My friend Beth, her daughter and I started a tradition. We get up EARLY and go shopping on Black Friday.
And when I say EARLY really mean we leave my house some where around 5:30-6AM. But when I say shopping I mean SHOPPING.
Last year we shopped for 11 hours. This year we beat that record. We left my house at 5:45AM and were at Target by 6. And we did not return to my house until 7:30PM. Yup that's 13.5 of shopping.
It's not bad for us because we have the attitude of we get there when we get there and if they have what we are looking for great if not then there is always another week to go look for it. It takes the stress out of the Black Friday shopping hype.
We decided to hit Target first because I scored really big there last year and this year was no disappointment. I got everything on the boys lists and Hubs too.
Since I know y'all are like where did you shop for 13.5 hrs, here is a run down of the stores.
Kids Gap
JC Penney
Best Buy
American Eagle
Dress Barn
Shoe Carnival
Party City
Hobby Lobby
and maybe a few I forgot
And as an added bonus I really scored at Kids Gap, even though clothes weren't on my list. They had everything and I mean everything on sale 50% off till 10AM, we got there at 8. I got a shirt there for $6.00 that was originally $40 and they kept marking it down until I bought it.
As a matter of fact I finished my Christmas shopping except for my niece and nephew and they want gift cards, and that's easy.
Oh I also wrapped everything on Sunday. I know, I'm such an over achiever. We are totally ready for Santa. In my defense this is the first year ever that I have had everything wrapped before December 1.
We also did break for lunch some where around 11:30-12. And there was a trip to Sonic after 2pm because it's happy hour from 2-4 and all drinks are 1/2 price.
And I knew at 6AM there was a large sparkling strawberry lemonade at some time in my future.