We had a great Christmas. I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas too.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Toys R Us threw up in my livingroom
This picture says it all.

We had a great Christmas. I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas too.
We had a great Christmas. I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas too.

Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas 2011

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." ~ Isaiah 9:6

Friday, December 23, 2011
The Bobbleheads
OK, I know I said I wasn't going to be on here everyday but I had to post this.
My cousin purchased something for the boys for Christmas.
Here it is...
It's a bobble head doll in each of the boys likeness. And while I think R2's is a bit off, R1's is dead on. It looks just like him.
And I think they are kinda cool.
Funny thing on Wednesday, FedEx called and said they had a package to deliver and it had to be signed for. They told Hubs it was coming from China. When I asked Hubs where it was from he didn't know. I told him to call them back and ask. So he did.
When Hubs' called FedEx he asked them where it was coming from and what it was. They told him it was something for R1 and R2 and it came from a bobble head company.
Once Hubs' told me this, it make perfect sense. My cousin had told me she had ordered these dolls for the boys for Christmas.
And I have to say they we all loved them.
My cousin purchased something for the boys for Christmas.
Here it is...
And I think they are kinda cool.
Funny thing on Wednesday, FedEx called and said they had a package to deliver and it had to be signed for. They told Hubs it was coming from China. When I asked Hubs where it was from he didn't know. I told him to call them back and ask. So he did.
When Hubs' called FedEx he asked them where it was coming from and what it was. They told him it was something for R1 and R2 and it came from a bobble head company.
Once Hubs' told me this, it make perfect sense. My cousin had told me she had ordered these dolls for the boys for Christmas.
And I have to say they we all loved them.

Thursday, December 22, 2011
I spent 24 hours in New York
Thank y'all so much for the prayers and sweet comments after the passing of my aunt.
I was able to make a very quick trip to New York so I could say good-bye. I went to Houston and spent the night with some friends on Saturday night and flew out Sunday morning at 7:20.
And nothing says good morning like a full body scan. Actually it wasn't bad and it took less than 5 seconds.
My Aunts services was beautiful and she had a ton of friends and old co-workers come.
Now this next part is said in the very best New York accent...."So you're the niece from Texas? Your Aunt loved you and your boys. R1 and R2 were the light of her light. She talked about you all often." Notice I typed you all and y'all.
Believe it or not, that sentence brought me great comfort.
As expected at the graveside services my daddy caved. Nothing can bring a daughter to tears quicker than seeing her daddy cry. Moving on.
After the service we went out to eat at this great diner, The Blue Bay cafe. It was fabulous. There was much laughter as we sat around the table which was good for our hurting hearts. My cousin's husband kept saying, insert New York accent again, "forget about it!" I couldn't help but laugh.
Monday morning was quick as I had a flight to catch back to Houston at 1:20pm.
I will say this. I flew out Continental and each flight took off on time and even landed early. The flight attendants were all very nice and helpful. And no Continental Airlines did not pay me to say this but I wouldn't turn down some kind of airline travel voucher if they wanted to throw one my way.
And I guess being in New York for 24 hours rubbed off me a little, because when we landed in Houston and we were getting of the plane, I was walking behind a Continental rep pushing and elder lady in a wheel chair. When got to the end of the rope section and we stopped. And some woman behind me said in a very ugly tone, "COME ON! KEEP IT MOVING! GET GOING!" I took one step slightly to the right where she could see past me. She said, "Oh I'm sorry." And my reply was..."You should be! I hope you have a Merry Christmas."
Guess you take the girl out of Texas for a while but you can't take Texas out of the girl.
I won't be posting every day, not that I did that anyway. But it's Christmas break and I want to spend some time with my family.
If I don't get back on here before, I hope each of you have a Merry Christmas and remember why we celebrate. Jesus is truly the reason for the season.
I was able to make a very quick trip to New York so I could say good-bye. I went to Houston and spent the night with some friends on Saturday night and flew out Sunday morning at 7:20.
And nothing says good morning like a full body scan. Actually it wasn't bad and it took less than 5 seconds.
My Aunts services was beautiful and she had a ton of friends and old co-workers come.
Now this next part is said in the very best New York accent...."So you're the niece from Texas? Your Aunt loved you and your boys. R1 and R2 were the light of her light. She talked about you all often." Notice I typed you all and y'all.
Believe it or not, that sentence brought me great comfort.
As expected at the graveside services my daddy caved. Nothing can bring a daughter to tears quicker than seeing her daddy cry. Moving on.
After the service we went out to eat at this great diner, The Blue Bay cafe. It was fabulous. There was much laughter as we sat around the table which was good for our hurting hearts. My cousin's husband kept saying, insert New York accent again, "forget about it!" I couldn't help but laugh.
Monday morning was quick as I had a flight to catch back to Houston at 1:20pm.
I will say this. I flew out Continental and each flight took off on time and even landed early. The flight attendants were all very nice and helpful. And no Continental Airlines did not pay me to say this but I wouldn't turn down some kind of airline travel voucher if they wanted to throw one my way.
And I guess being in New York for 24 hours rubbed off me a little, because when we landed in Houston and we were getting of the plane, I was walking behind a Continental rep pushing and elder lady in a wheel chair. When got to the end of the rope section and we stopped. And some woman behind me said in a very ugly tone, "COME ON! KEEP IT MOVING! GET GOING!" I took one step slightly to the right where she could see past me. She said, "Oh I'm sorry." And my reply was..."You should be! I hope you have a Merry Christmas."
Guess you take the girl out of Texas for a while but you can't take Texas out of the girl.
I won't be posting every day, not that I did that anyway. But it's Christmas break and I want to spend some time with my family.
If I don't get back on here before, I hope each of you have a Merry Christmas and remember why we celebrate. Jesus is truly the reason for the season.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Master Hubs
This past Saturday Hubs graduated with his Masters degree in Educational Technology Leadership.
It was a loooong eighteen months with many hours spent in front of the computer. Like 8-10 hours each Sunday.
But he did it and the boys and I couldn't be more proud of him.
I love you Hubs, oops sorry, Master Hubs.

It was a loooong eighteen months with many hours spent in front of the computer. Like 8-10 hours each Sunday.
But he did it and the boys and I couldn't be more proud of him.
I love you Hubs, oops sorry, Master Hubs.

Thursday, December 15, 2011
At some point in our adult lives we feel as if the people we love will live forever. That they will always be here.
I feel this way about my several of my loved one. My dad, my in-laws, my aunt and so on.
Last night I was reminded we are not immortal. My sweet aunt passed away.
This week has been a roller coaster of emotions. One minute I'm laughing the next I'm missing her so much it hurts. She drove me slap crazy sometimes but I loved her big!
I found out from my cousin that my aunt, cousin and her husband were going to come surprise us for Christmas. Instead I'm in the process of working everything out so I can get to New York for her funeral.
My aunt was here in Texas two years ago. She came for 5 days and looking back was it was the best 5 days. She cherished her time here as did we. But she really enjoyed R2. He was always talking to her and giving her hugs and kisses. She talked about him for weeks after she left.
While she was here she got to see R1 play a few baseball games. My parents even came in from Houston to visit as well.
I snapped this photo of my dad and aunt. It's one of my favorites.
I love you Aunt Phyllis and I will miss you terribly, but I will see you again.
I feel this way about my several of my loved one. My dad, my in-laws, my aunt and so on.
Last night I was reminded we are not immortal. My sweet aunt passed away.
This week has been a roller coaster of emotions. One minute I'm laughing the next I'm missing her so much it hurts. She drove me slap crazy sometimes but I loved her big!
I found out from my cousin that my aunt, cousin and her husband were going to come surprise us for Christmas. Instead I'm in the process of working everything out so I can get to New York for her funeral.
My aunt was here in Texas two years ago. She came for 5 days and looking back was it was the best 5 days. She cherished her time here as did we. But she really enjoyed R2. He was always talking to her and giving her hugs and kisses. She talked about him for weeks after she left.
While she was here she got to see R1 play a few baseball games. My parents even came in from Houston to visit as well.
I snapped this photo of my dad and aunt. It's one of my favorites.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Winter Snow
This song was sung at our Christmas musical this weekend.
I loved it. And the girl who sang it did a beautiful job.
Here is the original song by Chris Tomlin featuring Audrey Assad.
I loved it. And the girl who sang it did a beautiful job.
Here is the original song by Chris Tomlin featuring Audrey Assad.

Monday, December 12, 2011
I'm baaaaack...maybe
I know, I know, I'm sorry. I've been MIA for the past few days.
I have been quite busy and this blog has taken a direct hit.
I've had some pretty strict deadlines to meet at work. (Thank goodness they only come around three times a year.) We had our Christmas musical this past weekend at church. My dad came to visit and watch the boys in the musical. My friend Beth and I were in charge of A Taste of Christmas after the musical. And that is no small under taking.
We had to set up the room, tables and chairs. Decorate each table and the set up a table to plates, napkins, and utensils. And set up another table for drinks and coffee. And once the evening was over, dismantle all of it and clean it up.
My feet are killing me.
Moving on....
This coming weekend, Hubs graduates from college with his Masters. I'm so proud of him I could just bust! I'll blog about that later.
Then after graduation we are going to lunch with his family and then everyone is coming over to our house to have Christmas.
But to be honest all I really want to do right now is sit down in the recliner and put my feet up. I hope y'all have a great Monday.
I have been quite busy and this blog has taken a direct hit.
I've had some pretty strict deadlines to meet at work. (Thank goodness they only come around three times a year.) We had our Christmas musical this past weekend at church. My dad came to visit and watch the boys in the musical. My friend Beth and I were in charge of A Taste of Christmas after the musical. And that is no small under taking.
We had to set up the room, tables and chairs. Decorate each table and the set up a table to plates, napkins, and utensils. And set up another table for drinks and coffee. And once the evening was over, dismantle all of it and clean it up.
My feet are killing me.
Moving on....
This coming weekend, Hubs graduates from college with his Masters. I'm so proud of him I could just bust! I'll blog about that later.
Then after graduation we are going to lunch with his family and then everyone is coming over to our house to have Christmas.
But to be honest all I really want to do right now is sit down in the recliner and put my feet up. I hope y'all have a great Monday.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Our tree
I love to pull down all of the boxes full of our Christmas decorations. But my very favorite boxes are the ones with all of the tree decorations. It's like a mini celebration all in its self.
I have my special ornaments, like the one from our first year of marriage and our one year anniversary. The boys first Christmas. The count down ornament. The picture ornaments the boys have made me every year since pre-school. and of course the Rudolph's made from their foot and hand prints.
I used to love to decorate the tree. I always had to find the perfect spot for each ornament. A few years ago, I let the boys decorate the tree. I told them to have it and the only requirement was one ornament per branch.
Normally my OCD would go straight into overdrive I spent the better part of that day in the back of the house waiting till they were done.
And you know what, they did a fabulous job. As a matter of fact it was so good they get to decorate the tree every year now. I only put on four of my special ornaments and the angel on top.
Here's the finished tree....beautiful....
I have my special ornaments, like the one from our first year of marriage and our one year anniversary. The boys first Christmas. The count down ornament. The picture ornaments the boys have made me every year since pre-school. and of course the Rudolph's made from their foot and hand prints.
I used to love to decorate the tree. I always had to find the perfect spot for each ornament. A few years ago, I let the boys decorate the tree. I told them to have it and the only requirement was one ornament per branch.
Normally my OCD would go straight into overdrive I spent the better part of that day in the back of the house waiting till they were done.
And you know what, they did a fabulous job. As a matter of fact it was so good they get to decorate the tree every year now. I only put on four of my special ornaments and the angel on top.
Here's the finished tree....beautiful....

Monday, December 5, 2011
Oh the craziness has begun
I think we all feel the so called Christmas crunch this time of year. Where our calendar becomes so full of things to do and we get so busy we begin to feel the season slipping away from us.
I always try my best to limit my commits and what I say yes to, but this year it seems as if things just keep coming at me. And I know this weekend was just the beginning.
It seems 24 hours each day just wasn't enough. Saturday felt as if I just ran from here to there. For some reason I woke up right at 6am and couldn't go back to sleep. So after an hour of tossing and turning, I got up and got dressed and then went and got donuts for breakfast. R1 had a friend spend the night Friday night and I figured quick and easy would be the best way go. R2 spent the night at a friends house Friday night and he needed to be picked up by 11am.
Then Beth and I had to go and buy all of the supplies for the Taste of Christmas at our church next weekend. We spent the rest of the afternoon going to Sams, Party City, Hobby Lobby, and the Dollar Store. I kinda felt a flash back from last weekend as we spent the entire day shopping on Black Friday.
I didn't walk in the door until 5:30 and I still hadn't even been to HEB. Once again I took the easy way, and we went out to dinner and then as a family went to HEB. *Note to self, go grocery shopping when you are full, nothing sounds good, and you only get what is on your list.*
Sunday was more of the same busy schedule. Church, birthday party, Christmas musical rehearsal, set up tables for Taste of Christmas after church, and then dinner some where in there.
Oh and did I tell you we got some rain. It was close to 3 inches. the sound of the rain Sunday morning was simply wonderful.
This week will be more of the same as I have several things to do during the week. Friday night is dress rehearsal for our Christmas musical. Saturday early afternoon we are having Christmas with my family and then it's the first night of the musical. Sunday is the second performance, and the following Hubs graduates with masters degree. (more on that later) and after graduation we are going out to lunch and the Hubs' side of the family is coming back to our house to have Christmas.
See I told you, the craziness has begun. sigh......
I always try my best to limit my commits and what I say yes to, but this year it seems as if things just keep coming at me. And I know this weekend was just the beginning.
It seems 24 hours each day just wasn't enough. Saturday felt as if I just ran from here to there. For some reason I woke up right at 6am and couldn't go back to sleep. So after an hour of tossing and turning, I got up and got dressed and then went and got donuts for breakfast. R1 had a friend spend the night Friday night and I figured quick and easy would be the best way go. R2 spent the night at a friends house Friday night and he needed to be picked up by 11am.
Then Beth and I had to go and buy all of the supplies for the Taste of Christmas at our church next weekend. We spent the rest of the afternoon going to Sams, Party City, Hobby Lobby, and the Dollar Store. I kinda felt a flash back from last weekend as we spent the entire day shopping on Black Friday.
I didn't walk in the door until 5:30 and I still hadn't even been to HEB. Once again I took the easy way, and we went out to dinner and then as a family went to HEB. *Note to self, go grocery shopping when you are full, nothing sounds good, and you only get what is on your list.*
Sunday was more of the same busy schedule. Church, birthday party, Christmas musical rehearsal, set up tables for Taste of Christmas after church, and then dinner some where in there.
Oh and did I tell you we got some rain. It was close to 3 inches. the sound of the rain Sunday morning was simply wonderful.
This week will be more of the same as I have several things to do during the week. Friday night is dress rehearsal for our Christmas musical. Saturday early afternoon we are having Christmas with my family and then it's the first night of the musical. Sunday is the second performance, and the following Hubs graduates with masters degree. (more on that later) and after graduation we are going out to lunch and the Hubs' side of the family is coming back to our house to have Christmas.
See I told you, the craziness has begun. sigh......

Thursday, December 1, 2011
Smokin' hot wife
OK Amy, here you go....
During one of our nightly prayers R2 ended his prayer by thanking God for his smoking hot wife.
OK R2 is 6 and he's definitely not married. All though he does have a crush on my 23 year old student worker at my office. She's blonde, and cute, and sweet. He is just smitten with her.
But in R2 defense, his daddy, Hubs, played a video from You Tube where the person leading the prayer got a little to enthusiastic and then it was redone with Songify, which basically makes it sound like something done by T-Pain using Auto Tune.
OK, you be the judge. Boogity Boogity Boogity.
During one of our nightly prayers R2 ended his prayer by thanking God for his smoking hot wife.
OK R2 is 6 and he's definitely not married. All though he does have a crush on my 23 year old student worker at my office. She's blonde, and cute, and sweet. He is just smitten with her.
But in R2 defense, his daddy, Hubs, played a video from You Tube where the person leading the prayer got a little to enthusiastic and then it was redone with Songify, which basically makes it sound like something done by T-Pain using Auto Tune.
OK, you be the judge. Boogity Boogity Boogity.

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