Dear Blogger,
I hate, and yes I know hate is strong word, but I hate your new format!
And yes I'm still here. I know I haven't blogged as much the past few weeks, so don't think I didn't notice the change.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
R1 had his first pep rally and football game last Thursday. A friend was at the pep rally and snapped this picture. I love it!
Oh and we won, 38-8! Go Hawks!
Oh and we won, 38-8! Go Hawks!

Thursday, September 20, 2012
Still The One
Fifteen years ago, today, Hubs and I said "I do".
Hard to believe that fifteen years ago this adventure started. And what an adventure we have been on.
Thank you for being my best friend and the best partner I could have ever wanted.
You're the still one!
Happy Anniversary, I love you!
Hard to believe that fifteen years ago this adventure started. And what an adventure we have been on.
Thank you for being my best friend and the best partner I could have ever wanted.
You're the still one!
Happy Anniversary, I love you!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
American Literature to be exact.
Anne Bradstreet, Mary Rowlandson, Jonathan Edwards, J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur and plenty more to come in the weeks ahead.
I have found each one of them interesting on some level. Their stories have intrigued me.
I still haven't decided if I'm liking them because I'm older and I have more tolerance. Or if I just want to read it and move on so I can hurry up and graduate. Or if I really am interested in this period of time. I think it's a little bit of all three.
All I know is I have 12 more weeks.
Anne Bradstreet, Mary Rowlandson, Jonathan Edwards, J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur and plenty more to come in the weeks ahead.
I have found each one of them interesting on some level. Their stories have intrigued me.
I still haven't decided if I'm liking them because I'm older and I have more tolerance. Or if I just want to read it and move on so I can hurry up and graduate. Or if I really am interested in this period of time. I think it's a little bit of all three.
All I know is I have 12 more weeks.

Monday, September 17, 2012
A little of this and a little of that
Last week was a bit crazy around here.
Let me start off with the bad, I bombed a quiz. I should have known better than to begin it when I wasn't completely prepared and it showed. While I'm mad at myself I knew at some point this might happened. The good thing is it's early in the semester and I have time to bring my grade up.
R1's first football game was supposed to be on Thursday but it rained all day and it was still raining when school let out so they canceled the game. The good news is my dad and both of my in-laws will be there for this Thursday's game. Which is also our homecoming and it's also Hub's and I anniversary.
I have a dear friend who had some testing done early last week and facing possible surgery some time this week. Her faith in God has been so strong but this week has been rough on her. So if you don't mind please say a prayer for her.
And I will leave you with snippet of a conversation that took place between Hubs and R2 during the Texans vs. Jaguars game on Sunday...
R2: Dad, you know he can't hear you.
I love that kid!
Let me start off with the bad, I bombed a quiz. I should have known better than to begin it when I wasn't completely prepared and it showed. While I'm mad at myself I knew at some point this might happened. The good thing is it's early in the semester and I have time to bring my grade up.
R1's first football game was supposed to be on Thursday but it rained all day and it was still raining when school let out so they canceled the game. The good news is my dad and both of my in-laws will be there for this Thursday's game. Which is also our homecoming and it's also Hub's and I anniversary.
I have a dear friend who had some testing done early last week and facing possible surgery some time this week. Her faith in God has been so strong but this week has been rough on her. So if you don't mind please say a prayer for her.
And I will leave you with snippet of a conversation that took place between Hubs and R2 during the Texans vs. Jaguars game on Sunday...
R2: Dad, you know he can't hear you.
I love that kid!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
We must never forget

We must never forget 9-11 and what that means for our country. I'm sure each of you can remember exactly what you were doing when you heard the news, I know I do.
Here is a story I posted last year.
2977, we must never forget. I will never forget.

Monday, September 10, 2012
I hate it when a title eludes me
It's late and I'm a little delirious at this point. So I'm going to try and recap the weekend.
School is going OK. I'm already ahead on this coming weeks assignments. I'm actually enjoying the readings. I know call me old or crazy. I guess these things just come with age.
And if that wasn't enough for me to add to my plate, I volunteered to be the children's director at our church. Sweet mercy, what was I thinking! Really I was asked by a committee and I prayed about it long and hard before I accepted. I think it will really be a blessing to me, at least that is what I'm praying for.
Saturday night Hubs and I had date night. Let me tell you what date night consisted of, going to Academy and wasting 20-30 minutes, they didn't have what we were looking for. Shocker I know. I was so surprised I got out of there without spending one dime. Guess that kinda makes up for all of the other times I've gone in and dropped $150-$200.
Then we went to eat at Pappadeaux's I'm sorry if you don't have one by you. That's some good eatin' Cajun food. And then date night ended with a trip to HEB. I'm still trying to figure out how we spent more on groceries without the boys than I do when they go with me.
Today we went to church, which we had a great sermon on marriage. At one point I was giggling so much I thought I might have to get up and leave. Then we were invited to go out to lunch. After I came home and tried to read some but I ended up taking a nap. Sleep won over American Lit.
But the best part of the day was watching my niece be baptized. I'm so proud of her. She is a beautiful girl, inside and out.
So I'm off to find Mr. Sandman. Because I'm hoping he brings me a dream.
School is going OK. I'm already ahead on this coming weeks assignments. I'm actually enjoying the readings. I know call me old or crazy. I guess these things just come with age.
And if that wasn't enough for me to add to my plate, I volunteered to be the children's director at our church. Sweet mercy, what was I thinking! Really I was asked by a committee and I prayed about it long and hard before I accepted. I think it will really be a blessing to me, at least that is what I'm praying for.
Saturday night Hubs and I had date night. Let me tell you what date night consisted of, going to Academy and wasting 20-30 minutes, they didn't have what we were looking for. Shocker I know. I was so surprised I got out of there without spending one dime. Guess that kinda makes up for all of the other times I've gone in and dropped $150-$200.
Then we went to eat at Pappadeaux's I'm sorry if you don't have one by you. That's some good eatin' Cajun food. And then date night ended with a trip to HEB. I'm still trying to figure out how we spent more on groceries without the boys than I do when they go with me.
Today we went to church, which we had a great sermon on marriage. At one point I was giggling so much I thought I might have to get up and leave. Then we were invited to go out to lunch. After I came home and tried to read some but I ended up taking a nap. Sleep won over American Lit.
But the best part of the day was watching my niece be baptized. I'm so proud of her. She is a beautiful girl, inside and out.
So I'm off to find Mr. Sandman. Because I'm hoping he brings me a dream.

Friday, September 7, 2012
Go me!
Well I just finished my first weeks assignment, early. It wasn't officially due until Tuesday. I managed to read both sections, watch the video, participate in the discussion board and take my quiz in about 3 three days.
Oh and I scored an 80 on my quiz. Not bad for someone that has been out of the college setting for over 12 years.
So yes, today I'm tooting my horn, because next week who knows, it might be me driving around town with either my blinker left turned on or my seat belt hanging out of the door while I cruise down the road.
I'm off to get a jump on week 2.
Oh and I scored an 80 on my quiz. Not bad for someone that has been out of the college setting for over 12 years.
So yes, today I'm tooting my horn, because next week who knows, it might be me driving around town with either my blinker left turned on or my seat belt hanging out of the door while I cruise down the road.
I'm off to get a jump on week 2.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
The Norton Anthology
So my first official class day is tomorrow but my instructors have already put up the first two weeks assignments.
And being the over achiever that I am, I dove in head first. My book, The Norton Anthology American Literature is 3,027 pages. Yep not kidding.
And so far I've got two assignments this week and the first is to read fifteen pages. But let me tell you those were the longest fifteen pages EVER!! I swear I felt like I had more of a history lesson than a lesson in American Literature. Names and dates and time frames. Blech! History was not my strongest subject.
So I made though the first fifteen pages and I have another assignment tomorrow of about fifteen more pages.
The whole point to this is this, I might me MIA. I really want to to do well with class. I've set the expectation bar high for myself. Which means everything else will take a backseat. Quite possibly even clean clothes and food in the pantry will take a direct hit. Just kidding. Not really.
So if I'm gone you'll know I'm knee deep in American Lit. And who knows maybe Hubs might high jack this old blog to let you know I'm reading an adventure about Christopher Columbus and how he sailed the ocean blue in 1492. See told you more of history lesson.
And being the over achiever that I am, I dove in head first. My book, The Norton Anthology American Literature is 3,027 pages. Yep not kidding.
And so far I've got two assignments this week and the first is to read fifteen pages. But let me tell you those were the longest fifteen pages EVER!! I swear I felt like I had more of a history lesson than a lesson in American Literature. Names and dates and time frames. Blech! History was not my strongest subject.
So I made though the first fifteen pages and I have another assignment tomorrow of about fifteen more pages.
The whole point to this is this, I might me MIA. I really want to to do well with class. I've set the expectation bar high for myself. Which means everything else will take a backseat. Quite possibly even clean clothes and food in the pantry will take a direct hit. Just kidding. Not really.
So if I'm gone you'll know I'm knee deep in American Lit. And who knows maybe Hubs might high jack this old blog to let you know I'm reading an adventure about Christopher Columbus and how he sailed the ocean blue in 1492. See told you more of history lesson.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Three day weekends are never long enough
I know we had an extra day off the weekend and don't get me wrong but it's still never enough for me.
We spent all weekend at the lake with my in-laws and some great friends. We have out on the water tubing, skiing, knee boarding, and swimming.
Oh and of course we ate way to much, a ton of BBQ, and lots of sides dishes and plenty of tea to drink.
Now I'm pretty much exhausted and in desperate need of 12 hours of sleep. But here are a few pictures from our weekend-o-fun!

We spent all weekend at the lake with my in-laws and some great friends. We have out on the water tubing, skiing, knee boarding, and swimming.
Oh and of course we ate way to much, a ton of BBQ, and lots of sides dishes and plenty of tea to drink.
Now I'm pretty much exhausted and in desperate need of 12 hours of sleep. But here are a few pictures from our weekend-o-fun!

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