There is a fine line between happiness and grief.
I've written in the past about the passing of my dad. About how hard it has been and how one day I wanted to get to the point where when I thought of him I would smile and not cry.
I'm getting there.
I know it sounds crazy but I believe in the little reminders that come to visit you. Such as a certain smell or a song that is played on the radio. One day last week I was driving home from work and an 18-wheeler pulled up next to me on the freeway. It had my dads name in big letter on the side and then again on the back. It stayed right next to me or just a bit ahead of me for most of the way. My dad's name is not a common name at all so I took that as one of those signs. It was as if he was saying hi and it made me smile.
I didn't think about till I got home, but no tears came. Only that snugly feeling like being wrapped in a blanket full of happy memories.
I've come to know that with grief you miss that person all the time. You tend to miss them even more when you realize you will not talk to them,
hold them, or be in their presence again. With happiness you recall all
of the memories you have and that makes you smile and reminds you of the
love you had for that person.
In the words of Winnie the Pooh, "How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." I hope I continue to think of the happiness and smile.
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Monday, July 24, 2017
Vacation es San Antonio or However You Say It
I mentioned a few weeks ago that we were going on vacation. I am happy to report that we went, we conquered, and returned home.
Early in the summer Hubs and I started talking about where to go for a few days and we decided on San Antonio.
It had been years since Hubs and I had been to San Antonio. R1 had been toward the end of the school year and the year before that with his Rocket Engineering class and he had a great time.
So we loaded up the car, drove to Houston to drop off our dog with a sweet friend, and then drove three hours to San Antonio, Texas. Only it took us more like four because we stopped to eat lunch and then we made required road trip pit stop at Buc-ee's. If you have no idea what a Buc-ee's is 1.) Clearly you are not from Texas and for that I'm sorry. 2.) You are missing out on the cleanest restrooms located at super convience store/gas station ever.
Once we got to San Antonio, we checked in to our hotel, freshened up, and head out to the River Walk. We decided to take the boat tour on the river walk and then head over to this BBQ restaurant that we had heard about. County Line BBQ did not disappoint. We ended up sharing the 5 meat platter and added a few sides to accommodate all of us. I can say it was the best BBQ that I have eaten in a long time. After dinner we walked over to the Alamo. We knew it was close to closing but we still wanted to see it. R2 became so enthralled with history of it. He wanted to read everything and hear all of the stories.
The next morning we drove over to Mi Tierra. Which just happens to be one of the best Mexican food places in San Antonio. They are actually open 24 hours and their breakfast is amazing. They also have the freshest pastries from their bakery I've ever eaten. After breakfast we walked over to the Market to look around. The boys had some money for souvenirs and they wanted to see what they could find. All I can say is R2 came home with a ukulele and a magnet in the shape of Texas with two guns on it. It also says, we don't call 911 in San Antonio. I didn't notice the wording until we got home and put it on the fridge.
After the shopping spree we headed over to watch the San Antonio Missions minor league baseball team play. They just happened to have day game and Hubs and I thought it might be fun to take the boys.
We had purchased seats just passed third base and while it was hot, there was a slight breeze blowing in the outfield. Right after the game started a ball park representative came over and asked if we would like to be the family of the day and have our seats upgraded to right behind homeplate for free. Of course we jumped on that and all we had to do was climb up on top of the first base dugout and smile for the camera while they announced us. After our 15 seconds of fame we went and sat right behind homeplate.
Here's the thing about being in Texas in July, it's 9526° outside and there is absolutely no air flow in the four sections behind homeplate. So it was HOT! I got up at one point and got a snowcone but I told them to hold the flavoring, I just wanted the ice. The game was entertaining and the Missions ended up winning.
After game was over we went back to the hotel because the boys wanted to swim before heading over to Fiesta Texas amusement park. We had been a few years ago when we went to the Frio River and they had a blast. While at Fiesta, R2 conned me into riding the Gully Washer. Which is a family water ride. Lets just say by the time I got off that ride I looked like a drowned rat. I was soaked to the bone and had to walk around the park with wet clothes.
We left Fiesta about and hour before they closed. Our original plan was to go to dinner right after but because of the thorough splash fest I had recevied I needed to go back to the hotel and dry off and change clothes. We ended up at In and Out Burger. The trick to that place is to order off the menu. Their menu consists of six things. But if you know how to order off the menu then you're golden. We have a local burger place here in Southeast Texas that I just love but I will say this, that night I thought In and Out Burger was better. I'm sorry Hamburger Depot, please forgive me.
Tuesday we drove to San Marcos to visit the outlet mall. We did a little back to school shopping. While R1 and I were in a store making a purchase, Hubs and R2 checked out the map. R2 found a store that he wanted to visit called Beef Jerky Outlet. That boy loves his beef jerky, so off to the jerky store we went. They have samples of every kind of beef jerky they sell and of course R2 sampled them all. He ended up buying 4oz pack of Prime Rib beef jerky and I kid you not it was gone in about 10 minutes.
Once we were shopped out we headed over to Gruene, Texas. Home of the oldest dance hall in Texas and home of the Gristmill. The Gristmill is a restaurant built into the side of a hill and in the ruins of an old cotton gin that over looks the Guadalupe River. Their onion rings are to die for. It was so hot even with the fans blowing. But the food and atmosphere were great.
On Wednesday before we headed out, we went back to the Alamo. R2 had wanted to take the tour and learn as much as he could about the battle and the soldiers who defended the mission. He was like a sponge and soaked every bit of it in.
When the tour was over we headed home. While we had a great time on vacation, it's always nice to come home.
Early in the summer Hubs and I started talking about where to go for a few days and we decided on San Antonio.
It had been years since Hubs and I had been to San Antonio. R1 had been toward the end of the school year and the year before that with his Rocket Engineering class and he had a great time.
So we loaded up the car, drove to Houston to drop off our dog with a sweet friend, and then drove three hours to San Antonio, Texas. Only it took us more like four because we stopped to eat lunch and then we made required road trip pit stop at Buc-ee's. If you have no idea what a Buc-ee's is 1.) Clearly you are not from Texas and for that I'm sorry. 2.) You are missing out on the cleanest restrooms located at super convience store/gas station ever.
Once we got to San Antonio, we checked in to our hotel, freshened up, and head out to the River Walk. We decided to take the boat tour on the river walk and then head over to this BBQ restaurant that we had heard about. County Line BBQ did not disappoint. We ended up sharing the 5 meat platter and added a few sides to accommodate all of us. I can say it was the best BBQ that I have eaten in a long time. After dinner we walked over to the Alamo. We knew it was close to closing but we still wanted to see it. R2 became so enthralled with history of it. He wanted to read everything and hear all of the stories.
The next morning we drove over to Mi Tierra. Which just happens to be one of the best Mexican food places in San Antonio. They are actually open 24 hours and their breakfast is amazing. They also have the freshest pastries from their bakery I've ever eaten. After breakfast we walked over to the Market to look around. The boys had some money for souvenirs and they wanted to see what they could find. All I can say is R2 came home with a ukulele and a magnet in the shape of Texas with two guns on it. It also says, we don't call 911 in San Antonio. I didn't notice the wording until we got home and put it on the fridge.
After the shopping spree we headed over to watch the San Antonio Missions minor league baseball team play. They just happened to have day game and Hubs and I thought it might be fun to take the boys.
We had purchased seats just passed third base and while it was hot, there was a slight breeze blowing in the outfield. Right after the game started a ball park representative came over and asked if we would like to be the family of the day and have our seats upgraded to right behind homeplate for free. Of course we jumped on that and all we had to do was climb up on top of the first base dugout and smile for the camera while they announced us. After our 15 seconds of fame we went and sat right behind homeplate.
Here's the thing about being in Texas in July, it's 9526° outside and there is absolutely no air flow in the four sections behind homeplate. So it was HOT! I got up at one point and got a snowcone but I told them to hold the flavoring, I just wanted the ice. The game was entertaining and the Missions ended up winning.
After game was over we went back to the hotel because the boys wanted to swim before heading over to Fiesta Texas amusement park. We had been a few years ago when we went to the Frio River and they had a blast. While at Fiesta, R2 conned me into riding the Gully Washer. Which is a family water ride. Lets just say by the time I got off that ride I looked like a drowned rat. I was soaked to the bone and had to walk around the park with wet clothes.
We left Fiesta about and hour before they closed. Our original plan was to go to dinner right after but because of the thorough splash fest I had recevied I needed to go back to the hotel and dry off and change clothes. We ended up at In and Out Burger. The trick to that place is to order off the menu. Their menu consists of six things. But if you know how to order off the menu then you're golden. We have a local burger place here in Southeast Texas that I just love but I will say this, that night I thought In and Out Burger was better. I'm sorry Hamburger Depot, please forgive me.
Tuesday we drove to San Marcos to visit the outlet mall. We did a little back to school shopping. While R1 and I were in a store making a purchase, Hubs and R2 checked out the map. R2 found a store that he wanted to visit called Beef Jerky Outlet. That boy loves his beef jerky, so off to the jerky store we went. They have samples of every kind of beef jerky they sell and of course R2 sampled them all. He ended up buying 4oz pack of Prime Rib beef jerky and I kid you not it was gone in about 10 minutes.
Once we were shopped out we headed over to Gruene, Texas. Home of the oldest dance hall in Texas and home of the Gristmill. The Gristmill is a restaurant built into the side of a hill and in the ruins of an old cotton gin that over looks the Guadalupe River. Their onion rings are to die for. It was so hot even with the fans blowing. But the food and atmosphere were great.
On Wednesday before we headed out, we went back to the Alamo. R2 had wanted to take the tour and learn as much as he could about the battle and the soldiers who defended the mission. He was like a sponge and soaked every bit of it in.
When the tour was over we headed home. While we had a great time on vacation, it's always nice to come home.

Thursday, July 6, 2017
Happy 17th birthday R1!
I honestly wonder each year how we got here so fast. It seems like just yesterday I was watching you toddle down the hall way from your bedroom to the livingroom to go snuggle on the couch.
It also seems since the end of the school I've been in constant flashback mode. In just a few short weeks you will be a senior in highschool. Each one of your school years flashes before my eyes.
You have turned into a handsome young man. While I worry about all of the things that mothers tend to, you never do. You just go with it.
You keep me on toes, you make think about things I normally wouldn't, you surprise me, and you make me laugh. It's one of the many things I love about you.
I am so honored to be your mom and your dad and I love you very much.
I honestly wonder each year how we got here so fast. It seems like just yesterday I was watching you toddle down the hall way from your bedroom to the livingroom to go snuggle on the couch.
It also seems since the end of the school I've been in constant flashback mode. In just a few short weeks you will be a senior in highschool. Each one of your school years flashes before my eyes.
You have turned into a handsome young man. While I worry about all of the things that mothers tend to, you never do. You just go with it.
You keep me on toes, you make think about things I normally wouldn't, you surprise me, and you make me laugh. It's one of the many things I love about you.
I am so honored to be your mom and your dad and I love you very much.

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