OK so Boo Mama is hosting a dip party if you will. It's really to kick off the College Football season but I love anything that I can dip chips into or anything that contains cream cheese for that matter.
But seriously what a better way to get some new ideas for the impromptu tailgating shindig where everyone just shows up and your house and then screams at the TV for the next 3.5 hours.
I know the big talk is about A&M moving to the SEC and so on, but I just have to say this, I don't really have a preference, it's college football season...enough said. Gig'em.
Ok back to the reason for this post. DipTacular dips!
I have two.
1. Baked Potato Dip
1 16oz container of Sour Cream
1 package (2cups) of finely shredded cheddar cheese, mild, sharp, it's really your preference
1 3oz package Oscar Mayer Real Bacon Bits
1 package Ruffles potato chips
Empty sour cream into a bowl and season to taste with salt and pepper. Add bacon bits and and mix well. Add cheese and mix well again. Serve with Ruffles potato chips.
*It's better if you let sit over night and serve the next day.
2. Chocolate Chip Dip
1 8oz package Cream Cheese - softened
1/2 cup butter - softened
3/4 cup of confectioner's sugar
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup (6oz) miniature semisweet chocolate chips
Graham cracker sticks - I used Teddy Grahams
In a small bowl, beat cream cheese and butter until light and fluffy. Add the sugars and vanilla; beat until smooth. Stir in chocolate chips. Serve with graham cracker sticks. makes 2 cups.
Happy Dipping!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
I wasn't going to tell you about my weekend.
Well we made it through our first week of school. I was little worn out by Friday in much need of some weekend rest.
We really did pretty much nothing during the weekend. Friday night high school football game. I would like to say we won but lets just stop there. It was U-G-L-Y!
Saturday, went shopping with the fam most of the day. Then some unexpected girl time with my best friends. We went and got pedicures. And after the week we all had it was just what we needed. Then Saturday night was date night with Hubs.
Sunday was supposed to be church but I woke up with such a horrible headache. I had been battling it since Friday. And finally Sunday afternoon Hubs realized I hadn't had any caffeine. Go figure. I had felt so bad that all I to drink was either water or Sprite.
So after two cokes I started to feel better. And it was then that I also guessed someone was hogging the laundry fairy. And since I didn't want my kids to go to school with no socks or shorts I figured I had better get started on the mountains of dirty clothes. 7 loads of laundry, all washed, dried, folded, and put away. High five to me!
And there you go, a recap of my weekend that I wasn't going to tell you about.
We really did pretty much nothing during the weekend. Friday night high school football game. I would like to say we won but lets just stop there. It was U-G-L-Y!
Saturday, went shopping with the fam most of the day. Then some unexpected girl time with my best friends. We went and got pedicures. And after the week we all had it was just what we needed. Then Saturday night was date night with Hubs.
Sunday was supposed to be church but I woke up with such a horrible headache. I had been battling it since Friday. And finally Sunday afternoon Hubs realized I hadn't had any caffeine. Go figure. I had felt so bad that all I to drink was either water or Sprite.
So after two cokes I started to feel better. And it was then that I also guessed someone was hogging the laundry fairy. And since I didn't want my kids to go to school with no socks or shorts I figured I had better get started on the mountains of dirty clothes. 7 loads of laundry, all washed, dried, folded, and put away. High five to me!
And there you go, a recap of my weekend that I wasn't going to tell you about.

Friday, August 26, 2011
It's just a little hot
A friend and I were talking yesterday and the conversation turned to the weather and how hot it's been. Imagine that.
I know y'all get sick of hearing me complain about how hot it is because it's like Texas is always smokin' hot in August. But this year is it hotter.
Well it's beyond HOT. It's like extreme heat. It's like the molten center of the earth has found a way to pierce it's outer shell and found a way to open up right in Texas and OH MY THE HEAT!
And just so y'all don't think I am exaggerating...
I know y'all get sick of hearing me complain about how hot it is because it's like Texas is always smokin' hot in August. But this year is it hotter.
Well it's beyond HOT. It's like extreme heat. It's like the molten center of the earth has found a way to pierce it's outer shell and found a way to open up right in Texas and OH MY THE HEAT!
And just so y'all don't think I am exaggerating...

I do believe all of my activities for the weekend will be centered around the indoors with plenty of A/C.

Thursday, August 25, 2011
It's only the third day and I need a vacation
So school has been back in for three days and I am already to go back on summer vacation.
Everything has been great up to this point, R1 is adjusting to Jr. High very well. I'm not but that's a story for another day. R2 loves his teacher and comes home telling stories about things that happened during the day.
But me, this being on a schedule again has kicked my butt! I could fall into bed every night at 8pm. I seriously don't know who has been more tired, me or the kids.
They go to bed at 9 every night and so far, knock on wood, they go right to sleep.
So I'm hoping I can get to bed tonight at a decent hour, like 7pm. Just kidding. Maybe.
Oh and just to put this out there. I thought all fees at the beginning of the school year were crazy for elementary school. Jr. High has totally blown that thought out of the water.
In just the past few days I had to pay for a Baritone mouth piece, band fee, book fee, gym uniform, and lock for a locker. WHEW! Can you say the money tree in the backyard has dried up! So those of you that have kids going to Jr. High next year get ready!
OK now that's off my chest, I'm off to find somewhere to take a nap.
See ya!
Everything has been great up to this point, R1 is adjusting to Jr. High very well. I'm not but that's a story for another day. R2 loves his teacher and comes home telling stories about things that happened during the day.
But me, this being on a schedule again has kicked my butt! I could fall into bed every night at 8pm. I seriously don't know who has been more tired, me or the kids.
They go to bed at 9 every night and so far, knock on wood, they go right to sleep.
So I'm hoping I can get to bed tonight at a decent hour, like 7pm. Just kidding. Maybe.
Oh and just to put this out there. I thought all fees at the beginning of the school year were crazy for elementary school. Jr. High has totally blown that thought out of the water.
In just the past few days I had to pay for a Baritone mouth piece, band fee, book fee, gym uniform, and lock for a locker. WHEW! Can you say the money tree in the backyard has dried up! So those of you that have kids going to Jr. High next year get ready!
OK now that's off my chest, I'm off to find somewhere to take a nap.
See ya!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Yeah I totally dropped the ball
Yesterdays post was supposed to have a picture of the boys on their first day of school and we got so busy with breakfast and making lunches and grabbing backpacks that I didn't have time to post the picture I took.
And I also forgot my USB cord at home so I couldn't even put the picture up from work.
It's there now but to save you some trouble by having to go back...here it is again.
They both had a great day! I was so glad. I was more nervous than both of them.
R1 didn't even knuckle bump me as he got out of the car when I dropped him off at the Jr. High. He just said bye mom, see you this afternoon. My mama heart broke into a million little pieces. I was prepared for no kiss and hug but no knuckle bump. Seriously, he's grown up. Thank goodness I still had R2 to take to school. I knew he would be my saving grace.
R2 and I walked into school together. He was saying hi to just about everyone. We got to his class room and he gave his teacher a big hug and told her he loved her. I was so happy. He put on his name tag and sat in his place as I filled out a few papers. Then it was time for me to leave. He told me he loved me and wrapped those arms right around my neck and hugged me tight. At least one of my boys wasn't embarrassed to still hug his mama.
Oh and I guess R1 still needed me after all. We had discussed before I dropped him off that I would be picking him in the front of the school but he called me because he couldn't remember if I was picking him up or if he had to ride the bus to the elementary school to met Hubs and R2.
So glad we all survived the first day of school, especially me!
And I also forgot my USB cord at home so I couldn't even put the picture up from work.
It's there now but to save you some trouble by having to go back...here it is again.
They both had a great day! I was so glad. I was more nervous than both of them.
R1 didn't even knuckle bump me as he got out of the car when I dropped him off at the Jr. High. He just said bye mom, see you this afternoon. My mama heart broke into a million little pieces. I was prepared for no kiss and hug but no knuckle bump. Seriously, he's grown up. Thank goodness I still had R2 to take to school. I knew he would be my saving grace.
R2 and I walked into school together. He was saying hi to just about everyone. We got to his class room and he gave his teacher a big hug and told her he loved her. I was so happy. He put on his name tag and sat in his place as I filled out a few papers. Then it was time for me to leave. He told me he loved me and wrapped those arms right around my neck and hugged me tight. At least one of my boys wasn't embarrassed to still hug his mama.
Oh and I guess R1 still needed me after all. We had discussed before I dropped him off that I would be picking him in the front of the school but he called me because he couldn't remember if I was picking him up or if he had to ride the bus to the elementary school to met Hubs and R2.
So glad we all survived the first day of school, especially me!

Monday, August 22, 2011
1st and 6th
Sorry, last week I took an unexpected mini vacation. We tried soak up as much as we could these last few day of summer.
Today is the first day of school. I am now the mom of a 1st grader and a 6th grader. Oh be still my mama heart.
I'm not nervous for R2 at all but R1 that's a whole other story. He's fine with it as a matter of fact he's more than fine. He knows all of the kids and knows his way around the Jr High and knows most of the teachers. But me I'm a nervous wreck. I've been trying hard not to let R1 see how nervous I am for him, I don't want my insecurities to rub off on him.
So last night as I put my boys to bed, I prayed over them for the up coming school year. And when I was done R1 thanked me. He said he was excited for the new school year and couldn't wait to see his friends. R2 said he couldn't wait to see his teacher and his best friend Jude!
And with that here is my 1st grader and my 6th grader...
Today is the first day of school. I am now the mom of a 1st grader and a 6th grader. Oh be still my mama heart.
I'm not nervous for R2 at all but R1 that's a whole other story. He's fine with it as a matter of fact he's more than fine. He knows all of the kids and knows his way around the Jr High and knows most of the teachers. But me I'm a nervous wreck. I've been trying hard not to let R1 see how nervous I am for him, I don't want my insecurities to rub off on him.
So last night as I put my boys to bed, I prayed over them for the up coming school year. And when I was done R1 thanked me. He said he was excited for the new school year and couldn't wait to see his friends. R2 said he couldn't wait to see his teacher and his best friend Jude!
And with that here is my 1st grader and my 6th grader...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
I'm apologizing now
So I owe my internet peeps an apology. I have been a horrible commenter. Usually when I pay each of your blogs a visit I leave a comment. It might just be one word or it might be a book but nonetheless a comment.
I would like to say it's only been a week or so of me doing this but that would be a lie. It's been more like 2 months maybe 3.
I seriously don't know what has happened to me. It's like I went on summer vacation and forget what I was doing before I left.
I can tell you this, I still stop by each day to keep up with what's been going on with y'all.
All I can say is I'm sorry I haven't been such a great commenter. Once school is back in session, I'm hoping that will change. So just bear with me.
Thanks y'all!
I would like to say it's only been a week or so of me doing this but that would be a lie. It's been more like 2 months maybe 3.
I seriously don't know what has happened to me. It's like I went on summer vacation and forget what I was doing before I left.
I can tell you this, I still stop by each day to keep up with what's been going on with y'all.
All I can say is I'm sorry I haven't been such a great commenter. Once school is back in session, I'm hoping that will change. So just bear with me.
Thanks y'all!

Monday, August 15, 2011
OK, I am over this heat! 97-100 degree temps everyday and heat indexes some where around 104-107.
You would also think I would be used to this. I have lived in Texas all my life and South East Texas for over 20 yrs. But I'm not used to it.
So in high hopes that the heat ends soon, I'm going to show you what I am obsessing about for Fall.

You would also think I would be used to this. I have lived in Texas all my life and South East Texas for over 20 yrs. But I'm not used to it.
So in high hopes that the heat ends soon, I'm going to show you what I am obsessing about for Fall.

Thursday, August 11, 2011
6 and 11
That's the ages of my boys.
Right now I keep thinking about all of the last things.
Like R2, my 6yr old, is now to the point where picking him up after he has fallen asleep in the living room and carrying him to his bed is not an option.
And R1, my 11yr old, is 5 feet tall. Just 3 more inches and he will be as tall as me. And when I took him to the doctor this week and they weighed him I nearly fell over. He is growing up. He no longer needs me to answer the questions the doctor asks, he can do it for himself.
School is getting ready to start again and we are moving on to First grade and Jr. High.
For R2, I remember the last day of kindergarten. The way he smiled when I took his picture on the school play ground with his three best friends.
R1, was at the top of his campus the big 5th grader, now he's starting all over again and he'll be fine. But the last moments of elementary school are etched in my brain. A tall smart young man walking down the hall to the doors that lead out into the parking lot and him looking back one last time.
I know I remember their firsts. Words. Steps. Birthdays and so much more. But I want to hold on to the lasts. I want to remember it all.
And one day when they ask, Hey Mom, do you remember the last time I....
I will be able to yes, yes I do just like it was yesterday and I loved it.
Right now I keep thinking about all of the last things.
Like R2, my 6yr old, is now to the point where picking him up after he has fallen asleep in the living room and carrying him to his bed is not an option.
And R1, my 11yr old, is 5 feet tall. Just 3 more inches and he will be as tall as me. And when I took him to the doctor this week and they weighed him I nearly fell over. He is growing up. He no longer needs me to answer the questions the doctor asks, he can do it for himself.
School is getting ready to start again and we are moving on to First grade and Jr. High.
For R2, I remember the last day of kindergarten. The way he smiled when I took his picture on the school play ground with his three best friends.
R1, was at the top of his campus the big 5th grader, now he's starting all over again and he'll be fine. But the last moments of elementary school are etched in my brain. A tall smart young man walking down the hall to the doors that lead out into the parking lot and him looking back one last time.
I know I remember their firsts. Words. Steps. Birthdays and so much more. But I want to hold on to the lasts. I want to remember it all.
And one day when they ask, Hey Mom, do you remember the last time I....
I will be able to yes, yes I do just like it was yesterday and I loved it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Fun day with R2
The other day I took R2 to a local water park.
He didn't get go with us to the beach because he was at grandparent camp and I didn't want him to feel left out. So while R1 was at grandparent camp I took him.
He was just tall enough to ride all of the water slides and still small enough to play in the children's area. He even went down the big slides by himself. He also hung out in the children's area too. He kept waiting for the big bucket to fall and splash water everywhere.
And then there was the lazy river. Only I don't think it was to lazy as all R2 wanted to do was swim down the lazy river and not ride in a tube. I would have been happy to float in that thing all day.
I think it's pretty evident by the picture below R2 had a blast and was worn out!
He didn't get go with us to the beach because he was at grandparent camp and I didn't want him to feel left out. So while R1 was at grandparent camp I took him.
He was just tall enough to ride all of the water slides and still small enough to play in the children's area. He even went down the big slides by himself. He also hung out in the children's area too. He kept waiting for the big bucket to fall and splash water everywhere.
And then there was the lazy river. Only I don't think it was to lazy as all R2 wanted to do was swim down the lazy river and not ride in a tube. I would have been happy to float in that thing all day.
I think it's pretty evident by the picture below R2 had a blast and was worn out!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Tap tap tap....is anyone still there???
I'm back. I think.
We have been busy with birthday parties, grandparent camp, and getting ready to go back to school. SSSHHHHH don't tell the boys.
Yes we only have two weeks left of summer. B-U-M-M-E-R-!
And since I'm on the topic of back to school. R1 has to read The Witch of Blackbird Pond for AP English. And the other night he was laying on the couch reading and when I looked up from the computer this is what I saw.
Ummmm, yeah, he's gonna get A LOT of reading done that way.
On a better note he only has three chapters left.
I'm back. I think.
We have been busy with birthday parties, grandparent camp, and getting ready to go back to school. SSSHHHHH don't tell the boys.
Yes we only have two weeks left of summer. B-U-M-M-E-R-!
And since I'm on the topic of back to school. R1 has to read The Witch of Blackbird Pond for AP English. And the other night he was laying on the couch reading and when I looked up from the computer this is what I saw.
Ummmm, yeah, he's gonna get A LOT of reading done that way.
On a better note he only has three chapters left.

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