Tuesday, July 24, 2012

School Shopping

Yep it's that time again to where I begin to think about school clothes and supply shopping.

Every year R2's school sends home a list for the next school year. They use an online company which makes it so easy to just order and have it delivered to your home. But this also makes it more expensive.

Last year I saved almost half of the price from the list by just going to Target myself and purchasing supplies. This year the prices of R2's school supply list from the school was $62.50. That's pretty darn expensive for supplies for second grade. So last night we headed to Target and hit the school supply aisle. I also ended up purchasing R1's supplies as well.

I spent a total of $75 for both boys. R2's was 43.35. That's a significant savings. And R1's was around $30-31 dollars.

The best part of all of this? I'm done and I won't have to fight the crowds later on.


Mari said...

Good for you! It's also a relief to not have to think about it anymore. :)

{amy} said...

Way to go!! I've done it that way until this year. Now that they're both in secondary schools, they don't have a list. We have to wait until they've gone to all of their classes & received a list from each teacher. :( I'll be watching the sales on pens, paper, spirals, and composition books, though. I know they'll need a bunch of those!