We spent the weekend in Houston with some great friends that I really consider my family. And we swam till we were completely water logged. Ate some of the best homemade guacamole I have ever had. And got to love on three very sweet children.
When we got home Sunday, I volunteered to cook dinner. I know Hubs usually does all of the cooking but I figured I would give him a break. That and I saw a fabulous recipe earlier in the week that Jo-Lynne of Musings of a Housewife had talked about that I wanted to try. (I linked directly back to her post with the recipe since it was a few days ago.)
Shaved Parmesan Chicken & Lemon Creme.
It was awesome!! The recipe is lengthy but not hard, so that is one reason I linked back to her, which will take you to another blog for the original recipe. And the second reason is Jo-Lynne's blog is pretty fantastic. But don't take my word for it, go check it out.
Any way, back to me cooking dinner.
I will tell you this, I did ask Hubs to help me and he graciously stayed in the kitchen.
It was a great summer dish. Light, not heavy and we served it with a salad and nothing else.
I do know this, I will definitely need to buy more mushrooms, most of them were gone. And there were some pretty clean plates when we got done too.
Here's a picture of the finished product...
Now if there was only smell and taste on here. YUM!
mushrooms creep me out. gonna have to pass on this one *shudders*
Brooke's crazy! It looks delicious! I'll have to try it!!
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