We had a great Christmas. I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas too.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Toys R Us threw up in my livingroom
This picture says it all.

We had a great Christmas. I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas too.
We had a great Christmas. I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas too.

Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas 2011

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." ~ Isaiah 9:6

Friday, December 23, 2011
The Bobbleheads
OK, I know I said I wasn't going to be on here everyday but I had to post this.
My cousin purchased something for the boys for Christmas.
Here it is...
It's a bobble head doll in each of the boys likeness. And while I think R2's is a bit off, R1's is dead on. It looks just like him.
And I think they are kinda cool.
Funny thing on Wednesday, FedEx called and said they had a package to deliver and it had to be signed for. They told Hubs it was coming from China. When I asked Hubs where it was from he didn't know. I told him to call them back and ask. So he did.
When Hubs' called FedEx he asked them where it was coming from and what it was. They told him it was something for R1 and R2 and it came from a bobble head company.
Once Hubs' told me this, it make perfect sense. My cousin had told me she had ordered these dolls for the boys for Christmas.
And I have to say they we all loved them.
My cousin purchased something for the boys for Christmas.
Here it is...
And I think they are kinda cool.
Funny thing on Wednesday, FedEx called and said they had a package to deliver and it had to be signed for. They told Hubs it was coming from China. When I asked Hubs where it was from he didn't know. I told him to call them back and ask. So he did.
When Hubs' called FedEx he asked them where it was coming from and what it was. They told him it was something for R1 and R2 and it came from a bobble head company.
Once Hubs' told me this, it make perfect sense. My cousin had told me she had ordered these dolls for the boys for Christmas.
And I have to say they we all loved them.

Thursday, December 22, 2011
I spent 24 hours in New York
Thank y'all so much for the prayers and sweet comments after the passing of my aunt.
I was able to make a very quick trip to New York so I could say good-bye. I went to Houston and spent the night with some friends on Saturday night and flew out Sunday morning at 7:20.
And nothing says good morning like a full body scan. Actually it wasn't bad and it took less than 5 seconds.
My Aunts services was beautiful and she had a ton of friends and old co-workers come.
Now this next part is said in the very best New York accent...."So you're the niece from Texas? Your Aunt loved you and your boys. R1 and R2 were the light of her light. She talked about you all often." Notice I typed you all and y'all.
Believe it or not, that sentence brought me great comfort.
As expected at the graveside services my daddy caved. Nothing can bring a daughter to tears quicker than seeing her daddy cry. Moving on.
After the service we went out to eat at this great diner, The Blue Bay cafe. It was fabulous. There was much laughter as we sat around the table which was good for our hurting hearts. My cousin's husband kept saying, insert New York accent again, "forget about it!" I couldn't help but laugh.
Monday morning was quick as I had a flight to catch back to Houston at 1:20pm.
I will say this. I flew out Continental and each flight took off on time and even landed early. The flight attendants were all very nice and helpful. And no Continental Airlines did not pay me to say this but I wouldn't turn down some kind of airline travel voucher if they wanted to throw one my way.
And I guess being in New York for 24 hours rubbed off me a little, because when we landed in Houston and we were getting of the plane, I was walking behind a Continental rep pushing and elder lady in a wheel chair. When got to the end of the rope section and we stopped. And some woman behind me said in a very ugly tone, "COME ON! KEEP IT MOVING! GET GOING!" I took one step slightly to the right where she could see past me. She said, "Oh I'm sorry." And my reply was..."You should be! I hope you have a Merry Christmas."
Guess you take the girl out of Texas for a while but you can't take Texas out of the girl.
I won't be posting every day, not that I did that anyway. But it's Christmas break and I want to spend some time with my family.
If I don't get back on here before, I hope each of you have a Merry Christmas and remember why we celebrate. Jesus is truly the reason for the season.
I was able to make a very quick trip to New York so I could say good-bye. I went to Houston and spent the night with some friends on Saturday night and flew out Sunday morning at 7:20.
And nothing says good morning like a full body scan. Actually it wasn't bad and it took less than 5 seconds.
My Aunts services was beautiful and she had a ton of friends and old co-workers come.
Now this next part is said in the very best New York accent...."So you're the niece from Texas? Your Aunt loved you and your boys. R1 and R2 were the light of her light. She talked about you all often." Notice I typed you all and y'all.
Believe it or not, that sentence brought me great comfort.
As expected at the graveside services my daddy caved. Nothing can bring a daughter to tears quicker than seeing her daddy cry. Moving on.
After the service we went out to eat at this great diner, The Blue Bay cafe. It was fabulous. There was much laughter as we sat around the table which was good for our hurting hearts. My cousin's husband kept saying, insert New York accent again, "forget about it!" I couldn't help but laugh.
Monday morning was quick as I had a flight to catch back to Houston at 1:20pm.
I will say this. I flew out Continental and each flight took off on time and even landed early. The flight attendants were all very nice and helpful. And no Continental Airlines did not pay me to say this but I wouldn't turn down some kind of airline travel voucher if they wanted to throw one my way.
And I guess being in New York for 24 hours rubbed off me a little, because when we landed in Houston and we were getting of the plane, I was walking behind a Continental rep pushing and elder lady in a wheel chair. When got to the end of the rope section and we stopped. And some woman behind me said in a very ugly tone, "COME ON! KEEP IT MOVING! GET GOING!" I took one step slightly to the right where she could see past me. She said, "Oh I'm sorry." And my reply was..."You should be! I hope you have a Merry Christmas."
Guess you take the girl out of Texas for a while but you can't take Texas out of the girl.
I won't be posting every day, not that I did that anyway. But it's Christmas break and I want to spend some time with my family.
If I don't get back on here before, I hope each of you have a Merry Christmas and remember why we celebrate. Jesus is truly the reason for the season.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Master Hubs
This past Saturday Hubs graduated with his Masters degree in Educational Technology Leadership.
It was a loooong eighteen months with many hours spent in front of the computer. Like 8-10 hours each Sunday.
But he did it and the boys and I couldn't be more proud of him.
I love you Hubs, oops sorry, Master Hubs.

It was a loooong eighteen months with many hours spent in front of the computer. Like 8-10 hours each Sunday.
But he did it and the boys and I couldn't be more proud of him.
I love you Hubs, oops sorry, Master Hubs.

Thursday, December 15, 2011
At some point in our adult lives we feel as if the people we love will live forever. That they will always be here.
I feel this way about my several of my loved one. My dad, my in-laws, my aunt and so on.
Last night I was reminded we are not immortal. My sweet aunt passed away.
This week has been a roller coaster of emotions. One minute I'm laughing the next I'm missing her so much it hurts. She drove me slap crazy sometimes but I loved her big!
I found out from my cousin that my aunt, cousin and her husband were going to come surprise us for Christmas. Instead I'm in the process of working everything out so I can get to New York for her funeral.
My aunt was here in Texas two years ago. She came for 5 days and looking back was it was the best 5 days. She cherished her time here as did we. But she really enjoyed R2. He was always talking to her and giving her hugs and kisses. She talked about him for weeks after she left.
While she was here she got to see R1 play a few baseball games. My parents even came in from Houston to visit as well.
I snapped this photo of my dad and aunt. It's one of my favorites.
I love you Aunt Phyllis and I will miss you terribly, but I will see you again.
I feel this way about my several of my loved one. My dad, my in-laws, my aunt and so on.
Last night I was reminded we are not immortal. My sweet aunt passed away.
This week has been a roller coaster of emotions. One minute I'm laughing the next I'm missing her so much it hurts. She drove me slap crazy sometimes but I loved her big!
I found out from my cousin that my aunt, cousin and her husband were going to come surprise us for Christmas. Instead I'm in the process of working everything out so I can get to New York for her funeral.
My aunt was here in Texas two years ago. She came for 5 days and looking back was it was the best 5 days. She cherished her time here as did we. But she really enjoyed R2. He was always talking to her and giving her hugs and kisses. She talked about him for weeks after she left.
While she was here she got to see R1 play a few baseball games. My parents even came in from Houston to visit as well.
I snapped this photo of my dad and aunt. It's one of my favorites.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Winter Snow
This song was sung at our Christmas musical this weekend.
I loved it. And the girl who sang it did a beautiful job.
Here is the original song by Chris Tomlin featuring Audrey Assad.
I loved it. And the girl who sang it did a beautiful job.
Here is the original song by Chris Tomlin featuring Audrey Assad.

Monday, December 12, 2011
I'm baaaaack...maybe
I know, I know, I'm sorry. I've been MIA for the past few days.
I have been quite busy and this blog has taken a direct hit.
I've had some pretty strict deadlines to meet at work. (Thank goodness they only come around three times a year.) We had our Christmas musical this past weekend at church. My dad came to visit and watch the boys in the musical. My friend Beth and I were in charge of A Taste of Christmas after the musical. And that is no small under taking.
We had to set up the room, tables and chairs. Decorate each table and the set up a table to plates, napkins, and utensils. And set up another table for drinks and coffee. And once the evening was over, dismantle all of it and clean it up.
My feet are killing me.
Moving on....
This coming weekend, Hubs graduates from college with his Masters. I'm so proud of him I could just bust! I'll blog about that later.
Then after graduation we are going to lunch with his family and then everyone is coming over to our house to have Christmas.
But to be honest all I really want to do right now is sit down in the recliner and put my feet up. I hope y'all have a great Monday.
I have been quite busy and this blog has taken a direct hit.
I've had some pretty strict deadlines to meet at work. (Thank goodness they only come around three times a year.) We had our Christmas musical this past weekend at church. My dad came to visit and watch the boys in the musical. My friend Beth and I were in charge of A Taste of Christmas after the musical. And that is no small under taking.
We had to set up the room, tables and chairs. Decorate each table and the set up a table to plates, napkins, and utensils. And set up another table for drinks and coffee. And once the evening was over, dismantle all of it and clean it up.
My feet are killing me.
Moving on....
This coming weekend, Hubs graduates from college with his Masters. I'm so proud of him I could just bust! I'll blog about that later.
Then after graduation we are going to lunch with his family and then everyone is coming over to our house to have Christmas.
But to be honest all I really want to do right now is sit down in the recliner and put my feet up. I hope y'all have a great Monday.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Our tree
I love to pull down all of the boxes full of our Christmas decorations. But my very favorite boxes are the ones with all of the tree decorations. It's like a mini celebration all in its self.
I have my special ornaments, like the one from our first year of marriage and our one year anniversary. The boys first Christmas. The count down ornament. The picture ornaments the boys have made me every year since pre-school. and of course the Rudolph's made from their foot and hand prints.
I used to love to decorate the tree. I always had to find the perfect spot for each ornament. A few years ago, I let the boys decorate the tree. I told them to have it and the only requirement was one ornament per branch.
Normally my OCD would go straight into overdrive I spent the better part of that day in the back of the house waiting till they were done.
And you know what, they did a fabulous job. As a matter of fact it was so good they get to decorate the tree every year now. I only put on four of my special ornaments and the angel on top.
Here's the finished tree....beautiful....
I have my special ornaments, like the one from our first year of marriage and our one year anniversary. The boys first Christmas. The count down ornament. The picture ornaments the boys have made me every year since pre-school. and of course the Rudolph's made from their foot and hand prints.
I used to love to decorate the tree. I always had to find the perfect spot for each ornament. A few years ago, I let the boys decorate the tree. I told them to have it and the only requirement was one ornament per branch.
Normally my OCD would go straight into overdrive I spent the better part of that day in the back of the house waiting till they were done.
And you know what, they did a fabulous job. As a matter of fact it was so good they get to decorate the tree every year now. I only put on four of my special ornaments and the angel on top.
Here's the finished tree....beautiful....

Monday, December 5, 2011
Oh the craziness has begun
I think we all feel the so called Christmas crunch this time of year. Where our calendar becomes so full of things to do and we get so busy we begin to feel the season slipping away from us.
I always try my best to limit my commits and what I say yes to, but this year it seems as if things just keep coming at me. And I know this weekend was just the beginning.
It seems 24 hours each day just wasn't enough. Saturday felt as if I just ran from here to there. For some reason I woke up right at 6am and couldn't go back to sleep. So after an hour of tossing and turning, I got up and got dressed and then went and got donuts for breakfast. R1 had a friend spend the night Friday night and I figured quick and easy would be the best way go. R2 spent the night at a friends house Friday night and he needed to be picked up by 11am.
Then Beth and I had to go and buy all of the supplies for the Taste of Christmas at our church next weekend. We spent the rest of the afternoon going to Sams, Party City, Hobby Lobby, and the Dollar Store. I kinda felt a flash back from last weekend as we spent the entire day shopping on Black Friday.
I didn't walk in the door until 5:30 and I still hadn't even been to HEB. Once again I took the easy way, and we went out to dinner and then as a family went to HEB. *Note to self, go grocery shopping when you are full, nothing sounds good, and you only get what is on your list.*
Sunday was more of the same busy schedule. Church, birthday party, Christmas musical rehearsal, set up tables for Taste of Christmas after church, and then dinner some where in there.
Oh and did I tell you we got some rain. It was close to 3 inches. the sound of the rain Sunday morning was simply wonderful.
This week will be more of the same as I have several things to do during the week. Friday night is dress rehearsal for our Christmas musical. Saturday early afternoon we are having Christmas with my family and then it's the first night of the musical. Sunday is the second performance, and the following Hubs graduates with masters degree. (more on that later) and after graduation we are going out to lunch and the Hubs' side of the family is coming back to our house to have Christmas.
See I told you, the craziness has begun. sigh......
I always try my best to limit my commits and what I say yes to, but this year it seems as if things just keep coming at me. And I know this weekend was just the beginning.
It seems 24 hours each day just wasn't enough. Saturday felt as if I just ran from here to there. For some reason I woke up right at 6am and couldn't go back to sleep. So after an hour of tossing and turning, I got up and got dressed and then went and got donuts for breakfast. R1 had a friend spend the night Friday night and I figured quick and easy would be the best way go. R2 spent the night at a friends house Friday night and he needed to be picked up by 11am.
Then Beth and I had to go and buy all of the supplies for the Taste of Christmas at our church next weekend. We spent the rest of the afternoon going to Sams, Party City, Hobby Lobby, and the Dollar Store. I kinda felt a flash back from last weekend as we spent the entire day shopping on Black Friday.
I didn't walk in the door until 5:30 and I still hadn't even been to HEB. Once again I took the easy way, and we went out to dinner and then as a family went to HEB. *Note to self, go grocery shopping when you are full, nothing sounds good, and you only get what is on your list.*
Sunday was more of the same busy schedule. Church, birthday party, Christmas musical rehearsal, set up tables for Taste of Christmas after church, and then dinner some where in there.
Oh and did I tell you we got some rain. It was close to 3 inches. the sound of the rain Sunday morning was simply wonderful.
This week will be more of the same as I have several things to do during the week. Friday night is dress rehearsal for our Christmas musical. Saturday early afternoon we are having Christmas with my family and then it's the first night of the musical. Sunday is the second performance, and the following Hubs graduates with masters degree. (more on that later) and after graduation we are going out to lunch and the Hubs' side of the family is coming back to our house to have Christmas.
See I told you, the craziness has begun. sigh......

Thursday, December 1, 2011
Smokin' hot wife
OK Amy, here you go....
During one of our nightly prayers R2 ended his prayer by thanking God for his smoking hot wife.
OK R2 is 6 and he's definitely not married. All though he does have a crush on my 23 year old student worker at my office. She's blonde, and cute, and sweet. He is just smitten with her.
But in R2 defense, his daddy, Hubs, played a video from You Tube where the person leading the prayer got a little to enthusiastic and then it was redone with Songify, which basically makes it sound like something done by T-Pain using Auto Tune.
OK, you be the judge. Boogity Boogity Boogity.
During one of our nightly prayers R2 ended his prayer by thanking God for his smoking hot wife.
OK R2 is 6 and he's definitely not married. All though he does have a crush on my 23 year old student worker at my office. She's blonde, and cute, and sweet. He is just smitten with her.
But in R2 defense, his daddy, Hubs, played a video from You Tube where the person leading the prayer got a little to enthusiastic and then it was redone with Songify, which basically makes it sound like something done by T-Pain using Auto Tune.
OK, you be the judge. Boogity Boogity Boogity.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The big fat poloma
Every night at bedtime I go in and pray with the boys.
I really started it as a way to get them comfortable praying openly. I know one day, and it has already happened to R1, they will be asked to pray in Sunday School, or church camp, and so on. But I have gotten so much more out of it than they will ever know.
Last night while R2 was praying and thanking God for the day and for certain things he thanked God for Hubs receiving his big fat poloma.
Hubs graduates in a few short weeks with his masters degree. I haven't really mentioned it yet because 1. I wanted to dedicate an entire post to him and 2. we were waiting for his final grade to be posted and it was finally posted last Wednesday.
But it was just to darn cute listening to R2 pray for his daddy. I really should break out the video camera and record him.
Oh and also prayed for something else and it was freaking hilarious, but that is a post for another day.
I really started it as a way to get them comfortable praying openly. I know one day, and it has already happened to R1, they will be asked to pray in Sunday School, or church camp, and so on. But I have gotten so much more out of it than they will ever know.
Last night while R2 was praying and thanking God for the day and for certain things he thanked God for Hubs receiving his big fat poloma.
Hubs graduates in a few short weeks with his masters degree. I haven't really mentioned it yet because 1. I wanted to dedicate an entire post to him and 2. we were waiting for his final grade to be posted and it was finally posted last Wednesday.
But it was just to darn cute listening to R2 pray for his daddy. I really should break out the video camera and record him.
Oh and also prayed for something else and it was freaking hilarious, but that is a post for another day.

Monday, November 28, 2011
Oh my aching feet
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours ended up being pretty quiet.
Friday Beth, Alex, and I went on our annual Black Friday shopping extravaganza. I set the alarm for 4:35AM. Yes you read that right, 4:35AM. And the truth is I hit the snooze button, twice. Once I got up and got moving I was OK.
Anyway, the three of us left my house 5:40AM and our first stop was Exxon gas station by my house to get a large dose of caffeine in BIG styrofoam cup filled with Cherry Coke. Some of us even purchase a package of cinnamon rolls. Just to clarify, that would not be me.
After that it was on to Target. We got there and the parking lot wasn't even packed. There was also an abundance of shopping carts. Once in the store it was more of the same. We moved among the aisles freely. Not bumping into anyone or anything. It was very different from last year. Last year we couldn't even move. And to check out there was a line and it was snaked up and down the HBA (health and beauty aids) aisles. This year I got what I needed and we walked right up to a check out line.
After talking to the cashier, our suspicions were correct. All of the crazies were out at midnight when the store opened. Next it was on to Best Buy. I needed to get Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2 for R1. Best Buy had them on sale for $4.99 and $6.99. Target had them for $14.99 each. And I also needed to look for a cheap MP3 player for R2. My dad was going to buy him and iPod Shuffle but I was afraid he would break it and I didn't want to cough up the $50.00 to replace it. So we'll see how this works out. On a side note, I strongly dislike Best Buy. I have never had a good experience, except the time they gave us the whole entire Rock Band package and we only ordered the disc and when I took it back to tell them, they insisted I had the correct stuff. So basically we spent $60.00 for a package worth $200.00. But that is another story and I think I even blogged about it when it happened 3 years ago.
And to show you how correct I am. I asked the sale guy to show me the cheapest MP3 players they had. He walks me to the other side of the aisle and says this is all we have and this one is $25.00. I say thank you, but I'll keep looking. Hubs had told me their website had one for $14.99 and that is what I really wanted. And guess what, the sales guy was wrong because I walked around the aisle again and found an MP3 for $20.00. So obviously it was NOT the cheapest one they had. I grabbed it up and put it in my cart and headed for the check out. Once again the shopping fairies were shinning on me, no wait to check out. Walked up and heard the magic words... I can help the next customer in line.
I know post had become rather long so I'll get on with it. Here is a list of the other stores we hit while shopping.
Friday Beth, Alex, and I went on our annual Black Friday shopping extravaganza. I set the alarm for 4:35AM. Yes you read that right, 4:35AM. And the truth is I hit the snooze button, twice. Once I got up and got moving I was OK.
Anyway, the three of us left my house 5:40AM and our first stop was Exxon gas station by my house to get a large dose of caffeine in BIG styrofoam cup filled with Cherry Coke. Some of us even purchase a package of cinnamon rolls. Just to clarify, that would not be me.
After that it was on to Target. We got there and the parking lot wasn't even packed. There was also an abundance of shopping carts. Once in the store it was more of the same. We moved among the aisles freely. Not bumping into anyone or anything. It was very different from last year. Last year we couldn't even move. And to check out there was a line and it was snaked up and down the HBA (health and beauty aids) aisles. This year I got what I needed and we walked right up to a check out line.
After talking to the cashier, our suspicions were correct. All of the crazies were out at midnight when the store opened. Next it was on to Best Buy. I needed to get Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2 for R1. Best Buy had them on sale for $4.99 and $6.99. Target had them for $14.99 each. And I also needed to look for a cheap MP3 player for R2. My dad was going to buy him and iPod Shuffle but I was afraid he would break it and I didn't want to cough up the $50.00 to replace it. So we'll see how this works out. On a side note, I strongly dislike Best Buy. I have never had a good experience, except the time they gave us the whole entire Rock Band package and we only ordered the disc and when I took it back to tell them, they insisted I had the correct stuff. So basically we spent $60.00 for a package worth $200.00. But that is another story and I think I even blogged about it when it happened 3 years ago.
And to show you how correct I am. I asked the sale guy to show me the cheapest MP3 players they had. He walks me to the other side of the aisle and says this is all we have and this one is $25.00. I say thank you, but I'll keep looking. Hubs had told me their website had one for $14.99 and that is what I really wanted. And guess what, the sales guy was wrong because I walked around the aisle again and found an MP3 for $20.00. So obviously it was NOT the cheapest one they had. I grabbed it up and put it in my cart and headed for the check out. Once again the shopping fairies were shinning on me, no wait to check out. Walked up and heard the magic words... I can help the next customer in line.
I know post had become rather long so I'll get on with it. Here is a list of the other stores we hit while shopping.
American Eagle
Forever XXI
JC Penney
Bath and Body Works
Radio Shack
Wet Seal
Ya-Ya Club
Children's Place
Dress Barn
Hobby Lobby
Party City
Pier One
Shoe Carnival
Bed Bath and Beyond
American Eagle
Forever XXI
JC Penney
Bath and Body Works
Radio Shack
Wet Seal
Ya-Ya Club
Children's Place
Dress Barn
Hobby Lobby
Party City
Pier One
Shoe Carnival
Bed Bath and Beyond
By the time we hit Kroger my feet had given out some where between Dress Barn and Bed Bath and Beyond. I even had on tennis shoes. They were throbbing and in much need of a pedicure. Really more like a foot massage.
We had to hit Kroger because Beth needed a few staples, such as sausage biscuits, dog food, coffee, milk, orange juice, coffee cake, and paper towels. And while I was pursuing the aisles with her I spotted something Hubs loves and I have been unable to find for quiet sometime. IBC Black Cherry drinks. Kroger had 4 cases and I showed some restraint and only purchased 2 cases. Mind you there are only 6 in a case, so I walked out with a total of 12 small glass bottles. But he was deliriously happy when I sent him a picture of the case on the store shelf.
By the time we left Kroger and pulled back into my drive way we had been gone 13 hours. Not our record for shopping, but pretty darn close.
It was a great day and I made a huge dent in my shopping. I only have two things left to get. Not to shabby. Oh and guess what else, I spent part of Sunday wrapping everything.
We had to hit Kroger because Beth needed a few staples, such as sausage biscuits, dog food, coffee, milk, orange juice, coffee cake, and paper towels. And while I was pursuing the aisles with her I spotted something Hubs loves and I have been unable to find for quiet sometime. IBC Black Cherry drinks. Kroger had 4 cases and I showed some restraint and only purchased 2 cases. Mind you there are only 6 in a case, so I walked out with a total of 12 small glass bottles. But he was deliriously happy when I sent him a picture of the case on the store shelf.
By the time we left Kroger and pulled back into my drive way we had been gone 13 hours. Not our record for shopping, but pretty darn close.
It was a great day and I made a huge dent in my shopping. I only have two things left to get. Not to shabby. Oh and guess what else, I spent part of Sunday wrapping everything.
And just in case you were wondering, I spend the entire day on Saturday, sitting on my butt watching TV and resting my feet. They were still throbbing.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thanksgiving break part II
The laundry fairies came over to my house yesterday. Well not really. Hubs and the boys washed, dried, folded, and put away all of our laundry. And that is no small feat.
The only down side...On Sunday I had washed the sheets and blanket that go on our bed and then Cookie decided to throw up on them yesterday. So my entire bedding right down to the mattress pad had to be re-washed. But I guess on the bright side of things my entire bedroom now smells like Tide Sport with Febreze.
Also since my peeps are out of school I have decided to take a break from blogging and spend time with them. I'll be back on Monday since I am sure I will have some Black Friday Shopping adventure to tell you about.
I hope each of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.
The only down side...On Sunday I had washed the sheets and blanket that go on our bed and then Cookie decided to throw up on them yesterday. So my entire bedding right down to the mattress pad had to be re-washed. But I guess on the bright side of things my entire bedroom now smells like Tide Sport with Febreze.
Also since my peeps are out of school I have decided to take a break from blogging and spend time with them. I'll be back on Monday since I am sure I will have some Black Friday Shopping adventure to tell you about.
I hope each of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.

Monday, November 21, 2011
Thanksgiving break 2011
I'm excited. No schedule for the next week! No getting up at the butt crack of dawn. No lunches to pack. And one of the best things...no bed time.
Right now the boys and I are snuggling and watching Twilight.
Speaking of, the girls and I went and saw Breaking Dawn Pt. 1 Saturday afternoon. (how's that for transition?)
It was soooooo good. I don't know how I'm going to wait until next year for the second one to come out.
So what's everyone doing for the Thanksgiving Holiday??
Right now the boys and I are snuggling and watching Twilight.
Speaking of, the girls and I went and saw Breaking Dawn Pt. 1 Saturday afternoon. (how's that for transition?)
It was soooooo good. I don't know how I'm going to wait until next year for the second one to come out.
So what's everyone doing for the Thanksgiving Holiday??

Thursday, November 17, 2011
Unexpected Blessing
Y'all know we are in an education budget crunch right now.
And with that comes cut backs and so on.
One of the things Hubs' school district decided to cut last year before renewing anyone's contract was their longevity pay. The school district would pay their employees "X" number of dollars for every year they worked there. They would always pay in one lump sum and always the first Monday in December. It was a nice Christmas bonus to add what we had already saved during the year.
The school district didn't really didn't stop the program but decided to suspend it until the financial situation improved.
Monday night the school district had their monthly board meeting and decided that since the money they had budgeted for longevity pay was still sitting in the account, they would go ahead and give the teachers their pay, just like they have in the past.
Hubs received and email late Monday from the Superintendent telling him about this decision.
What an unexpected blessing and Christmas will be a little merrier this year.
And with that comes cut backs and so on.
One of the things Hubs' school district decided to cut last year before renewing anyone's contract was their longevity pay. The school district would pay their employees "X" number of dollars for every year they worked there. They would always pay in one lump sum and always the first Monday in December. It was a nice Christmas bonus to add what we had already saved during the year.
The school district didn't really didn't stop the program but decided to suspend it until the financial situation improved.
Monday night the school district had their monthly board meeting and decided that since the money they had budgeted for longevity pay was still sitting in the account, they would go ahead and give the teachers their pay, just like they have in the past.
Hubs received and email late Monday from the Superintendent telling him about this decision.
What an unexpected blessing and Christmas will be a little merrier this year.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Dobble Dobble Dobble

Dobble Dobble Dobble
Who says that?
Mr. Turkey.
Big and flat!
When R2 was 3 three this is how he said that poem. it's supposed to say
Gobble Gobble Gobble, who said that?
Mr. Turkey, big and fat!
But I thought it was cute then and I still think it's cute now.

Monday, November 14, 2011
A Day
Beep Beep Beep it's 5:00AM and the alarm is going off. I hit the snooze button three more times before I get up. My day has begun.
Shower, make-up, get dressed. Wake up Hubs and the boys. It's now 6:30AM
They get dressed and I make their breakfast and then their lunch.
7:00AM I tell them to get finish up and go brush their teeth, they are going to be late.
HURRY!! GET YOUR BACKPACKS AND DON'T FORGET TO PUT ON YOUR SHOES! I love you. Do good on your test. Have a great day and learn something!
It's now 7:20AM and I am running out the door myself. Trying to get to work on time.
8:00AM. Work and school for the next eight hours and some where in there, lunch.
3:15PM school is out. Boys are happy, it's play time! Next it's 5:00PM and I'm on my way home.
Hubs has been home and is cooking dinner. It's 6:00PM and we sit down to eat as a family.
Then comes the rush of homework, clean up dinner dishes, bath time, reading time, and then TV time. It's 8:00PM.
9:00PM Prayer time and bed time.
And sometime between now and 10:00PM it's my time. To relax, wash clothes, watch TV, or just talk with Hubs.
Beep Beep Beep....it's 5:00AM again.
Shower, make-up, get dressed. Wake up Hubs and the boys. It's now 6:30AM
They get dressed and I make their breakfast and then their lunch.
7:00AM I tell them to get finish up and go brush their teeth, they are going to be late.
HURRY!! GET YOUR BACKPACKS AND DON'T FORGET TO PUT ON YOUR SHOES! I love you. Do good on your test. Have a great day and learn something!
It's now 7:20AM and I am running out the door myself. Trying to get to work on time.
8:00AM. Work and school for the next eight hours and some where in there, lunch.
3:15PM school is out. Boys are happy, it's play time! Next it's 5:00PM and I'm on my way home.
Hubs has been home and is cooking dinner. It's 6:00PM and we sit down to eat as a family.
Then comes the rush of homework, clean up dinner dishes, bath time, reading time, and then TV time. It's 8:00PM.
9:00PM Prayer time and bed time.
And sometime between now and 10:00PM it's my time. To relax, wash clothes, watch TV, or just talk with Hubs.
Beep Beep Beep....it's 5:00AM again.

Friday, November 11, 2011
Veteran's Day 11-11-11
Today is Veterans Day.
Let us not forget the reason we celebrate today.
Let us remember all of the soldiers past and present who fought to give us our freedom.
The ones who gave their lives and the families they left behind.
The ones on the front lines now who are missing their spouses and families and in return they are missing them.
Let us remember the past wars so that we may not repeat them.
Let us just remember what this day means for all of us.
And if you see a soldier today, thank them, hug them, shake their hand, because they deserve so much more.
Let us not forget the reason we celebrate today.
Let us remember all of the soldiers past and present who fought to give us our freedom.
The ones who gave their lives and the families they left behind.
The ones on the front lines now who are missing their spouses and families and in return they are missing them.
Let us remember the past wars so that we may not repeat them.
Let us just remember what this day means for all of us.
And if you see a soldier today, thank them, hug them, shake their hand, because they deserve so much more.

Thursday, November 10, 2011
Fourth Grade Nothing
I remember growing up and reading Judy Blume books. I couldn't get enough of them.
Most of them were my favorites. I seriously don't think I can pick just one. But my very first Judy Blume book was Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing.
And some time back while I was looking for something Judy Blume related, I found this blog.
Fourth Grade Nothing
This blog is like taking a trip back to my childhood. She is constantly putting up items from back in the 70's and 80's. Such at Tupperware Toys, Water Ring Toss, and Tang Instant Breakfast Drink.
I have know idea where she gets her stuff from, but I'm loving the trip down memory lane.
Barbie Camper, Play-Doh Barber Shop, Pac-Man, Fashion Plates, Roly Poly Chime Ball from Fisher Price, CHiPs, and numerous other things.
Go check her site out. You will be there for hours scrolling through her archives.
Most of them were my favorites. I seriously don't think I can pick just one. But my very first Judy Blume book was Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing.
And some time back while I was looking for something Judy Blume related, I found this blog.
Fourth Grade Nothing
This blog is like taking a trip back to my childhood. She is constantly putting up items from back in the 70's and 80's. Such at Tupperware Toys, Water Ring Toss, and Tang Instant Breakfast Drink.
I have know idea where she gets her stuff from, but I'm loving the trip down memory lane.
Barbie Camper, Play-Doh Barber Shop, Pac-Man, Fashion Plates, Roly Poly Chime Ball from Fisher Price, CHiPs, and numerous other things.
Go check her site out. You will be there for hours scrolling through her archives.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
A list if you will of things I'm thankful for.
A gracious and loving God. Who forgives me everyday.
A wonderful family who I love with my every being. They may not always like me but they always love me.
A roof over my head with A/C or heat. A bed to sleep in. And food in the fridge.
Wonderful in-laws. I truly love them and I am so blessed by them.
Great friends who would drop everything if I called them and said I needed them.
A fabulous husband who loves to cook! Thanks goodness!!
A husband who will be done with his masters course work in two days and will graduate in December with a masters degree in Educational Technology Leadership!
Thankful I live in a country where at any given moment I can pray. Pray out loud if I want. Worship my Lord and Savior openly and safely. Not having to hid in fear for reading His word.
And one more thing...thankful for bloggy friends who still read and leave me sweet comments, even if I don't leave them comments everyday.
What are you thankful for?
A gracious and loving God. Who forgives me everyday.
A wonderful family who I love with my every being. They may not always like me but they always love me.
A roof over my head with A/C or heat. A bed to sleep in. And food in the fridge.
Wonderful in-laws. I truly love them and I am so blessed by them.
Great friends who would drop everything if I called them and said I needed them.
A fabulous husband who loves to cook! Thanks goodness!!
A husband who will be done with his masters course work in two days and will graduate in December with a masters degree in Educational Technology Leadership!
Thankful I live in a country where at any given moment I can pray. Pray out loud if I want. Worship my Lord and Savior openly and safely. Not having to hid in fear for reading His word.
And one more thing...thankful for bloggy friends who still read and leave me sweet comments, even if I don't leave them comments everyday.
What are you thankful for?

Monday, November 7, 2011
A poem for Fall
Oh Fall weather where art thou?
I'm ready for cooler temperatures now.
We've eaten some gumbo and some chili
With out the cold weather it sure seems silly.
I'm over humid and the heat.
I'm tired of wearing flip flops on my feet.
We'd like some rain, maybe even some ice.
Sweaters and boots would sure be nice.
Fall foliage colors are so pretty
I'm trying hard to make this sound witty.
And now leave you with this to say,
I hope everyone has a great day!
I'm ready for cooler temperatures now.
We've eaten some gumbo and some chili
With out the cold weather it sure seems silly.
I'm over humid and the heat.
I'm tired of wearing flip flops on my feet.
We'd like some rain, maybe even some ice.
Sweaters and boots would sure be nice.
Fall foliage colors are so pretty
I'm trying hard to make this sound witty.
And now leave you with this to say,
I hope everyone has a great day!

Friday, November 4, 2011
White Trash Dip
I saw this dip recipe on Pinterest a while back and I have been looking for a good excuse to try it.
Not that I really need a good excuse to make dip but it sounded good.
Anyway, we are throwing a co-worker a bridal shower at work and you would not believe the emails I got when they say I had signed up for something called "White Trash Dip". My co-workers were wanting to know exactly what White Trash Dip was.
Here is the recipe:
2 packages cream cheese - softened
1 package bacon, cooked and crumbled
1 15oz can of chili
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 tsp red pepper flakes
4-5 green onions - optional
Cooke bacon and crumble. Mix all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Then spread into a pie plate and bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Serve with tortilla chips.
Here is the finished product.
And it's oh so yummy!!
Not that I really need a good excuse to make dip but it sounded good.
Anyway, we are throwing a co-worker a bridal shower at work and you would not believe the emails I got when they say I had signed up for something called "White Trash Dip". My co-workers were wanting to know exactly what White Trash Dip was.
Here is the recipe:
2 packages cream cheese - softened
1 package bacon, cooked and crumbled
1 15oz can of chili
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 tsp red pepper flakes
4-5 green onions - optional
Cooke bacon and crumble. Mix all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Then spread into a pie plate and bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Serve with tortilla chips.
Here is the finished product.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Super Fan
Friday night at the high school football game one of our local stations had the football announcer make an announcement (yeah OK that just sounds dumb to me. What else would an announcer do, make the donuts?) that they were looking for a fan with the most spirit and to meet them down on the track if they thought they had what it took to be a "super fan".
Well my shy child, NOT, R2 asked if he could go down on the track and talk to her. I told him yes and I walked him down to be interviewed.
And low and behold they put my sweet baby on the news!
He did very well. I would put the link up but the TV station is very sporadic when it comes to stuff like this. (Maybe this is why we don't normally watch said TV station.)
Any way here is the monologue...
TV girl (TVG): Hi, What is your name? R2: R2
TVG: How old are you? R2: 6
TVG: Who are you rooting for? R2: The _______. (He did say the name.)
TVG: Why are you cheering for them? R2: Because they're our best team.
TVG: What's your favorite part about football? R2: Gettin' a touch down!
TVG: Do you have a touchdown dance? R2: He shakes his head no. TVG: Do you want to make one up with me? R2: NO!
TVG: Do you cheer up in the stands: R2 Yes! TVG: What do you say when you cheer? R2: GO ----!!!
It was to cute! And the best part was we were home to watch. The TVG said it would be on after news but the world series was going on and they wouldn't show the news till it was over. Lets just say they finally showed the clip at 11pm.
If the station doesn't put it up soon. I might just have to resort to playing the clip and recording it with my phone and then posting it. Just sayin'.
Well my shy child, NOT, R2 asked if he could go down on the track and talk to her. I told him yes and I walked him down to be interviewed.
And low and behold they put my sweet baby on the news!
He did very well. I would put the link up but the TV station is very sporadic when it comes to stuff like this. (Maybe this is why we don't normally watch said TV station.)
Any way here is the monologue...
TV girl (TVG): Hi, What is your name? R2: R2
TVG: How old are you? R2: 6
TVG: Who are you rooting for? R2: The _______. (He did say the name.)
TVG: Why are you cheering for them? R2: Because they're our best team.
TVG: What's your favorite part about football? R2: Gettin' a touch down!
TVG: Do you have a touchdown dance? R2: He shakes his head no. TVG: Do you want to make one up with me? R2: NO!
TVG: Do you cheer up in the stands: R2 Yes! TVG: What do you say when you cheer? R2: GO ----!!!
It was to cute! And the best part was we were home to watch. The TVG said it would be on after news but the world series was going on and they wouldn't show the news till it was over. Lets just say they finally showed the clip at 11pm.
If the station doesn't put it up soon. I might just have to resort to playing the clip and recording it with my phone and then posting it. Just sayin'.

Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday night was a blur
Happy Halloween!
Well The Rangers didn't win the World Series. But I'm sure y'all knew that.
I was so pumped after we scored 2 runs to make it 2 to 0. But alas the baseball Gods were not on our side.
I downloaded several apps on my phone to make sure I was covered. I wanted to know what was going on play by play.
I even shared my baseball knowledge with a friend of mine. He was rooting for The Rangers to or else I hate to say it, he would have been out of luck!
Let me just say I was excited for Lance Berkman. If anyone deserves to have a World Series ring, it's him. Watching him after the game was almost worth the Rangers losing. Almost.
There was so much going on Friday night. World Series game 7, pregame football activities-aka Senior Night, and half time performance. All the seniors involved in Friday night activities get escorted on to the field by their parents. I have a great picture of my friend Beth, her husband, and their son, Nick, but my computer does not want to cooperate with me right now. Sorry.
I even have a few pictures of R1 and his halftime performance. Which by the way he did great. I was one proud mama!
OK that's all I've got since I still can't get the pictures to load. I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Well The Rangers didn't win the World Series. But I'm sure y'all knew that.
I was so pumped after we scored 2 runs to make it 2 to 0. But alas the baseball Gods were not on our side.
I downloaded several apps on my phone to make sure I was covered. I wanted to know what was going on play by play.
I even shared my baseball knowledge with a friend of mine. He was rooting for The Rangers to or else I hate to say it, he would have been out of luck!
Let me just say I was excited for Lance Berkman. If anyone deserves to have a World Series ring, it's him. Watching him after the game was almost worth the Rangers losing. Almost.
There was so much going on Friday night. World Series game 7, pregame football activities-aka Senior Night, and half time performance. All the seniors involved in Friday night activities get escorted on to the field by their parents. I have a great picture of my friend Beth, her husband, and their son, Nick, but my computer does not want to cooperate with me right now. Sorry.
I even have a few pictures of R1 and his halftime performance. Which by the way he did great. I was one proud mama!
OK that's all I've got since I still can't get the pictures to load. I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Friday, October 28, 2011
What the heck just happened Rangers
OK I'm going to be honest. It' late or early depending on how you look at it. It's 12:07am and my head is killing me. I've been up since 5:30am on Thursday. And the Rangers just lost game 6.
I'm sick over this fact and the fact I won't be able to watch the game tomorrow night.
R1 is performing with the Jr High band at the varsity football game tomorrow night. And it's senior night and Beth's son is a senior and she and her husband have to escort him onto field.
So I know that I will be listening to it live on ESPN radio since Hubs has downloaded an app to my phone and I will be updating my Facebook status accordingly from my phone. But I am seriously thinking of bringing my laptop to the football game. Yes I know I have a sickness. Don't judge.
And since it's raining (finally) I'm off to bed. Because everyone knows when it's raining it makes the best sleeping weather.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
I'm sick over this fact and the fact I won't be able to watch the game tomorrow night.
R1 is performing with the Jr High band at the varsity football game tomorrow night. And it's senior night and Beth's son is a senior and she and her husband have to escort him onto field.
So I know that I will be listening to it live on ESPN radio since Hubs has downloaded an app to my phone and I will be updating my Facebook status accordingly from my phone. But I am seriously thinking of bringing my laptop to the football game. Yes I know I have a sickness. Don't judge.
And since it's raining (finally) I'm off to bed. Because everyone knows when it's raining it makes the best sleeping weather.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Thursday, October 27, 2011
Well I'm totally bummed out the World Series game 6 got postponed till tomorrow.
Seriously, who postpones the World Series. Hello can you say rain-delay not postponement. I guess I'm thankful they put it off till tomorrow and did not just rain delay the game. I might have been up watching till 1 or 2 in the morning. That would definitely not make for a good morning in our house.
The Rangers and Cardinals were off yesterday and last night I was sitting in the recliner going back and forth deciding do I watch TV or play on Facebook. TV won out, but there really wasn't much on. I did however get caught up a few DVR'd shows. I'm sure my DVR is thanking me.
Game 6. Thursday night. In St. Louis. 7:05PM Central Standard Time.
Seriously, who postpones the World Series. Hello can you say rain-delay not postponement. I guess I'm thankful they put it off till tomorrow and did not just rain delay the game. I might have been up watching till 1 or 2 in the morning. That would definitely not make for a good morning in our house.
The Rangers and Cardinals were off yesterday and last night I was sitting in the recliner going back and forth deciding do I watch TV or play on Facebook. TV won out, but there really wasn't much on. I did however get caught up a few DVR'd shows. I'm sure my DVR is thanking me.
Game 6. Thursday night. In St. Louis. 7:05PM Central Standard Time.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Game 5 and some food
WOO HOO, the Rangers won game 5!!! I know y'all are up set about me not blogging about game 5 but I have to admit, I was just to tired. The game wore me out! All I can say is Mike Napoli is having one heck of series. He's on fire!
Game 6 Wednesday night in St. Louis. LETS GO RANGERS!!
OK on to the food part. Sunday I have no idea what got into me but I wanted to cook. Cook like good food. So I went to the best food source I know. PINTEREST. Yes the same site I told y'all about last month. It's awesome.
Anyway there were a few recipes that I had "liked or pinned"
First recipe on the list was Parmesan Knots. You can go here for the recipe. But here are a few pictures of my finished product. These didn't last long.

Next I made shrimp and past with sun dried tomato cream sauce. I changed this recipe up just a bit. I added shrimp. Johnny Carino's makes this Spicy Shrimp and Chicken dish that is to die for and this is just a toned down version. And Hubs does not care for penne pasta very much so I used angel hair. You can go here for this recipe. It was fabulous!! I took left overs for lunch on Monday and it was even better.

Finally for dessert I picked out strawberries and angel food cake drizzled with chocolate sauce. I kinda doctored this recipe too. I cut the strawberries and cake into bite size pieces and then mixed them together in a small baking dish and then poured Hershey's chocolate sauce on them and put it in the fridge to chill. It's gone. No left overs!

All three of these were a huge hit!! I see them again in our future.
Oh and don't forget GO RANGERS!!
Game 6 Wednesday night in St. Louis. LETS GO RANGERS!!
OK on to the food part. Sunday I have no idea what got into me but I wanted to cook. Cook like good food. So I went to the best food source I know. PINTEREST. Yes the same site I told y'all about last month. It's awesome.
Anyway there were a few recipes that I had "liked or pinned"
First recipe on the list was Parmesan Knots. You can go here for the recipe. But here are a few pictures of my finished product. These didn't last long.
Next I made shrimp and past with sun dried tomato cream sauce. I changed this recipe up just a bit. I added shrimp. Johnny Carino's makes this Spicy Shrimp and Chicken dish that is to die for and this is just a toned down version. And Hubs does not care for penne pasta very much so I used angel hair. You can go here for this recipe. It was fabulous!! I took left overs for lunch on Monday and it was even better.
Finally for dessert I picked out strawberries and angel food cake drizzled with chocolate sauce. I kinda doctored this recipe too. I cut the strawberries and cake into bite size pieces and then mixed them together in a small baking dish and then poured Hershey's chocolate sauce on them and put it in the fridge to chill. It's gone. No left overs!
All three of these were a huge hit!! I see them again in our future.
Oh and don't forget GO RANGERS!!

Monday, October 24, 2011
World Series Continues
Yes interpeeps the Word Series is still going on. We are currently in game 4. Which is being played right now.
Hello my name is RRMAMA and yes I am addicted to baseball. World Series baseball.
I won't even mention game 3. It was sad. So pitiful. I lost it after the call at first baseball. He was clearly out. And I know the call didn't make or break the game but it's just the point of the whole thing. HE WAS OUT! Hubs said he won't watch baseball with me anymore because I scream at the TV way to much.
OK moving on.
It's the bottom of the 7th and the score is 1-0 Rangers. I'm hoping we can hold them off to win this game.
On another note I made a few recipes from PINTEREST for dinner tonight. Parmesan knots, chicken with sun dried tomato sauce and fresh strawberries and angel food cake drizzled with chocolate sauce. It was YUMMY!
I have pictures and all but you know the World Series is going on and I can't multi task this late in the day. And game 5 is tomorrow so I probably won't put them up then either. Just being honest. But as soon as we have break I will blog about it and put up the pictures.
WOO HOO!! Mike Napoli just hit a three run homer to make the score 4-0 Rangers!!
OK, I gotta go, this game is getting good!
RANGERS WON!! 4-0 Shut our the Cardinals tonight! I'm super pumped!!
Hello my name is RRMAMA and yes I am addicted to baseball. World Series baseball.
I won't even mention game 3. It was sad. So pitiful. I lost it after the call at first baseball. He was clearly out. And I know the call didn't make or break the game but it's just the point of the whole thing. HE WAS OUT! Hubs said he won't watch baseball with me anymore because I scream at the TV way to much.
OK moving on.
It's the bottom of the 7th and the score is 1-0 Rangers. I'm hoping we can hold them off to win this game.
On another note I made a few recipes from PINTEREST for dinner tonight. Parmesan knots, chicken with sun dried tomato sauce and fresh strawberries and angel food cake drizzled with chocolate sauce. It was YUMMY!
I have pictures and all but you know the World Series is going on and I can't multi task this late in the day. And game 5 is tomorrow so I probably won't put them up then either. Just being honest. But as soon as we have break I will blog about it and put up the pictures.
WOO HOO!! Mike Napoli just hit a three run homer to make the score 4-0 Rangers!!
OK, I gotta go, this game is getting good!
RANGERS WON!! 4-0 Shut our the Cardinals tonight! I'm super pumped!!

Friday, October 21, 2011
It's been a loooong game #2
You know I'm not going to blog about anything but the World Series for the next few days. Just warnin' ya.
So game 2 is going on now and it's been scoreless until just recently. It's the top of 8th and St. Louis scored in the bottom of the 7th bring the score to 0-1.
It's been another great game and Elvis Andrus has had and amazing game! Two awesome plays that left me speechless.
And since the game is still going on....I'm outta here. Have a great weekend.
WOO HOO!!! RANGERS WON!!! Right down to the wire. 2-1. Next game Saturday in Arlington.
So game 2 is going on now and it's been scoreless until just recently. It's the top of 8th and St. Louis scored in the bottom of the 7th bring the score to 0-1.
It's been another great game and Elvis Andrus has had and amazing game! Two awesome plays that left me speechless.
And since the game is still going on....I'm outta here. Have a great weekend.
WOO HOO!!! RANGERS WON!!! Right down to the wire. 2-1. Next game Saturday in Arlington.

Thursday, October 20, 2011
A house divided

Yes folks it World Series time! I'm VERY happy. Those of you that know me know I have a deep love a baseball.
The Texas Rangers and St. Louis Cardinals are in the world series. First game is going on right now as type this. The score is 2 to 3 Cardinals. The Cardinals actually just scored to make it 2 to 3.
And my house is very much divided for this world series. Me, I love my Astros but alas they are not in the series, which leave me to root for the team that is, the Texas Rangers.
Hubs can not and I repeat CAN NOT stand the Rangers, so he is pulling for the Cardinals. And because Lance Berkman is playing for the Cardinals R1 is pulling for them as well. And well R2 he's gonna take his dad and brothers side so that really leaves just me cheering for the Rangers.
And once the series is over the tape will come down and the house will be harmonious again.
But for now GO RANGERS!!!
Rangers lost to the Cardinals tonight. 2-3. It was a great first game. I'm ready for game 2!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Priscilla who....
By now the three of you that read this blog know I have been doing a bible study called Jonah, Navigating A Life Interrupted by Priscilla Shirer.
A few weeks backs during our lesson, Priscilla, like how I act like we are on a first name basis, was talking about having an argument with your spouse but it really wasn't a full blown argument. But it wasn't just a little spat either. She called these "HEATED FELLOWSHIP".
I loved it! It sounded perfect.
So after the bible study I came home and told Hubs about our new term for our discussions, heated fellowship.
He laughed and then said, "So does Priscilla go to our church? And if so, where does she sit."
First off, I wish she went to our church!! Second, Hubs has only being going to our church for the past 27 years. And our church is in our small community and he knows everyone in our church. That is unless you are visiting.
So Priscilla, If you ever visit Southeast Texas, let me know. I'll be sure to introduce Hubs. And remember, just act like you've been going to our church forever.
A few weeks backs during our lesson, Priscilla, like how I act like we are on a first name basis, was talking about having an argument with your spouse but it really wasn't a full blown argument. But it wasn't just a little spat either. She called these "HEATED FELLOWSHIP".
I loved it! It sounded perfect.
So after the bible study I came home and told Hubs about our new term for our discussions, heated fellowship.
He laughed and then said, "So does Priscilla go to our church? And if so, where does she sit."
First off, I wish she went to our church!! Second, Hubs has only being going to our church for the past 27 years. And our church is in our small community and he knows everyone in our church. That is unless you are visiting.
So Priscilla, If you ever visit Southeast Texas, let me know. I'll be sure to introduce Hubs. And remember, just act like you've been going to our church forever.

Friday, October 14, 2011
Instead of usual blog post I thought I would just list a bunch of stuff that is running around in my head.
1. R1 is feeling better and went to school yesterday. He made it the entire day and then came home with a mountain of home work. Thank goodness we got some of his class work the other day. 6th grade work comes in P-I-L-E-S!
2. Rangers lost. I'm not happy. But we have 2 more games.
3. A sweet friend suddenly lost her husband two weeks ago. I haven't really wanted to talk about it but she and her son have been on my mind constantly. Her name is Stella and her son is Trent. If you wouldn't mind saying a little prayer for them that would be great.
4. R1 has his first school dance this weekend. I might have told him a fib about him having to go for student council and then changed my mind and he still wants to go as long as his friends are going.
5. After dinner last night R2 was showing R1 how to do the Macarena. Totally funny since that craze was so over with by the time he was born and R2 is 4 1/2 yrs younger than R1.
6 Also later when R2 was laying in bed, pitching a fit, it sounded like a growling wooly mammoth was having a wrestling fight. I wish I would have taped him. It was good stuff.
7. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, our football stadium will be "pinked out" for tonight's game.
8.I don't really have anything else, I just couldn't end on an odd number.
Y'all have a great weekend!
1. R1 is feeling better and went to school yesterday. He made it the entire day and then came home with a mountain of home work. Thank goodness we got some of his class work the other day. 6th grade work comes in P-I-L-E-S!
2. Rangers lost. I'm not happy. But we have 2 more games.
3. A sweet friend suddenly lost her husband two weeks ago. I haven't really wanted to talk about it but she and her son have been on my mind constantly. Her name is Stella and her son is Trent. If you wouldn't mind saying a little prayer for them that would be great.
4. R1 has his first school dance this weekend. I might have told him a fib about him having to go for student council and then changed my mind and he still wants to go as long as his friends are going.
5. After dinner last night R2 was showing R1 how to do the Macarena. Totally funny since that craze was so over with by the time he was born and R2 is 4 1/2 yrs younger than R1.
6 Also later when R2 was laying in bed, pitching a fit, it sounded like a growling wooly mammoth was having a wrestling fight. I wish I would have taped him. It was good stuff.
7. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, our football stadium will be "pinked out" for tonight's game.
8.I don't really have anything else, I just couldn't end on an odd number.
Y'all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The sickness of 2011 has returned
To start off, I was typing the title for the post and I put "The sickness of 2001 has returned". Really, I can't remember what I did last week, so how am I supposed to remember a sickness from 2001. If I was blogging back then I'm sure I could look it up, but alas I was not.
OK moving on.
Sickness has returned to our house. R1 is looks just so PIT-TI-FUL! He started feeling bad late Sunday night. Saying his stomach and head hurt. And his cheeks were flush. I took his temperature and gave him some Advil. Also, there has been a nasty stomach virus going around his school and I was just waiting for it to hit our house. I was following him around with a lined trash can, don't judge. I'd rather be able to pull a bag out of what we call in our house, the vomit can, than clean up my floor.
I can say now the stomach bug did not it our house but a sinus infection followed by a secondary infection has.
R1 stayed home from school Monday. He ran a low temperature all day and I kept him pretty well medicated. So when he woke up yesterday and his fever was 100.8, I medicated him again and sent him to school. I know I get "Mom Of The Year" for that one. But he said he felt OK. I figured that once he got moving and in his school routine he would be better.
WRONG! He made it exactly 8.4 seconds in first period before asking to go see the nurse. Where she promptly took his temperature and it read 101.3. See I told you 'Mom Of The Year". He called me at work to come and pick him up. While on my way to get him I redeemed part of my mom status by calling the doctor and making him an appointment.
Here is where I must say I love our pediatrician. I don't really like giving him my money, but he and his staff are wonderful!! Dr. H is fantastic. We never feel like a number and he always takes his time with us. He never rushes or pushes us out the door. He has the best bedside manner. We have been going to him ever since R1 was born.
Dr. H does the question and answer thing and then the exam thing. Saying he has a secondary infection and is now placing R1 on a 5 day antibiotic along with breathing treatments so his cough will continue to loosen and not turn into croup.
Side note: I took the boys for well visits to the ear, nose, and throat doctor last week. R2 was perfect and R1 had a sinus infection. This does not surprise me. Hello we live in Southeast Texas and it's been so dry and the ragweed is running around rampant in the air, hence R1's first infection. Dr. J gave us two prescriptions to help.
And now my counter looks like an aisle at Walgreen's.
R1 is currently taking the followingdrugs prescriptions/medications:
1. Nasonex, for those lovely Southeast Texas allergies
2. Zyrtec, see #1 for reason
3. Prednisone, to jump start the drying out of his nasal passages, only for 5 days
4. Azithromycin, for the secondary infection
5. Albuterol, to help with the coughing, really as needed
6. Robitussin, for his coughing
7. Advil or Tylenol as needed for fever.
See told you I have half of Walgreen's pharmacy department in my kitchen.
Oh and I have completely redeemed my self as "Mom Of The Year". I stopped on our way home and got R1 some Wonton Soup from our favorite Chinese food place. And we snuggled on the couch and watched movies. I made sure he was comfortable and had all of his medication, on time too.
R1, I hope you are feeling better soon!! I love you.
OK moving on.
Sickness has returned to our house. R1 is looks just so PIT-TI-FUL! He started feeling bad late Sunday night. Saying his stomach and head hurt. And his cheeks were flush. I took his temperature and gave him some Advil. Also, there has been a nasty stomach virus going around his school and I was just waiting for it to hit our house. I was following him around with a lined trash can, don't judge. I'd rather be able to pull a bag out of what we call in our house, the vomit can, than clean up my floor.
I can say now the stomach bug did not it our house but a sinus infection followed by a secondary infection has.
R1 stayed home from school Monday. He ran a low temperature all day and I kept him pretty well medicated. So when he woke up yesterday and his fever was 100.8, I medicated him again and sent him to school. I know I get "Mom Of The Year" for that one. But he said he felt OK. I figured that once he got moving and in his school routine he would be better.
WRONG! He made it exactly 8.4 seconds in first period before asking to go see the nurse. Where she promptly took his temperature and it read 101.3. See I told you 'Mom Of The Year". He called me at work to come and pick him up. While on my way to get him I redeemed part of my mom status by calling the doctor and making him an appointment.
Here is where I must say I love our pediatrician. I don't really like giving him my money, but he and his staff are wonderful!! Dr. H is fantastic. We never feel like a number and he always takes his time with us. He never rushes or pushes us out the door. He has the best bedside manner. We have been going to him ever since R1 was born.
Dr. H does the question and answer thing and then the exam thing. Saying he has a secondary infection and is now placing R1 on a 5 day antibiotic along with breathing treatments so his cough will continue to loosen and not turn into croup.
Side note: I took the boys for well visits to the ear, nose, and throat doctor last week. R2 was perfect and R1 had a sinus infection. This does not surprise me. Hello we live in Southeast Texas and it's been so dry and the ragweed is running around rampant in the air, hence R1's first infection. Dr. J gave us two prescriptions to help.
And now my counter looks like an aisle at Walgreen's.
R1 is currently taking the following
1. Nasonex, for those lovely Southeast Texas allergies
2. Zyrtec, see #1 for reason
3. Prednisone, to jump start the drying out of his nasal passages, only for 5 days
4. Azithromycin, for the secondary infection
5. Albuterol, to help with the coughing, really as needed
6. Robitussin, for his coughing
7. Advil or Tylenol as needed for fever.
See told you I have half of Walgreen's pharmacy department in my kitchen.
Oh and I have completely redeemed my self as "Mom Of The Year". I stopped on our way home and got R1 some Wonton Soup from our favorite Chinese food place. And we snuggled on the couch and watched movies. I made sure he was comfortable and had all of his medication, on time too.
R1, I hope you are feeling better soon!! I love you.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
My life is interrupted by Gods divine intervention
So I've been gone from here for a few days, sorry. It's all been part of my life interrupted. I have seen God in the small moments, the divine intervention moments, but I am still trying to see him in the over all picture. How did someone else see God through my life's interruptions.
It seems ever since one of my best friends, Beth, began this bible study by Priscilla Shirer, title Jonah, A Life Interrupted, it has been one thing after another for both of us. She even called me one day asking me if I thought she was crazy doing a study about life's interruptions. My reply was an immediate yes! I probably wouldn't have even given much thought to the interruptions if not magnified the daily lessons during the bible study.
My life has been interrupted by car trouble. Several car issues I might say.
A list if you will.
1. Brake light sensor was starting to go out and Hubs had to replace the part. Not to expensive and only took about 10 minutes to repair.
2. A BIG expensive repair. A sensor went out in my transmissions causing damage. Enough said, moving on.
3. Got car back and front right fender area was making a chirping sound and the wheel was clicking. (I knew what that clicking sound meant. I had heard it before on Hubs' car, not good) The only thing was the car was not making these sound before it was repaired.
4. Took car in on Thursday and they fixed all the issues. A loose bolt was causing all of the noises and if not fixed it would have lead to a broke CV joint. (hence the clicking sound I heard)
5. Friday I went to leave for lunch and the battery was dead in my car. I know go ahead and say it. I did. UGH!!! So Saturday Hubs took the battery out of my car and back to the place where we purchased it two years earlier. They looked it up in their system and I purchased the battery on October 16, 2009 and Saturday was October 8, 2011. The business offers a two year warranty on their batteries. All I had to pay was a $3.00 state fee and I got a new battery.
I see the divine intervention in me having to bring the car back in. The repair was a warranty issue and didn't cost me anything but my time. I also see the divine intervention in the battery issue. Had it gone bad after the 16th I would have had to spend $80.00 to get a new battery instead of just $3.00.
I'm really hoping all of my car troubles are behind me. I think I have had enough character building experiencing with car trouble, but God may think other wise. We'll see. Through out all of this I have been praising Gods name. I have been thanking Him for the interruptions. I have been giving him all the glory He is so deserving of. I even got on my knees in my living room thanking Him for the warranty repair.
I know there will be many more interruptions during my life. Maybe it was me who was supposed to see God working. I know this was his way of bringing me closer to Him. Maybe He wanted me to feel Him all around me, to see Him so clearly.
All I know is this, my Lord and savior will be right next to me. Holding me, giving me strength, guiding me. comforting me, and showing me just how real He is during His divine intervention.
It seems ever since one of my best friends, Beth, began this bible study by Priscilla Shirer, title Jonah, A Life Interrupted, it has been one thing after another for both of us. She even called me one day asking me if I thought she was crazy doing a study about life's interruptions. My reply was an immediate yes! I probably wouldn't have even given much thought to the interruptions if not magnified the daily lessons during the bible study.
My life has been interrupted by car trouble. Several car issues I might say.
A list if you will.
1. Brake light sensor was starting to go out and Hubs had to replace the part. Not to expensive and only took about 10 minutes to repair.
2. A BIG expensive repair. A sensor went out in my transmissions causing damage. Enough said, moving on.
3. Got car back and front right fender area was making a chirping sound and the wheel was clicking. (I knew what that clicking sound meant. I had heard it before on Hubs' car, not good) The only thing was the car was not making these sound before it was repaired.
4. Took car in on Thursday and they fixed all the issues. A loose bolt was causing all of the noises and if not fixed it would have lead to a broke CV joint. (hence the clicking sound I heard)
5. Friday I went to leave for lunch and the battery was dead in my car. I know go ahead and say it. I did. UGH!!! So Saturday Hubs took the battery out of my car and back to the place where we purchased it two years earlier. They looked it up in their system and I purchased the battery on October 16, 2009 and Saturday was October 8, 2011. The business offers a two year warranty on their batteries. All I had to pay was a $3.00 state fee and I got a new battery.
I see the divine intervention in me having to bring the car back in. The repair was a warranty issue and didn't cost me anything but my time. I also see the divine intervention in the battery issue. Had it gone bad after the 16th I would have had to spend $80.00 to get a new battery instead of just $3.00.
I'm really hoping all of my car troubles are behind me. I think I have had enough character building experiencing with car trouble, but God may think other wise. We'll see. Through out all of this I have been praising Gods name. I have been thanking Him for the interruptions. I have been giving him all the glory He is so deserving of. I even got on my knees in my living room thanking Him for the warranty repair.
I know there will be many more interruptions during my life. Maybe it was me who was supposed to see God working. I know this was his way of bringing me closer to Him. Maybe He wanted me to feel Him all around me, to see Him so clearly.
All I know is this, my Lord and savior will be right next to me. Holding me, giving me strength, guiding me. comforting me, and showing me just how real He is during His divine intervention.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
There I said it. I said Dyslexia or Dyslexic.
My son, R2 is Dyslexic.
That was a hard word for me to swallow. Kindergarten was supposed to be a wonderful year of learning and getting a good start for the beginning of great school career. To put it mildly, Kindergarten was a nightmare. While socially R2 was growing wonderfully but scholastically it was a daily struggle.
But with the help of a wonderfully experienced Kindergarten teacher, at the end of the last school year we had R2 tested for Dyslexia. There were several factors during the school year that lead us to this decision.
We did have him tested on our own because the school system in Texas does not test for Dyslexia until the end of First grade and I was not willing to wait that long. I had to step up and be the voice for my child. I had to step up and get him the help he needed now and not wait until he was so far behind and his self esteem plummeted.
I did research, and lots of it.
So what exactly is Dyslexia? I asked the same question. It's not just the reversal of letters or numbers in your head. It's so much more than that.
Dyslexia is a broad term defining a learning disability that impairs a person's fluency or comprehension accuracy in being able to read,[1] and which can manifest itself as a difficulty with phonological awareness, phonological decoding, orthographic coding, auditory short-term memory, or rapid naming.[2][3] Dyslexia is separate and distinct from reading difficulties resulting from other causes, such as a non-neurological deficiency with vision or hearing, or from poor or inadequate reading instruction. (taken from Wikipedia)
R2 has what is know as phonemic dyslexia. He has difficulty blending sounds to make words. An example would be take the word MAT. We would sound out the letters M and A and T and then put them together to form the word. R2 doesn't have trouble with every word he tried to blend together but more often than not he does.
During the summer R2 worked with a Dyslexic specialist, whom we call Gummy. At least that is what her grand children call her and she told R2 he could call her that as well. She was absolutely wonderful. I was so thankful we found her. The improvement just after the first session was amazing. We spent many days at her house.
And another bit of good news, R2's First grade teacher used to do what the schools call specialty pull out classes for reading before she became a certified teacher. His teacher is fantastic! She has been working on a few things with him already and the school year has just begun. Can you say prayers answered!
A year ago I never imagined I'd be writing this post. A year ago I thought my youngest child would go to school and learn everything just the way he was supposed to learn everything.
But here I am telling you my child has dyslexia. I'm shouting it, MY CHILD HAS DYSLEXIA. In the worlds of my best friend, he's fixable. He's going to grow up and be OK. And while the road ahead is a long one and sometimes the bumps will feel more like I have just been pushed off a cliff, I know things are better and they are getting better. With the help from one awesome kindergarten teacher, a fabulous first grade teacher, Gummy, Hubs, and me R2 is and will be just fine.
My son, R2 is Dyslexic.
That was a hard word for me to swallow. Kindergarten was supposed to be a wonderful year of learning and getting a good start for the beginning of great school career. To put it mildly, Kindergarten was a nightmare. While socially R2 was growing wonderfully but scholastically it was a daily struggle.
But with the help of a wonderfully experienced Kindergarten teacher, at the end of the last school year we had R2 tested for Dyslexia. There were several factors during the school year that lead us to this decision.
We did have him tested on our own because the school system in Texas does not test for Dyslexia until the end of First grade and I was not willing to wait that long. I had to step up and be the voice for my child. I had to step up and get him the help he needed now and not wait until he was so far behind and his self esteem plummeted.
I did research, and lots of it.
So what exactly is Dyslexia? I asked the same question. It's not just the reversal of letters or numbers in your head. It's so much more than that.
Dyslexia is a broad term defining a learning disability that impairs a person's fluency or comprehension accuracy in being able to read,[1] and which can manifest itself as a difficulty with phonological awareness, phonological decoding, orthographic coding, auditory short-term memory, or rapid naming.[2][3] Dyslexia is separate and distinct from reading difficulties resulting from other causes, such as a non-neurological deficiency with vision or hearing, or from poor or inadequate reading instruction. (taken from Wikipedia)
R2 has what is know as phonemic dyslexia. He has difficulty blending sounds to make words. An example would be take the word MAT. We would sound out the letters M and A and T and then put them together to form the word. R2 doesn't have trouble with every word he tried to blend together but more often than not he does.
During the summer R2 worked with a Dyslexic specialist, whom we call Gummy. At least that is what her grand children call her and she told R2 he could call her that as well. She was absolutely wonderful. I was so thankful we found her. The improvement just after the first session was amazing. We spent many days at her house.
And another bit of good news, R2's First grade teacher used to do what the schools call specialty pull out classes for reading before she became a certified teacher. His teacher is fantastic! She has been working on a few things with him already and the school year has just begun. Can you say prayers answered!
A year ago I never imagined I'd be writing this post. A year ago I thought my youngest child would go to school and learn everything just the way he was supposed to learn everything.
But here I am telling you my child has dyslexia. I'm shouting it, MY CHILD HAS DYSLEXIA. In the worlds of my best friend, he's fixable. He's going to grow up and be OK. And while the road ahead is a long one and sometimes the bumps will feel more like I have just been pushed off a cliff, I know things are better and they are getting better. With the help from one awesome kindergarten teacher, a fabulous first grade teacher, Gummy, Hubs, and me R2 is and will be just fine.

Monday, October 3, 2011
50th Anniversary of the little church in the woods
This past weekend the church where Hubs and I attend celebrated it's 50th Anniversary.
What an amazing celebration it was. What started out as the little church in the woods is now the big church in the small woods.
Our church has had seven pastors in the past 50 years and of the seven, four were present this weekend. How awesome it was to have them there.
There were so many people in attendance this weekend. I was completely blown away.
Hubs has been attending the little church for 27 years, 14 of those years have been with me. I was baptized in this church and so was R1.
It was wonderful to catch up with everyone. I laughed so hard my sides ached and smiled so much my cheeks hurt.
I love my church. I love my church family and friends. Our preachers wife is one of my best friends.
I feel so blessed to have been a part of this weekend. God started this journey 50 years ago. I can't wait to see what else He has in store for the little church in the woods for the next 50 years and beyond.
What an amazing celebration it was. What started out as the little church in the woods is now the big church in the small woods.
Our church has had seven pastors in the past 50 years and of the seven, four were present this weekend. How awesome it was to have them there.
There were so many people in attendance this weekend. I was completely blown away.
Hubs has been attending the little church for 27 years, 14 of those years have been with me. I was baptized in this church and so was R1.
It was wonderful to catch up with everyone. I laughed so hard my sides ached and smiled so much my cheeks hurt.
I love my church. I love my church family and friends. Our preachers wife is one of my best friends.
I feel so blessed to have been a part of this weekend. God started this journey 50 years ago. I can't wait to see what else He has in store for the little church in the woods for the next 50 years and beyond.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Emma's Hope Update
Earlier in the month I told y'all about Emma's Hope, the story of a friend who's daughter has acute aplastic anemia. And I figured it was time for an update.
Emma started her chemo treatments and had her bone marrow transplant, which was supplied by her brother, Mason. I actually saw Mason at the homecoming football game Friday night running around with friends and it warmed my heart!
She has been doing so well. So well in fact the doctors are allowing them to move from the hospital to the "apartment house" which is less than 15 minutes away. They told her it would about 2-3 months after her transplant before this would happen. It's been 21 days. 21 DAYS!! And her white blood cell count went from 500 to 1310 yesterday. That's great news. She will have to wear a special mask when she leaves the hospital and goes to the apartment. She will also have to wear the mask when she leaves the apartment to go to doctors visits as well. But a house is better than a hospital!
Also Emma agreed to let Cathy shave the rest of her hair off since it was falling out from the chemo. And being the strong mother Cathy is, she let Emma shave her hair off. Below are few pictures of the process and end result.

Emma started her chemo treatments and had her bone marrow transplant, which was supplied by her brother, Mason. I actually saw Mason at the homecoming football game Friday night running around with friends and it warmed my heart!
She has been doing so well. So well in fact the doctors are allowing them to move from the hospital to the "apartment house" which is less than 15 minutes away. They told her it would about 2-3 months after her transplant before this would happen. It's been 21 days. 21 DAYS!! And her white blood cell count went from 500 to 1310 yesterday. That's great news. She will have to wear a special mask when she leaves the hospital and goes to the apartment. She will also have to wear the mask when she leaves the apartment to go to doctors visits as well. But a house is better than a hospital!
Also Emma agreed to let Cathy shave the rest of her hair off since it was falling out from the chemo. And being the strong mother Cathy is, she let Emma shave her hair off. Below are few pictures of the process and end result.
Sweet Emma

The best picture of a mothers unconditional love for her child

Monday, September 26, 2011
It was homcoming weekend and she was beautiful
This weekend was nothing but a big blur for me.
Friday night was the homecoming football game. I would like to say we won, but lets just say the band did a great job and the homecoming court was beautiful and leave it at that.
Saturday R2 had birthday party at 11am, and it was a swim party. When it was over we went home to change clothes and then head over to my friend Beth's house. Her daughter Alex, is the daughter I will never have. I love her to pieces. I had the privilege to do her hair and make up for the dance. Hair is so long and pretty. She wanted the messy side bun look and her hair was perfect for it.
After I got done over at Beth's house and according to R1 it took 4 hours but it was more like 3 1/2 but who's counting. I had to drop the boys off at home and run in to town. I had been promising R1 he could get a new video game and it finally came in and I had to pick it up. Then I had to go to HEB. We were out of all of the staples. Milk, eggs, lunch meat, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, and an A/C filter, don't judge.
Hubs had been saying all day he was going to grill for dinner. He is one awesome cook when it comes to the grill. We usually grill 3-4 times a week. Anyway by the time I got done with the activities from Saturday and home from HEB, we didn't eat until around 8:45pm. But it was so good!
Sunday was church, laundry, NAP, laundry, church, dinner. Oh by the way did I tell you I took a nap. I love my Sunday afternoon naps. They are the best. The only bad thing is if I sleep longer than and hour, I'm up half the night.
And you know I just had to show you a picture of my children. The boys and Alex. She is beautiful and those boys are just so darn cute!
On a side note I would have put up a picture of Alex and myself but I was so short standing next to her. Besides I love this picture.
Friday night was the homecoming football game. I would like to say we won, but lets just say the band did a great job and the homecoming court was beautiful and leave it at that.
Saturday R2 had birthday party at 11am, and it was a swim party. When it was over we went home to change clothes and then head over to my friend Beth's house. Her daughter Alex, is the daughter I will never have. I love her to pieces. I had the privilege to do her hair and make up for the dance. Hair is so long and pretty. She wanted the messy side bun look and her hair was perfect for it.
After I got done over at Beth's house and according to R1 it took 4 hours but it was more like 3 1/2 but who's counting. I had to drop the boys off at home and run in to town. I had been promising R1 he could get a new video game and it finally came in and I had to pick it up. Then I had to go to HEB. We were out of all of the staples. Milk, eggs, lunch meat, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, and an A/C filter, don't judge.
Hubs had been saying all day he was going to grill for dinner. He is one awesome cook when it comes to the grill. We usually grill 3-4 times a week. Anyway by the time I got done with the activities from Saturday and home from HEB, we didn't eat until around 8:45pm. But it was so good!
Sunday was church, laundry, NAP, laundry, church, dinner. Oh by the way did I tell you I took a nap. I love my Sunday afternoon naps. They are the best. The only bad thing is if I sleep longer than and hour, I'm up half the night.
And you know I just had to show you a picture of my children. The boys and Alex. She is beautiful and those boys are just so darn cute!

Thursday, September 22, 2011
Oh love bugs, I do not love you
Dear Love Bugs,
I do not love you.
I do not like the way you float around and linger in the air just long enough to make a mess of the front of my car while I am driving down the road.
I do not like how when I go for a walk you fly into my face and land in my hair.
I do not like how you smell when you fly into my face and I go to swipe you out of the way and accidentally kill you. Sorry!
And lastly I do not like how you are always mating. Can't you find some where to land and take care of that. I do not like having to explain to my six year old, why you are stuck like that.
Thank you.
I do not love you.
I do not like the way you float around and linger in the air just long enough to make a mess of the front of my car while I am driving down the road.
I do not like how when I go for a walk you fly into my face and land in my hair.
I do not like how you smell when you fly into my face and I go to swipe you out of the way and accidentally kill you. Sorry!
And lastly I do not like how you are always mating. Can't you find some where to land and take care of that. I do not like having to explain to my six year old, why you are stuck like that.
Thank you.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
14 years ago
Happy Anniversary Hubs!
14 years, sometimes it seems so long ago and other times it seems like yesterday.
Thank you for being my rock and my friend.
Thank you for giving me the most precious two boys.
Most of all, thank you for loving me.
14 years, sometimes it seems so long ago and other times it seems like yesterday.
Thank you for being my rock and my friend.
Thank you for giving me the most precious two boys.
Most of all, thank you for loving me.

Monday, September 19, 2011
Nerd Day 2011
So it's homecoming week at our school. And every day is a "theme" day. The kids and teachers dress up to show support leading up to the football game on Friday.
Monday = Nerd Day
Tuesday = Decade Day
Wednesday = Broken Injury Day, (yes you read that right, broken injury day)
Thursday = Spirit Day
Friday = Favorite Sports Team Day
Here is R1 ready for Nerd Day.
Monday = Nerd Day
Tuesday = Decade Day
Wednesday = Broken Injury Day, (yes you read that right, broken injury day)
Thursday = Spirit Day
Friday = Favorite Sports Team Day
Here is R1 ready for Nerd Day.

Friday, September 16, 2011
Divine Intervention
OK so the new bible study I am doing talks about life's interruptions and how they are really divine intervention from God. And how divine intervention is really God's glory.
So right now this is what is going on in my world. A list if you will...
1. Car trouble. Transmission trouble to be exact. I have a friend who is a mechanic and is working on few things but I am waiting for his call back with a price. In the mean time we are borrowing my Uncles car. That was a prayer answered.
2. My hair dryer broke, well it wouldn't turn off. So I had to just pull it out of the wall. And I figure if it's still working why go buy another one.
3. Hubs got an email earlier in the week and then forwarded it on to me as an FYI. To be honest contents bare not mentioning here but they caused an interruption.
4. My sweet Cookie dog is not feeling well. The whole family went for a walk and we took the dog. When she was doing her business, lets just say she has diarrhea and leave it at that. And last night she was sitting in my lap wrapped in a blanket with the shakes. I called one my best friends who is a Vet, my Vet, but she lives in another city, and she said Cookie probably has an upset stomach and to keep an eye on her but she probably needs to go to the vet if she isn't better in the morning.
So these four things, huge, big, small, and minor have all caused life interruptions for me this week. And I'm seriously trying to see how they are really a divine intervention. I know God has all of these interruptions covered with His hand. I know some how some way this will affect someone and they will see just how wonderful our God is. How merciful, loving, and gracious He is. How He is the healer, provider, and sustainer.
My mother in law always says that when troubled times come, God is building character in you. It is His way of drawing you closer to Him.
So maybe someone will see how I turn to God during this time and how I lean on Him like my legs are broken and He has carried me completely and then they will think to themselves, something is missing in their life and they have been search for it and they realize it's God. And how just now she has shown me just how real God is. How her faith in Him is so strong that life's interruptions are really divine interventions.
So right now this is what is going on in my world. A list if you will...
1. Car trouble. Transmission trouble to be exact. I have a friend who is a mechanic and is working on few things but I am waiting for his call back with a price. In the mean time we are borrowing my Uncles car. That was a prayer answered.
2. My hair dryer broke, well it wouldn't turn off. So I had to just pull it out of the wall. And I figure if it's still working why go buy another one.
3. Hubs got an email earlier in the week and then forwarded it on to me as an FYI. To be honest contents bare not mentioning here but they caused an interruption.
4. My sweet Cookie dog is not feeling well. The whole family went for a walk and we took the dog. When she was doing her business, lets just say she has diarrhea and leave it at that. And last night she was sitting in my lap wrapped in a blanket with the shakes. I called one my best friends who is a Vet, my Vet, but she lives in another city, and she said Cookie probably has an upset stomach and to keep an eye on her but she probably needs to go to the vet if she isn't better in the morning.
So these four things, huge, big, small, and minor have all caused life interruptions for me this week. And I'm seriously trying to see how they are really a divine intervention. I know God has all of these interruptions covered with His hand. I know some how some way this will affect someone and they will see just how wonderful our God is. How merciful, loving, and gracious He is. How He is the healer, provider, and sustainer.
My mother in law always says that when troubled times come, God is building character in you. It is His way of drawing you closer to Him.
So maybe someone will see how I turn to God during this time and how I lean on Him like my legs are broken and He has carried me completely and then they will think to themselves, something is missing in their life and they have been search for it and they realize it's God. And how just now she has shown me just how real God is. How her faith in Him is so strong that life's interruptions are really divine interventions.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Life Interrupted
We started a new ladies bible study last night.
Jonah, Navigating a Life Interrupted by Priscilla Shirer.
OH MY! Did she bring the message right to me last night.
She said the interrupted life is the privileged life. Think about that for a minute. Think about all of the things that interrupt your day. Cell phone, computer, kids, restaurant, traffic, school, work, doorbell, spouse, and parents or grandparents. Are these really an interruption? We are privileged to have each one of these in our lives.
But as children of God we are privileged. God comes to talk to us during our interrupted time. He comes to us. How awesome is that. That he would want to talk to me. He comes to me in my hopelessness to give me hope.
I can't wait to see where this journey with Jonah brings me.
What I can say is this. I hope I am never to far gone that God feels the need for me to be vomited out of the mouth of a big fish onto the beach. I hope God will come to me sooner. (Thanks BH!)
Jonah, Navigating a Life Interrupted by Priscilla Shirer.
OH MY! Did she bring the message right to me last night.
She said the interrupted life is the privileged life. Think about that for a minute. Think about all of the things that interrupt your day. Cell phone, computer, kids, restaurant, traffic, school, work, doorbell, spouse, and parents or grandparents. Are these really an interruption? We are privileged to have each one of these in our lives.
But as children of God we are privileged. God comes to talk to us during our interrupted time. He comes to us. How awesome is that. That he would want to talk to me. He comes to me in my hopelessness to give me hope.
I can't wait to see where this journey with Jonah brings me.
What I can say is this. I hope I am never to far gone that God feels the need for me to be vomited out of the mouth of a big fish onto the beach. I hope God will come to me sooner. (Thanks BH!)

Monday, September 12, 2011
Remembering September 11th
Mark Shulman.
I only met him a few times and I was much much younger.
But here is what is said about him.
You see, Mark was my cousin. And though I don't remember, we are family.
I also have other family, ones that I am especially close to, that live in New York. One family member in particular that was at the World Trade Center that day and countless days to follow, to help and offer support any way she could.
You see I will never forget that day. I will always remember where I was and exactly what I was doing. I will remember that first phone call from my loved ones telling me they were OK. I will remember the photos, the stories and the images.
God bless the victims and their families.
I will always remember.
I only met him a few times and I was much much younger.
But here is what is said about him.
Mark Shulman ,"kind of quiet guy who loved sports," said his wife, Lori.
Undeniably, a sports fan, attending Giants and Rangers games as often as possible. But overriding all, a dedication to his daughters, Jamie, 13, and Melissa, 17, in whom he instilled a zest for accomplishment.
A 47-year-old mechanical engineer, Mr. Shulman, a fire protection specialist for Marsh & McClennan on the 100th floor of the World Trade Center.
Profile published in THE NEW YORK TIMES on December 24, 2001.
Undeniably, a sports fan, attending Giants and Rangers games as often as possible. But overriding all, a dedication to his daughters, Jamie, 13, and Melissa, 17, in whom he instilled a zest for accomplishment.
A 47-year-old mechanical engineer, Mr. Shulman, a fire protection specialist for Marsh & McClennan on the 100th floor of the World Trade Center.
Profile published in THE NEW YORK TIMES on December 24, 2001.
Mark Shulman, 47, loved by all he knew
By day, Mark Shulman was a disaster inspector, fire prevention and risk consultant for Marsh & McLennan in New York. His nights and weekends were spent with his family.
He organized a baseball team for the Knights of Pythias in Old Bridge. He coached the Roadrunners girls soccer team there.
For the past 12 years, he took his wife Lori and daughters Melissa, 17, and Jamie, 12, to Disney World in Florida.
"He loved his family; he loved Disney World," said his mother, Evelyn Shulman of Toms River.
On Tuesday, he was memorialized at a service at Temple Shaari Emeth in Manalapan. Mr. Shulman, 47, has not been seen since the World Trade Center was destroyed by terrorists Sept. 11. He worked on the 100th floor of Tower One.
"He was in the building when it was hit," his mother said.
Though Mr. Shulman loved his job, it wasn't his first priority, Evelyn Shulman said.
"His family always came first," said his mother. "He did everything for his family. I lost a treasure."
Shulman said her son loved everybody, a trait that was noticed by others.
"There were 800 people at the memorial service, and they gave him a tribute I will never forget. Everybody loved him," she said.
Mr. Shulman received an engineering degree from Pratt Institute in New York and worked uptown before being transferred to the World Trade Center 17 years ago.
Born and raised in Brooklyn, Mr. Shulman and his wife moved to Old Bridge 17 years ago.
Besides his wife and daughters, Mr. Shulman is survived by his parents Ira and Evelyn Shulman of Toms River; a brother, Larry of Port Jefferson, N.Y.; and nieces, nephews and other relatives.
He organized a baseball team for the Knights of Pythias in Old Bridge. He coached the Roadrunners girls soccer team there.
For the past 12 years, he took his wife Lori and daughters Melissa, 17, and Jamie, 12, to Disney World in Florida.
"He loved his family; he loved Disney World," said his mother, Evelyn Shulman of Toms River.
On Tuesday, he was memorialized at a service at Temple Shaari Emeth in Manalapan. Mr. Shulman, 47, has not been seen since the World Trade Center was destroyed by terrorists Sept. 11. He worked on the 100th floor of Tower One.
"He was in the building when it was hit," his mother said.
Though Mr. Shulman loved his job, it wasn't his first priority, Evelyn Shulman said.
"His family always came first," said his mother. "He did everything for his family. I lost a treasure."
Shulman said her son loved everybody, a trait that was noticed by others.
"There were 800 people at the memorial service, and they gave him a tribute I will never forget. Everybody loved him," she said.
Mr. Shulman received an engineering degree from Pratt Institute in New York and worked uptown before being transferred to the World Trade Center 17 years ago.
Born and raised in Brooklyn, Mr. Shulman and his wife moved to Old Bridge 17 years ago.
Besides his wife and daughters, Mr. Shulman is survived by his parents Ira and Evelyn Shulman of Toms River; a brother, Larry of Port Jefferson, N.Y.; and nieces, nephews and other relatives.
You see, Mark was my cousin. And though I don't remember, we are family.
I also have other family, ones that I am especially close to, that live in New York. One family member in particular that was at the World Trade Center that day and countless days to follow, to help and offer support any way she could.
You see I will never forget that day. I will always remember where I was and exactly what I was doing. I will remember that first phone call from my loved ones telling me they were OK. I will remember the photos, the stories and the images.
God bless the victims and their families.
I will always remember.

Thursday, September 8, 2011
Yes it's September so it's that time of year again.
Hello and welcome to September. I used to like September. My wedding anniversary is in September.
But September is hurricane month around in South East Texas. We don't do very well during the month September. There was Rita in 2005 and then Ike in 2008. And a few tropical storms were thrown into the mix during September as well.
Yes Humberto of 2007 I am talking about you! I remember him so well because I had gotten a stomach virus and was sick and laying on the couch with a bucket throwing my guts up till there was nothing. All the while Humberto was blowing and going and make all kinds of noise. All I wanted to do was sleep. Humberto... we are not friends.
Oh and don't think I've forgotten about Ike. He made a nice mess of my house, but on the bright side my house also got a face lift, inside and out! But I sure don't want another like him to pay me a visit.
September and I really just don't get along. I hate to end the friendship with September but I'm seriously considering it. I know the past few "nice" weather days we have had are just a ploy to get me to rethink my decision but I'm thinking it's OVER.
And just to reinforce my decision, here you go September...
But September is hurricane month around in South East Texas. We don't do very well during the month September. There was Rita in 2005 and then Ike in 2008. And a few tropical storms were thrown into the mix during September as well.
Yes Humberto of 2007 I am talking about you! I remember him so well because I had gotten a stomach virus and was sick and laying on the couch with a bucket throwing my guts up till there was nothing. All the while Humberto was blowing and going and make all kinds of noise. All I wanted to do was sleep. Humberto... we are not friends.
Oh and don't think I've forgotten about Ike. He made a nice mess of my house, but on the bright side my house also got a face lift, inside and out! But I sure don't want another like him to pay me a visit.
September and I really just don't get along. I hate to end the friendship with September but I'm seriously considering it. I know the past few "nice" weather days we have had are just a ploy to get me to rethink my decision but I'm thinking it's OVER.
And just to reinforce my decision, here you go September...
Tropical Storm Maria

Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Emma's Hope
Emma is the daughter of our friends Cathy and Andy and the sister of their son, Mason.
Emma was diagnosed with acute aplastic anemia. Basically it's cancer of the blood. It is a rare blood disease where the bone marrow fails to produce blood cells for the body.
Emma just turned 5 a few weeks ago.
Today Emma is under going a bone marrow transplant. Her donor is her brother, Mason. He had to be tested and meet the criteria before he could be a bone marrow donor for his sister. He was her best chance at a match. Thank you Lord for answering that prayer.
Emma has already endured several chemotherapy treatments in preparation for her bone marrow transplant. But this family has a very long road ahead of them.
So our friends along with their families are at Texas Children's Hospital with both of their babies having surgery. My heart hurts just thinking about it.
There is a page on Facebook called Emma's Hope, please like this page and pray with me for Andy, Cathy, Mason and Emma.
Their friends have held countless fundraisers for them as well to raise awareness and much more. Please go to www.marrow.org to see if you are a bone marrow match for Emma or for someone else. It's painless and so easy! They will even mail the kit to you and do it at home and the mail it back all prepaid. There was a bone marrow drive for Emma and 500 kits were brought in and all 500 kits were used. Actually over 600 people showed up to be tested. It was during the bone marrow drive we found out Mason was a match. It was awesome to be a part of that and see God's hand at work.
Hebrews 4:16
Praying for you Cathy, Andy, Mason and Emma. May God bring you peace, comfort, and healing!
Emma was diagnosed with acute aplastic anemia. Basically it's cancer of the blood. It is a rare blood disease where the bone marrow fails to produce blood cells for the body.
Emma just turned 5 a few weeks ago.
Today Emma is under going a bone marrow transplant. Her donor is her brother, Mason. He had to be tested and meet the criteria before he could be a bone marrow donor for his sister. He was her best chance at a match. Thank you Lord for answering that prayer.
Emma has already endured several chemotherapy treatments in preparation for her bone marrow transplant. But this family has a very long road ahead of them.
So our friends along with their families are at Texas Children's Hospital with both of their babies having surgery. My heart hurts just thinking about it.
There is a page on Facebook called Emma's Hope, please like this page and pray with me for Andy, Cathy, Mason and Emma.
Their friends have held countless fundraisers for them as well to raise awareness and much more. Please go to www.marrow.org to see if you are a bone marrow match for Emma or for someone else. It's painless and so easy! They will even mail the kit to you and do it at home and the mail it back all prepaid. There was a bone marrow drive for Emma and 500 kits were brought in and all 500 kits were used. Actually over 600 people showed up to be tested. It was during the bone marrow drive we found out Mason was a match. It was awesome to be a part of that and see God's hand at work.
Hebrews 4:16
Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Praying for you Cathy, Andy, Mason and Emma. May God bring you peace, comfort, and healing!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Singing in the rain, well more like running in the rain
I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend.
I would like to say we had big plans but we didn't. Tropical Storm Lee who wasn't supposed to affect us at all, um Mr. Weatherman you were wrong, did and it rained all day Saturday. It was very much needed and we could actually use some more. But I am thankful for what we got.
The only damper the rain really put on me was that my friend Beth and I along with her daughter were going shopping Saturday. We were looking for a homecoming dress for her daughter. We were thinking of going to Houston but we decided to stay local instead. We ended up finding the perfect dress is beautiful shade of purple. She looked great in it.
It best part of the day was we had to make a stop at Walmart, all three of us do not like Walmart but we stopped anyway. When we were leaving Beth went to get the car and it was raining kinda hard this point. She had on some cute lace Toms and took them off because she didn't want them to get wet. Then she took off out of the garden center entrance and ran barefoot through the parking lot. I wish I had thought to grab my phone and snap a picture, but I was laughing to hard. Her daughter and I got in the car and she was like, I'm not getting my Toms wet! It was a great moment.
Sunday was a good day too. My husband is on the search committee to find a new youth pastor at our church and with out going into to many details, lets just say God is truly moving! It's awesome to watch.
Monday was absolutely beautiful! The weather was gorgeous and Hubs grilled and we all stayed outside for quite a while. We even went on a walk, all of us even the dog.
It was a great weekend. I think we should go to four day work weeks and three day weekends. That one extra day makes all the difference.
I would like to say we had big plans but we didn't. Tropical Storm Lee who wasn't supposed to affect us at all, um Mr. Weatherman you were wrong, did and it rained all day Saturday. It was very much needed and we could actually use some more. But I am thankful for what we got.
The only damper the rain really put on me was that my friend Beth and I along with her daughter were going shopping Saturday. We were looking for a homecoming dress for her daughter. We were thinking of going to Houston but we decided to stay local instead. We ended up finding the perfect dress is beautiful shade of purple. She looked great in it.
It best part of the day was we had to make a stop at Walmart, all three of us do not like Walmart but we stopped anyway. When we were leaving Beth went to get the car and it was raining kinda hard this point. She had on some cute lace Toms and took them off because she didn't want them to get wet. Then she took off out of the garden center entrance and ran barefoot through the parking lot. I wish I had thought to grab my phone and snap a picture, but I was laughing to hard. Her daughter and I got in the car and she was like, I'm not getting my Toms wet! It was a great moment.
Sunday was a good day too. My husband is on the search committee to find a new youth pastor at our church and with out going into to many details, lets just say God is truly moving! It's awesome to watch.
Monday was absolutely beautiful! The weather was gorgeous and Hubs grilled and we all stayed outside for quite a while. We even went on a walk, all of us even the dog.
It was a great weekend. I think we should go to four day work weeks and three day weekends. That one extra day makes all the difference.

Thursday, September 1, 2011
Hoping for cooler weather
So lately the temps in SE Texas have been blistering. Like you didn't know. Well we got a cool front. It was a blissful 95 degrees today. NOT!! And it's going to get even cooler. Saturday the high should be around 85. Ummm hello weatherman, 85 is still HOT! The only good part is we are finally getting some decent rain chances. Can I get an Amen?!
But the whole point to this post was to tell you about my newest creation. Y'all know I am addicted to Pintrest. I mentioned it here. I was obsessed but now I'm completely addicted.
I pinned a fall wreath that I fell in love with, knowing one day in the future I would make it. Well this past weekend just happened to be the day. I had to go to Hobby Lobby and they had all of their Fall stuff on sale for 50% off or buy one get 50% off. I just love Hobby Lobby. And on a side note, they had all their Christmas stuff out to. But I showed restraint and didn't even go look at Christmas, I was focused on the Fall decor.
I perused up and down the aisles putting things I needed and a few things I didn't need in my basket.
I have to say it I think it turned out great. I couldn't find a big "K" but I found several other options that worked. I'm gonna keep my eyes open because I really would like a larger "K".
And in hopes that the temperature would cool off to a wonderful 70 degrees I went ahead an hung it on my front door. Hint Hint Mother Nature.
And here it the inspiration.
But the whole point to this post was to tell you about my newest creation. Y'all know I am addicted to Pintrest. I mentioned it here. I was obsessed but now I'm completely addicted.
I pinned a fall wreath that I fell in love with, knowing one day in the future I would make it. Well this past weekend just happened to be the day. I had to go to Hobby Lobby and they had all of their Fall stuff on sale for 50% off or buy one get 50% off. I just love Hobby Lobby. And on a side note, they had all their Christmas stuff out to. But I showed restraint and didn't even go look at Christmas, I was focused on the Fall decor.
I perused up and down the aisles putting things I needed and a few things I didn't need in my basket.
I have to say it I think it turned out great. I couldn't find a big "K" but I found several other options that worked. I'm gonna keep my eyes open because I really would like a larger "K".
And in hopes that the temperature would cool off to a wonderful 70 degrees I went ahead an hung it on my front door. Hint Hint Mother Nature.
And here it the inspiration.

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