Thursday, November 4, 2010

Watch out for ponding

I had several great titles for this post earlier in the day but for the life of me I can't remember a one of them. Guess that will teach me to write things down.

Tuesday when we got home from the Renaissance Festival, I promptly went to start washing clothes. And while I was packing the washer to it's fullest capacity I noticed the floor was a tad bit wet. Who am I kidding, it was really wet. So I did what any great wife would do...


So Hubs comes running and see the water. And he grabs some towels and starts to soak up the water and said, "There, done!" And walks back down the hall.

I knew it was far from being OK and that mopping up the water was just a temporary fix. I had gotten the impression we would need to purchase a new water heater.

And so the gnashing of the teeth and many hours of internet research began. And have you priced those suckers lately??? OUTRAGEOUS!! And delivery and installation? EVEN MORE OUTRAGEOUS!!

Anyway, I was a tad bit stressed out to say the least. I slept terrible and the next morning came way to early.

Wednesday morning I was at Home Depot bright and early. I purchased a new water heater and a new toilet set, but that is a post for another day. I scheduled to have it delivered and installed the same day. Home Depot says if you buy it that day before noon and want delivery and installation, they can guaranty same day service.

HOLLA!! I will be able to take a hot shower in the morning.

So yesterday before 11AM I was a bazillion dollars poorer and we had new water heater that functioned properly. AKA didn't leak water all over my floor.

And the installation guys said my water heater area was the cleanest they had ever seen. They must not have been able to see my bedroom or the boys bathroom. I bet they would beg to differ then.

But what I want to know is why do they charge so dang much for that stuff, they know you have to have it!! Kinda like diapers and formula. They know you need it so the charge the highest possible price for it! UGH!

1 comment:

{amy} said...

Ugh! Sorry you had to buy a new water heater! I haven't had to buy one, but I've heard they are costly! I'm glad you can take a hot shower now!