But the rain Gods were smiling on us. That and I had R1 do a rain dance the day before. As a matter of fact it POURED!! And we needed it. We were about 30 inches short for the year. We're still short but at least now I only have a few brown spots in my yard.
And not only did we get rain we got high winds and hail! I really could do with out the hail but at this stage in the game I'll take what I can get.
Oh and it rained so hard look what it did to my fern... poor thing is beaten down.
That's OK it perked right back up and now looks so pretty.
We have another weekend full of baseball, so if I haven't died of heat exhaustion I'll be back on Monday.
Have a great weekend.
Girl, we need rain, too! We got some crazy sideways rain on Sunday night. We were eating dinner with our friends & all started clapping when we realized it was raining & not just thundering! It didn't last long, and it came down in buckets! We're hoping the ground was able to absorb a little bit of it!
we had some much needed rain last night too :) made the house nice and cool for a bit.
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