I also hope you had the fire work display we did! It was awesome, even if it did rain all day and most of the early evening.
We not only had ours but our neighbors went all out this year and kept popping and popping and popping. We figured they must have bought the firework stand out of artillery shells because R2 and I counted about 20 in row and then a few minutes later 20 more and then a few minutes later 20 more. This continued on for about an hour. And they also popped more the next night.

I hope each of you has a year full of love, family, great friends, and more wonderfulness that you could ever want. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you!!
I'm glad you had a great New Year's Eve! We had a few friends over, but we didn't see any fireworks. We HEARD them, though, and it freaked the dog out!! You captured the fireworks so well! I always try to take pics, but they turn out blurry! :(
And a Happy New Year to you! It looks like y'all had a great New Year's Eve. It's hard to beat fireworks and friends. It was rainy here so not many fireworks went off in the neighborhood, but the folks two houses down gave it their best shot!
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