A few weeks ago I was up at church helping out and Hubs called me.
He said R2 was in a state of panic and was screaming and blood was pouring out of his mouth.
Now those of you, the three of you, know I don't do well with my own children's blood. Someone elses, that's OK, but my off spring not so much.
But before I could begin my very own freak out full on hyperventilate some one needs to drive me home right now and give me a sedative or a stiff drink Hubs let me off the hook.
R2 had lost his first tooth while eating a snack and it just fell out. And yes there was some bleeding but nothing life threatening. And yes he did kinda panic and ran to find his dad, who was in another room in the house. (the bathroom) Sorry Hubs, I had to say it because us moms know we never get a moments peace, not even when we are in the bathroom.
Any way,
The tooth fairy came that night and left him a sweet monetary gift under his pillow. The only thing is, R2 is a wild sleeper. Like does a complete 180 in the bed or is turned side ways with no covers and no pillow.
This night he actually slept OK but had managed to push his pillow off the bed along with the money.
Once again he panicked. I had to remind him to look under the bed and there he found his gift.
OK, telling on myself. I feel asleep and FORGOT, yes I forgot to put the money under the pillow but I did manage to drop it on the floor kind of kick it under the bed and he bought it. I just love a naive five old's mind.
Congrats R2! Hope the tooth fairy remembers her obligations to you in a more timely manor.
Well it's starting to feel a little bit like fall ball weather. It's been so dang hot I was calling it Summer II Ball. But yesterday was actually nice. We had a great visit with family too.
R1 had a great day behind the plate and he even got to pitch. He didn't do to bad for his first time either. He struck out his first batter up!
For the two readers I have left, sorry I have fallen off the blog wagon this week. I will try to get back to regular posting schedule. Maybe.
OK those of you that know me, know I do not have that deep love for the game of football. Baseball yes but football not so much.
But some how upon entering my early 40's I have become interested in the game, again, kinda.
My when I was very small my dad used to coach little league football. My mom would drag me and my younger brother to the games where I would cheer my heart out with the big girls on the side lines.
Now years later I end up marrying a football coach. I know pretty ironic. I would go to the games but more for the social aspect than the strategical one. Yes, I know how the game works but to me it was a great time to hang out with friends and catch up.
But as I said all of a sudden I have become interested in the game of football. Not a full blown obsession but more of a let me sit and watch this one game and then move on kinda thing.
Now with all that said, the whole point to all of this really is about my new favorite show. It deals with football, sorta, but it also has other things going on too.
I have heard several people talk about it at work, school, and here on the blog-o-sphere. So after some very deep thought, I figured what the heck and I took the plunge and taped an episode and well now I'm hooked!
While the new season hasn't started, I am trying to play catch up. I have several seasons to watch. I'm hoping with the help of ABC Family, I can stay on track.
You see they air this show Monday thru Friday. That's FIVE episodes a week people. FIVE episodes. How glorious it is. I won't have to wait for the next week to see what is going to happen, just the next day!
So really if I am a little sparse here, it's because I'm trying to cram four seasons into a few weeks time. The season premier is October 27th and I really really really need to be caught up. I don't want to start the season while I am still in the middle of season 3.
Thirteen years ago in front of God, our family and friends I said I do to my best friend.
I said I do to the good times, bad times, leave you speechless and breathless times.
To the hard times, the easy times, the sweet times, and I love you more than anything times.
To the lets have a baby times, the buying a house times, the lets have one more baby times.
To the so busy times I only see you when we go to bed times, the lets go on vacation times.
And through it all one thing remains.
Hubs, I love you more today than the day I married you. You are still my best friend. You are the first one I run to when I have great news or bad news to share. The one who always gives me the best advice. The one who always has my back and my best interests at heart.
I know, right now you are singing the song from the movie the Sound of Music. And if you weren't you are now.
I'm kinda at a loss as what to blog about right now, but that is a post for another day.
So I will just let you know what I am obsessing about right now.
1. Blue Bell Ice Cream - Summer Berries - THIS STUFF IS THE BOMB! Sadly it was just a new temporary flavor and I doubt it will be here much longer. And for those of you who live up north...I'm sorry. Only because Blue Bell is really only found in the south.
2. Yankee Candle - car scents - Clean Cotton. My car has never smelled so goooooood.
3. Pottery Barn Sweater Knit Throw. It makes me want to curl up and just stay snuggled all comfy and warm.
4. Biolage by Matrix. I love how it makes my hair smell. Not to mention that it also makes my hair do just as I want it to. And yes I do use the one for color treated hair, but don't tell anyone.
5. These riding boots, love love love them. They are also soooo comfortable. OK, that's it for now. What are a few of your favorite things?
One year ago, I was in Gulf Shores, Alabama with all of my family, on a hurrication. We were on vacation due to an evacuation for Hurricane Ike.
One year ago, my house had three trees in it. I had curled up into the fetal position on the floor and cried while my husband and mother-in-law held me.
One year ago, I sucked it up and realized there was nothing I could do 10 hours away and decided to make the most of our hurrication and have fun.
One year ago, I played in the waters on the beach and built sand castles with my boys and collected sea shells to bring home to put in a memory jar.
One year ago, I walked into my house and again sucked it up and cleaned out everything that was damaged, threw it into a pile and just stared at my stuff.
One year ago, our family helped Hubs and I clean up the yard and cut trees down off of the house and haul them to the end of our property. And then I looked at the huge hole in the front yard where a tree had once been.
One year ago, I looked at the blue tarps which covered most of the roof to my house.
One year ago I felt as if my world has been turned completely upside down and it would never again be right.
While the feelings have dulled and bandages I put over that time in my life are still intact, it stills seems as if it just happened yesterday.
All around me still, there are reminders. Like the blue tarp roof on the house down the street. Tattered and torn, but it's still there. The hole in the ground where my neighbors tree was uprooted and hit my house.
Still around me are the friends that had so much damage to their home due to the storm surge, they just got back in three weeks ago. Still around me everyday are the visible signs that Hurricane Ike was here and left his mark. But one year ago, I felt blessed my family was safe and unharmed.
One year ago, I felt blessed that my house could be repaired and the damage was not as bad as it could have been.
One year ago, my bloggy friends prayed for me and family everyday and I felt those prayers and was so thankful for them.
I'm back, and house of R&R is back to running smoothly.
Last night Hubs and I were listening to random music.
And here is some of what we heard.
REO Speedwagon Cheap Trick Roy Orbison Rascal Flatts Otis Redding Queen Fleetwood Mac Kenny Chesney Night Ranger Blue Oyster Cult Boston The Police Bon Jovi Rush Beastie Boys Reba The Killers Fall Out Boy
Needless to say I think we have a very eclectic taste in music.
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
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