Monday, October 19, 2015

Homecoming 2015

This past weekend was homecoming so the weekend was filled with a flurry of things we needed to do.

I like homecoming. I enjoying seeing all the kids dressed up. The boys always look handsome and the girls are always beautiful. 

R1 and his date were stunning! (but I'm a little partial to them) 

Here you can see for yourself. Stunning!


{amy} said...

I think Homecoming is more fun in a small town where everyone knows everyone. I loved it in high school, but it's different with my kids in high school. Maybe it's because they aren't in football, band, or cheer? I don't know, but it has felt different. I love seeing all of the pictures, and I can't believe how much bigger the mums are now!!

{amy} said...

P.S. I failed to mention that we're in a much bigger town than where I went to high school. You may already know that, but I feel like I didn't explain it well! We're at a 5A school with four schools that size in our district, and where I went to high school was 2A (now 1A)!