Hi there, nice to see you. I used to write here once upon a time. But lately I've been busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest.
And just to let you know how busy I've been here is what I did this weekend. Get ready it's gonna be a long one. Just kidding. Not really I'm making up for lost time.
R2 had a ball game at 9am on Saturday and we had to be at the ball park by 8:30. But before my alarm even went off, R2 came into my bedroom at 6:30 and said he was sticky. So all bleary eyed I told him to go wash his hands. He spent the next 5 minutes in the bathroom scrubbing his hands as I lay there trying to figure out how and why he is sticky. Then it hits me...GUM! Yep gum. He feel asleep with gum in his mouth. Which I didn't know he had. So it was all over his face, neck, hair, shirt, and his sheets. So he and I head off to the kitchen and I plop him down on the kitchen counter. I then proceed to put ice cubes on his shirt and his sheets. And while that is freezing, I'm slathering R2's face in peanut butter. Lets just say this, R2's skin has never been so shiny, my hands were frozen for about an hour, and all of the gum came out of the shirt and sheets.
So back to what I was doing this weekend. We made it to the ballpark and watched R2 and his team. They lost but it was a good game and R2 made two great plays that resulted in two outs.
After the game we went out to eat because my dad came to watch and R1 didn't have to be there until 12:30 for his one o'clock game. We took my dad to this hamburger place that is set up like an old diner. The food is delicious and atmosphere is great. Not to mention the hamburgers are really really good!
We got back to the ballpark just as R1's team began to warm up. R1 had a good sold hit during his game. They won and are still undefeated. His game didn't end until 3:00. We had to rush home so I could change clothes, fix my hair and freshen up my makeup so I could go watch my niece dance. Only problem was the major interstate was under some construction and it was backed up for about 3 hours. So I was going to go the back way. But it was raining so heavy and I have never been the back way (small off the beaten path roads that were very curvy according to Hubs who has been down those roads) So I wasn't to comfortable and I ended up not going. So instead I went to the mall to find the boys their Easter shirts and me some new make up that I have been hearing about. So here is the make up I bought. Urban Decay, Naked Basics. It's awesome! I had to hardly use any on my brush for the desired effect.
And here is the shirt I purchased.
We are all going to look great!
So I was on my way home and hubs called and said hey don't forget we need breakfast stuff because we are cooking for the youth at church in the morning. C-R-A-P! I had just turned into our neighborhood. So I go home and unload. Get my HEB list together and head back out. And since I figured I was going to HEB to get eggs, bacon, biscuits, and Sunny D, I might as well get some food for the week. And stuff from the Easter Bunny for the boys, and stuff for R2's class party, and stuff for the big Easter egg hunt at church on Saturday. So almost two hours later I was heading home. I think I ended up with more Sour Patch Jellybeans and hollow chocolate rabbits than I did real food, such as bread, milk, BLT chips, and oranges. By this time it was 8:30 at night and it didn't take long for me to fall asleep once the insomnia decided it was board by me counting Sour Patch Jellybeans.
So fast forward to Sunday morning. Hubs gets up and heads up to church to cook breakfast. He did a great job!! My job was to clean up, which was fairly easy. After church we came home ate lunch, and then Hubs and I tagged teamed. R2 had a birthday party and R1 had a youth function at church that I was asked to help out with. So once again we were hardly home.
Finally got home around 7pm and decided I need to do some laundry because we were out of towels and jeans. I would say shirts and underwear but that will never happen as each child owns about 50 shirts and at least that many pairs of undergarments. I know, I know TMI. Sorry. So now we will all have clean clothes for a while.
And that's pretty much my weekend.
Oh and because I was so busy telling y'all everything I did this weekend I didn't get to mention this. Hubs got a new job! I'm so proud of him. when the new school years starts in August he will be the new technology coordinator at the high school for the district he currently works for. He signed his new contract Friday. I am over the top excited!!! Oh and I to have a new job too. I will be still be working for the University but in a different department. I on the other hand am a bit nervous but only because it's something new and I haven't done this type of job before, but everything in the job is stuff that I did when I worked at Texas Fire.
So between that news for both of us this past week and then all of the stuff over the weekend, I am one tired mama.
Y'all have a great Monday!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Yep it's strep
Well Saturday was opening day at the ballpark. Whoop!
We were there from 10:00am until around 7:00pm. And I will say this, while I love baseball and I enjoy being at the park, it was FREEZING COLD and SO DANG WINDY! I had on a jacket, gloves, a short slevee shirt, a long sleeve shirt, and a scarf and I was still cold.
And because that's just how we roll in S.E. Texas, some of us even had our portable propane heaters out at the ballpark. I can honestly say I did not have a portable propane because I do not own one but if I did I would have had it out. Just sayin'.
Sunday morning we all got up and went to church and then afterwards went out to lunch with some friends. While we were waiting for our food, R2 came and climbed into my lap and just sat there. I knew it was going to go down hill from there. He never climbs into my lap just to sit. Maybe a hug or a kiss in split second he's gone but hardly ever does he just camp out in my lap.
By time we got home I knew he was running fever. So I left the boys with Hubs and took off for HEB in search of all things related to being sick. Motrin, Tylenol, Sprite, crackers, bananas, Gatorade, Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup, oranges, and Sour Patch Kids. Please don't judge, just go with it.
So I loaded R2 up on every over the counter sick medicine known to man and waited till Monday morning when I could call the pediatrician for a sick appointment. And by the time Monday morning rolled around R2's fever was at an all time high of 101.6.
I called the office as soon as they opened and made said appointment for the first one available, 11:00am. RealIy??? I called as soon as they opened and they answered the phone and the first available appointment of the day was 11:00am. And by the look of the sick waiting room when we arrived some of those people must have a standing appointment.
It wasn't long before we were called back and did the normal pre-visit routine. Weight, temperature, and exactly why are you here? Dr. H came in not to long after that and had the nurse come in with him to do a throat swab. R2 wasn't having any part of that and did his best to get out of it, but the nurse got the best of him and 3 minutes later we had our diagnoses...POSITIVE FOR STREP!
One thing I love about our pediatrician, they fax your prescription(s) into the pharmacy of your choice so you don't have to wait nearly as long as you would if you had to drop them off. R2 was hungry and we had sometime to kill before we went to pick up his prescriptions. So I drove us through McDonald's for two large french fries and two medium Sprites. Nothing will make you feel better when you're sick faster than some McDonald's french fries.
When we got home R2 and I piled on the couch and watched movies and snuggled and he took several naps during the day. And even though he's was sick and I hate it when the boys are sick, I sure do enjoy a little snuggle time.
***update*** Wednesday morning: My apologies to anyone who read this before I had to correct all of my spelling and grammar mistakes. Guess that's what happens when you try to write a post when you are sleep deprived and you keep nodding off while typing. Oh and R2 is doing much better today. No fever so he went to school.
We were there from 10:00am until around 7:00pm. And I will say this, while I love baseball and I enjoy being at the park, it was FREEZING COLD and SO DANG WINDY! I had on a jacket, gloves, a short slevee shirt, a long sleeve shirt, and a scarf and I was still cold.
And because that's just how we roll in S.E. Texas, some of us even had our portable propane heaters out at the ballpark. I can honestly say I did not have a portable propane because I do not own one but if I did I would have had it out. Just sayin'.
Sunday morning we all got up and went to church and then afterwards went out to lunch with some friends. While we were waiting for our food, R2 came and climbed into my lap and just sat there. I knew it was going to go down hill from there. He never climbs into my lap just to sit. Maybe a hug or a kiss in split second he's gone but hardly ever does he just camp out in my lap.
By time we got home I knew he was running fever. So I left the boys with Hubs and took off for HEB in search of all things related to being sick. Motrin, Tylenol, Sprite, crackers, bananas, Gatorade, Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup, oranges, and Sour Patch Kids. Please don't judge, just go with it.
So I loaded R2 up on every over the counter sick medicine known to man and waited till Monday morning when I could call the pediatrician for a sick appointment. And by the time Monday morning rolled around R2's fever was at an all time high of 101.6.
I called the office as soon as they opened and made said appointment for the first one available, 11:00am. RealIy??? I called as soon as they opened and they answered the phone and the first available appointment of the day was 11:00am. And by the look of the sick waiting room when we arrived some of those people must have a standing appointment.
It wasn't long before we were called back and did the normal pre-visit routine. Weight, temperature, and exactly why are you here? Dr. H came in not to long after that and had the nurse come in with him to do a throat swab. R2 wasn't having any part of that and did his best to get out of it, but the nurse got the best of him and 3 minutes later we had our diagnoses...POSITIVE FOR STREP!
One thing I love about our pediatrician, they fax your prescription(s) into the pharmacy of your choice so you don't have to wait nearly as long as you would if you had to drop them off. R2 was hungry and we had sometime to kill before we went to pick up his prescriptions. So I drove us through McDonald's for two large french fries and two medium Sprites. Nothing will make you feel better when you're sick faster than some McDonald's french fries.
When we got home R2 and I piled on the couch and watched movies and snuggled and he took several naps during the day. And even though he's was sick and I hate it when the boys are sick, I sure do enjoy a little snuggle time.
***update*** Wednesday morning: My apologies to anyone who read this before I had to correct all of my spelling and grammar mistakes. Guess that's what happens when you try to write a post when you are sleep deprived and you keep nodding off while typing. Oh and R2 is doing much better today. No fever so he went to school.

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