Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Ok we are half way through January and I know I said that I didn't make a New Years resolutions but I have resolved to try and lose weight.

I want to get healthier for me and for my family. And I figured since I have this blog, I mean there are three people who read this, it might hold me accountable.

I have a friend who has always been into exercising eating healthy, and staying fit. Right now she is training for body building. Which I can say is awesome for her but that is not for me. But she has been encouraging me in this decision.

I have been eating healthier and watching my portions. I have also been doing alot of walking and taking the stairs at work. Also staying positive. A good mind set always helps me.

I set short term goals so I don't get discouraged early on and then I have an over all goal.

I feel like I need to just put this out there. I mean I am not 105 lbs trying to drop the last 5 nor am I 330 lbs where my life is in grave danger. But there is a significant weight loss I want to achieve.

And while I am not brave enough to put my weight out there like Brooke. I will be checking my weight once a week and I'll be honest enough to post either my loss or gain. I usually try to weigh on the same day, which just happens to be Thursdays.

By the way Brooke is one of the most inspirational and honest people you will ever met. She has no idea how much her blog has meant to me and encouraged me. Thanks Brooke!!

So now for the honest stuff....

I weighed in two weeks ago and I had lost 1lb from the previous week. And last week I didn't gain or lose. I was was a little miffed because I had really been watching what I was eating but I didn't find time to exercise. (See there's the honest part) I didn't find time because I didn't want to find time.

Oh and yes I am drinking 8 8oz glasses of water a day and more! I have my old weight watchers cup that sits on my desk at work. I drink one cup full before lunch, I drink half a cup with my lunch, and then fill it up again and drink the last cup full before I leave for the day.

Guess it's a good thing my bladder has been adjusted to drinking that much water. People at work my think I had incontinence issues. And Lord knows I'm old but I would like to think not that old!


Brooke said...

you're really sweet - the check is in the mail ;)

seriously i think its great that you're trying to be more healthy. its hard stuff isn't it?

Heather A. said...

I hope you follow Brooke on over to Shrinking Jeans. I landed there a few months back and it has been a great community to be involved in. That's a great job to start becoming healthier for you and your family. It's a great thing to show your children! And just like your bladder.. the rest of you will get used to doing healthy things too! : )

{amy} said...

I hope it goes well for you!!

Tater Mama said...

I'm in the same boat with you and wish you lots of luck. I'm not as brave as you are. I am avoiding all scales until I drop a size. Sigh...!