. Here are a few pictures from our day.

Potato Sack Race

Nuke 'Em


Kick Ball
R1 had field day at school on Friday. And I always take off and spend the day with him. Here are a few pictures from our day.
Potato Sack Race
Nuke 'Em
Kick Ball

Friday, May 7, 2010
Honestly honest
C of See Foxes gave me a blog award last week and I am just now getting around to posting it. Sorry Foxes.
I love reading her. She always has something great to say and she is so up-lifting, even in the midst of craziness.
What I am supposed to do is tell some honest things about myself. And then pass the award on.
So here it goes.
I love reading her. She always has something great to say and she is so up-lifting, even in the midst of craziness.
What I am supposed to do is tell some honest things about myself. And then pass the award on.
So here it goes.
1. I love watching the boys play baseball. Like y'all didn't know.
2. I talk to my dad just about every day, we never go longer than two/three days with out talking.
3. My sister in law is one of my best friends. I love her to pieces.
4. I actually like my smile. My parents paid good money for ortho work so I smile alot.
5. I have clean bathroom OCD tendencies. I can't stand to walk by the boys bathroom and see toothpaste residue in the sink!
6. I love to get pedicures!
7. I can't stand wasps, bees, or any other insect that flies and stings!
8. I love to have everyone over to our house for get togethers
9. I like going to the lake and riding in the boat.
10. One day I would like to go storm chasing. I know crazy!
2. I talk to my dad just about every day, we never go longer than two/three days with out talking.
3. My sister in law is one of my best friends. I love her to pieces.
4. I actually like my smile. My parents paid good money for ortho work so I smile alot.
5. I have clean bathroom OCD tendencies. I can't stand to walk by the boys bathroom and see toothpaste residue in the sink!
6. I love to get pedicures!
7. I can't stand wasps, bees, or any other insect that flies and stings!
8. I love to have everyone over to our house for get togethers
9. I like going to the lake and riding in the boat.
10. One day I would like to go storm chasing. I know crazy!
OK, now I have to pass this on.
Life with Kaishon
Smart, Strong, & Sexy
Tattered Hydrangeas
Charm House
These ladies are awesome. If you have a time go by and read them. And leave them a comment, I know they would appreciate it.
And for all of you mothers out there. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day filled with the ones you love.
Life with Kaishon
Smart, Strong, & Sexy
Tattered Hydrangeas
Charm House
These ladies are awesome. If you have a time go by and read them. And leave them a comment, I know they would appreciate it.
And for all of you mothers out there. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day filled with the ones you love.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Kindergarten, double digits, and a few tears
So Monday night I was sitting at the dinner table filling out a Kindergarten admissions packet.
My baby, R2, will be starting Kindergarten in August. And to add to that my other baby, R1, will be turning 10 this year. Double digits.
Anyway, as I sat there I started to think about the past and how fast time has flown since the boys were born.
For R1, when I took that walk down the Kindergarten hallway, I could not believe 5 years was gone. I blinked and poof he was five.
I held it together until I got back in the car and silent tears spilled from my eyes. I knew one day we would have another child so I could take that same walk but 5 years worth of memories came flooding back.
Like when I would take him to his sitter in the morning and he would hug me good bye and tell me to have a "gwait" day. Or when we rented a moon walk for his 3rd birthday and he said this was the best day of his life! When he and I would snuggle on Saturday mornings and watch cartoons.
Now in just a few short months he will turn 10. I'm not ready for this. He is, but I'm not.
I am so proud of him. Proud of who he is and who he has become. My heart swells and feels as if it will burst out of my chest when I think of him.
I know this all part of growing up but this mama just wants to hold that child close who still wants to snuggle with me and keep him chin high forever.
OK just thought you would like to know, big tears streaming down my face.
But now it's my baby's turn. My last walk down the Kindergarten hallway. Last time to have that tiny hand in mine as we walk in to see his teacher, who is so excited to see him she can hardly contain herself.
Once again I begin to think. About a sweet baby who would lay his head on my shoulder and I would drink in his baby smell. What happened to all the bottles, diapers, and baby food? Did he ever crawl or did he just start walking? When did he grow tall enough to turn on the bathroom light with out his step stool?
And like R1, he's ready, I'm not.
OK, I'm kinda ready. I'll be honest, I'm ready for no more daycare/preschool expense.
I'm ready to have them both with Hubs at school. And this will be the only year they will both be in the same school at the same time.
As much as I want to resist, I am excited to see the boys grow. Excited to see them accomplish things they try to do. I can not wait to see what life has in store for them.
But as I sat there with my memories, I could help but feel blessed. I have such a good life. A life filled with family, love, and laughter.
And in the end that is all I have ever wanted.
My baby, R2, will be starting Kindergarten in August. And to add to that my other baby, R1, will be turning 10 this year. Double digits.
Anyway, as I sat there I started to think about the past and how fast time has flown since the boys were born.
For R1, when I took that walk down the Kindergarten hallway, I could not believe 5 years was gone. I blinked and poof he was five.
I held it together until I got back in the car and silent tears spilled from my eyes. I knew one day we would have another child so I could take that same walk but 5 years worth of memories came flooding back.
Like when I would take him to his sitter in the morning and he would hug me good bye and tell me to have a "gwait" day. Or when we rented a moon walk for his 3rd birthday and he said this was the best day of his life! When he and I would snuggle on Saturday mornings and watch cartoons.
Now in just a few short months he will turn 10. I'm not ready for this. He is, but I'm not.
I am so proud of him. Proud of who he is and who he has become. My heart swells and feels as if it will burst out of my chest when I think of him.
I know this all part of growing up but this mama just wants to hold that child close who still wants to snuggle with me and keep him chin high forever.
OK just thought you would like to know, big tears streaming down my face.
But now it's my baby's turn. My last walk down the Kindergarten hallway. Last time to have that tiny hand in mine as we walk in to see his teacher, who is so excited to see him she can hardly contain herself.
Once again I begin to think. About a sweet baby who would lay his head on my shoulder and I would drink in his baby smell. What happened to all the bottles, diapers, and baby food? Did he ever crawl or did he just start walking? When did he grow tall enough to turn on the bathroom light with out his step stool?
And like R1, he's ready, I'm not.
OK, I'm kinda ready. I'll be honest, I'm ready for no more daycare/preschool expense.
I'm ready to have them both with Hubs at school. And this will be the only year they will both be in the same school at the same time.
As much as I want to resist, I am excited to see the boys grow. Excited to see them accomplish things they try to do. I can not wait to see what life has in store for them.
But as I sat there with my memories, I could help but feel blessed. I have such a good life. A life filled with family, love, and laughter.
And in the end that is all I have ever wanted.

Monday, May 3, 2010
We are the champions, again!
No time for losers, 'cause we are the champions once again!

Guess I still can't get rid of the 80's theme.
R1 had a baseball tourney this weekend in Lake Charles, Louisiana. And the Storm baseball team is the Lake Charles Contraband 2010 champions.
The boys played great. All of them. We didn't lose one game. We were on fire!!
Here is R1 sliding into home to score another run.

And R1 made the best catch I have ever seen him make. A sliding catch from left field to make the third out of the inning.
It was a proud parent moment for this mama.
Anyway the weekend was great. And I'm ready for the next tournament on Mother's Day weekend.
Guess I still can't get rid of the 80's theme.
R1 had a baseball tourney this weekend in Lake Charles, Louisiana. And the Storm baseball team is the Lake Charles Contraband 2010 champions.
The boys played great. All of them. We didn't lose one game. We were on fire!!
Here is R1 sliding into home to score another run.
And R1 made the best catch I have ever seen him make. A sliding catch from left field to make the third out of the inning.
It was a proud parent moment for this mama.
Anyway the weekend was great. And I'm ready for the next tournament on Mother's Day weekend.

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