And I'm not one of those people who wears slippers either. I love the feel of carpet beneath my toes. But for Christmas my mother in law bought me a pair of Snoozies.
I absolutely love them. They have to be the most awesome pair of slippers I have ever owned.
No this is not a paid endorsement but if the Snoozie company wants to throw another pair my way I won't turn them down.
They are a little thicker than socks but not bulky like a slipper. They have non slip bottom so when I walk into my kitchen I won't bust my behind. They also have a Sherpa fleece lining that feels as if wrapped your feet in your favorite blanket. I just threw the word Sherpa out there like I know what I am talking about.
Snoozie's come in a wide variety of patterns. My favorites are these, these, and these. I'll let you guess which ones I own already.
I like them so much that I have considered seriously bringing them to work.
And it's a good thing I like them so much, look at our temperatures for the rest of the week.
But I'm not worried, I've got my Snoozies!
i have hardwood flooring so my tootsies stay cold! :P
Was it stinkin' cold this morning, or what?! Brrrr!! I think I need to get me some Snoozies asap!!
They sound perfect. I vote YES for bringing them to work. Go ahead and show those cool people how to stay fabulous like you : )
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